Opinion Polling - Communistic Society

Started by Ragolution, 11-04-2011

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We're currently thinking about making a Communist faction for the FoRP server.

Do you think this is a good idea/would you join this and actually adhere to communistic principles?

This society would actually run like a commune, meaning that everything would be shared. (Indeed this does mean that you will not be able to be "the bestest most awesomest power amor cladest asshole ever".)


A quick summary of the concept behind this. This idea is not very fleshed out at the present as Silver told me to come up with a bare bones concept for something to replace FRA and so I mused about it but nothing has been really set in stone yet.

Quote from: Me from the Admin Boards
Alright Silver asked me to think of a new idea for a major faction to replace the FRA and here is a log showing the bare bones of what I have come up with. What does everyone think? If you're too lazy to read this all basically this is a communist faction. This would put it at odds with the BoS (because they would see the BoS as hoarders not working for the betterment of the Wastelanders) and Enclave for rather obvious reasons. This would prevent any retarded major faction alliances so we don't fall into SRP Duty-Military syndrome. The Communist nature of the faction would prevent retarded practices the FRA was doing like taxing and torturing wastelanders and they would hopefully come together and cooperate against bandits/raiders and also against the other major factions. Being a major faction themselves, they would be armed with flags so they would have enough guns and men to put up a fight against the BoS and Enclave as opposed to having the player based groups which won't be equipped well enough to stand up.


More information is required, here is what I came up with:

Quote from: RanmaChan on 10-04-2011
The Marxist Communist society would have a single Speaker, not that he has any leadership powers other then directing the flow of conversation.  Every single person within that society would be able to voice their opinions and points as directed by the Speaker, and then a vote would be taken on what the course of action should be for that particular problem.  However, rather then just the regular, majority rules, you would then take the winning side and take ideas on compromises and modifications, to try to make that winning idea have an even greater and greater popular margin through multiple votes.

In order to create an actual Marxist Wastelander faction, you would need to have a solid group of people who really, REALLY, want it to work, and will be dedicated to making it work.  You need a Speaker, someone who will be on at all times, to be able to direct the conversation and flow of topics for what ever amount of citizens are around.  You would need your solid core of citizens who understand the goals of this society, and who want to make it work.  It would be hard to try to get regular Wastelanders to join and understand how things work, but it could eventually be done.

In terms of trading, and economy, Marx desired that no single person would be able to control a factory, or a business, or the flow of economics.  It would be the Soviets, or "worker councils" as it originally meant, that directed what a factory or business did, and what each worker made in terms of a living, and did at the place of work.  (Basically, a group of people own the factory in this case, the factory would be in charge of producing ballistic ammunition.  The workers would decide what type of ammunition they want to produce, [what is most needed in the society] and who would do what.)

For scavenging, you would basically have teams of a group of people with a designated speaker type figure, who would direct the actions of the group.  I.E, where to go, what to try to look for, what to keep and throw away, et cetera.  Each person would have free housing, each person would get free food, each person would get free water, and so on, AS LONG AS THEY DO SOMETHING.  From being in a scav team, to working in a "factory" to being a guard, to being a diplomat or trader to other groups.  Each person would do what they want to do, and if someone doesn't do something, anything, they are removed, as they are a parasite.

If something along the lines of this group did come about, and it actually did get really big and populated, the idea of "direct democracy" would be almost impossible due to both time restraints, and the amount of people.  The solution to this is to have the scav team take their elected speaker figure, and vote and fight for them.  The "factory" workers would also elect a speaker for their wants and needs, and he would vote and fight for them.  Its in a sense our democratic system, but the groups would be smaller, and the people being elected to vote actually care about what they are fighting for, because they have a share in that factory, or that scav group.

Again, food, guns, anything found would be distributed evenly to all the people.  People selected based on physical traits to be guards would of course be re-outfitted with better guns and more ammunition, but everyone should be equal in their right to defend themselves should something happen.  People who are wounded would receive a larger share of medical supplies, pregnant women would receive more food and water, et cetera.  There would be no trading within this group, no one needs to make money to buy things, as it is provided for them.  What they must do, is their job, so that they continue to receive food through others.  You know what I mean?

Of course there would be traders to other groups, as well as a possible elected diplomat core."
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


But..liberty prime hates communits,they will be in a big trouble :O-and i voted yes.


I voted yes this sounds like a good idea  :D


It's a pretty good idea,
but you would need somebody with knowledge of how Communism works before you get a Capitalist Communist party.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


I voted yes, but I hope it doesn't turn into lolsocialism.


Quote from: Recreas on 12-04-2011
It's a pretty good idea,
but you would need somebody with knowledge of how Communism works before you get a Capitalist Communist party.

CommanderA has pledged his Communist blood

Politics is basically the only point we don't agree on; He's such a goddamn commie.


Suspiciously cheesy man sighted on east pier at 9pm.


Do it. Just do it. It'll be epic.

A communist society on a small scale not only could prove for interesting RP, it also creates an interesting mind experiment that I'd be happy to observe at the very least--see how you people operate, see if you can make it work right, or if you get a fascist leader who ruins everything! :D

Also, later, I plan to capture Liberty Prime's reaction on video. >:D Kira is a Capitalist through and through so she'll probably be standing on her roof to give Liberty Prime a high-five as he stomps past to vaporize the commies.


"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Guys it's not going to be called a communist society, just operate like one.


Looks like we've got support. Hmm.

Quote from: Plunger on 12-04-2011
Guys it's not going to be called a communist society, just operate like one.

Wait, they didn't realise that?


Its not like Carl Marx and Lenin were the first to discover Communism/socialism. Hell, the Pilgrims were communists if you look at the Mayflower Compact.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Well look at the poll Rago one of the options is join, but not be communist. It's only compared to a Communist Society not an actual communist society, you're scaring people away from the idea by calling it communist.


Quote from: Cutch on 12-04-2011
Its not like Carl Marx and Lenin were the first to discover Communism/socialism. Hell, the Pilgrims were communists if you look at the Mayflower Compact.

Karl* Marx

What the hell are you talking about?  The Mayflower Compact was a document that made sure people would agree to abide by the rules of the government they were about to create.

The group needs to be against the BoS, and one of the only ways to make sure this would come about would be to make the Wasteland faction its opposite.  Instead of hoarding everything they have, they would spread it about freely, in an actual communistic society, not a Stalinistic society.  Please, people, learn the difference between actual Communism and Stalinism.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Regardless, we have at least six people that want to join and would follow the rules, and eight that think it's a good idea but wont join.


Now if only those people that voted, would hop on the server enough to keep it alive.


Quote from: RanmaChan on 12-04-2011
Quote from: Cutch on 12-04-2011
Its not like Carl Marx and Lenin were the first to discover Communism/socialism. Hell, the Pilgrims were communists if you look at the Mayflower Compact.

Karl* Marx

What the hell are you talking about?  The Mayflower Compact was a document that made sure people would agree to abide by the rules of the government they were about to create.

The group needs to be against the BoS, and one of the only ways to make sure this would come about would be to make the Wasteland faction its opposite.  Instead of hoarding everything they have, they would spread it about freely, in an actual communistic society, not a Stalinistic society.  Please, people, learn the difference between actual Communism and Stalinism.
No, you're completely missing the point, the point is not to have a faction that is an enemy of the BoS, it's so that wastelanders will have an actual place to go, and roleplay. The idea is that this faction will leave the BoS and Enclave alone so the BoS, and Enclave can focus on each other. Not some more bullshit cannon fodder that the BoS keep asking for.


When we told the people that Steel Town was over people attempted to start building.

Though once BoS kicked Jakob out since they wanted the gas station until the teleporters are up, that attempt, died.


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Something about having BoS use some sort of teleporters to act like their base is not under the gas station.

Like they walk through a door, and it pops them out a door inside a cave elsewhere.


All I am saying is this:

Creating a faction that roleplays in this fashion would both create an interesting and different type of RP, as well as create a surefire reason as to why they should not ally with any other faction.  Because of their humanistic tendencies, Wastelanders would be completely cared for.

The BoS is not asking for a cannon fodder faction, in fact, we keep arguing against any faction that would give us an IC reason to either ally or hate.  This faction would focus only on helping the Wastelanders, meaning they would be completely ignored by the BoS.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 12-04-2011
Quote from: Cutch on 12-04-2011
Its not like Carl Marx and Lenin were the first to discover Communism/socialism. Hell, the Pilgrims were communists if you look at the Mayflower Compact.

Karl* Marx

What the hell are you talking about?  The Mayflower Compact was a document that made sure people would agree to abide by the rules of the government they were about to create.

The group needs to be against the BoS, and one of the only ways to make sure this would come about would be to make the Wasteland faction its opposite.  Instead of hoarding everything they have, they would spread it about freely, in an actual communistic society, not a Stalinistic society.  Please, people, learn the difference between actual Communism and Stalinism.
Quote from: RanmaChan on 12-04-2011
All I am saying is this:

Creating a faction that roleplays in this fashion would both create an interesting and different type of RP, as well as create a surefire reason as to why they should not ally with any other faction.  Because of their humanistic tendencies, Wastelanders would be completely cared for.

The BoS is not asking for a cannon fodder faction, in fact, we keep arguing against any faction that would give us an IC reason to either ally or hate.  This faction would focus only on helping the Wastelanders, meaning they would be completely ignored by the BoS.
Make up your mind please.


I didn't mean it as in they should be against the Brotherhood so much they wish to attack it, or are hostile, I mean what I said afterward, they need to be the opposite of the BoS.  The BoS hordes what they have, this group needs to be open to the Wastelanders.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."