Leon Research Roster/Relations

Started by Frostee, 23-04-2011

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Leon Research Roster

Name | ID Number | Postion | OOC Name | Steam ID
Dr. Henry Iverson | ID #14674 | Lead Researcher | FrostyFrosty | STEAM_0:1:24921714
OPEN | ID #92673 | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
OPEN | ID #71096 | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
OPEN | ID #79185 | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
OPEN | ID #26925 | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN
OPEN | ID #49163 | OPEN | OPEN | OPEN

Leon Research Relations
Brotherhood of Steel: N/A
Kira's Karbines: Neutral
Wastelanders Neutral


Removed Ragolution, due to me not seeing him on his Leon AT ALL