PK'd (I don't know if this is the right spot to post this)

Started by mxh24, 04-05-2011

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I just wanted to know a quick question, i only need one answer or a few, Depending on the kill. I had this great character with over 5000 caps and rare armour and I was a trader... Then i got slaved one day and PK'd. I just want to know, i am not complaining. Also he is still in my playermenu (where you can chose what player you want)
P.S (If this is the wrong thread or place to post it please move it or tell me and delete it. Thanks.)

"When in doubt, mumble."


Well if i remember right you need to get auths from admins and apply to pk someone...but it's better to wait an admin to tell you if the Pk is valid or not.


Quote from: Chrono on 04-05-2011
Well if i remember right you need to get auths from admins and apply to pk someone...but it's better to wait an admin to tell you if the Pk is valid or not.
No... Thanks but i am asking if i can get a PK'd character back? The admin Banned my character because it was a PK. Can i get it back or is it just a waste of time that i brush off my shoulder?

"When in doubt, mumble."


It wouldn't be a perma kill if you got it back.

You're not even an official trader, you never applied, and you're not on the roster.


You were PK'ed and it was Authed by Blake
As for your character its dead and can't be used
You were almost banned Perm for disconnecting doing the slave event you were in
In fairness, had you not tryed to make a break for it Kira wasnt going to PK you just slave you a couple days and she planned to sale you to me and I was gonna slave you for a day then knock you out in the desert but instead you did you actions and now you reap what you sow
You pissed of the traders so they got back


I suggest that this thread should be locked, since it is now resolved bascially
