Jake for SV

Started by mxh24, 15-05-2011

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Just a recommendation for an SV, It is hard to play FoRP with no SV to static or make containers...
Everyone who agrees 2077 (Jake) Should be Fallout SV, Post something below.

A few reasons I recommend him:

1. He is constantly on getting other people to join.
2. He is fair about bans and follows/instructs the rules very good.
3. He is always giving good comments about our community, For example he made a facepunch thread to get more users/players.
4. He is fair about the rules, and I think we need at least one SV.
5. He puts everyone in place, as what you can do for certain factions.
6. He has made many events... That where really good, and I enjoyed them.
7. He will ban when seen necessary, he doesn't take sides when in a fight.

(Not trying to suckup, We just need an SV  ;D)

If you have any more reasons, post below and I will add them.

"When in doubt, mumble."


I approve of this message. Blake was ok, but we have to admit he did play with his power. I mean, freakin' power armored raider? Well, I can live with that. It's the plasma rifle and alien pistol he used to own that pissed me off. Either way, even while Blake cleaned up his character (no silly stuff like alien tech) he just quit. Now that he's gone we need a new SV.

I like Jake because he plays by the rules. No special treatment for friends. I know this first hand. >_x But I respect him for that.



I gotta say,I hate you Jake,I really do.
But I agree you should be SV.You are fair.


...And then Blake returns because of this thread.
Our usual Blake.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway