For Jake

Started by meetdadoom, 13-05-2011

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About the Garret guy.

OC] Jack Sawyer: sweet
[ADVERT] [6'2|Well built|Green ...]: Garrett's shop is now open in underside, he sells guns and ammunition... HE just got a new stock on guns!** Jum'kabin walks in boldly.
[6'2 l Blue Eyes l Thi...] says "Hello there."
You hear rumors of a new gunshop owned by Garret Martin.
[6'2 l Blue Eyes l Thi...] says "It was?"
(o) [OOC] Jack Sawyer: could i get a little radio in the watch tower?
** Jum'kabin kneels down and takes out a bottle of bleech.
** Jum'kabin cuts up small pieces of aluminium and puts it inside the bottle.
** Jum'kabin closes the cap and begins to shake the bottle.
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
** Jum'kabin drops the bottle over the bridge.
** the bottle gets extremly smoky inside and begins to enlarge.
** Jum'kabin ducks.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: Is that aimed towards me?
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit2.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
** the bottle explodes shooting out small pieces of shrapnel.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: :D
** Jum'kabin takes his shotgun out and aims it at the window
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit5.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: Honestly?
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: did you get hit by any of the shrapnel?
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: After I just made my fucking shop.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: its okay if you say no but, you should atleast be shocked.
Jum'kabin yells "Drop your all your fucking weapons out the window!"
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: all your
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit5.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "I have none."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "Oh wait.."
Jum'kabin yells "Now, We can do this the easy way"
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "I have this"
Jum'kabin yells "or, we can do this the hard way!"
** [6'2|Well built|Green ...] drops a 9mm and chucks it out the window
Jum'kabin says "Good!"
Jum'kabin yells "Now, you said you had a shipment of weapons."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "Doesnt come till tomorrow."
Jum'kabin yells "/me takes the duffle bag hanging at his waist."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "Stop robbing people."
** Jum'kabin throws it at the man with one hand.
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "You bastard."
Jum'kabin yells "fill it up."
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: 3 guns
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "I just told you.."
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: and two boxes of ammo.
** Jum'kabin pumps his shotgun.
Jum'kabin yells "You sure?"
** [34 | Ducktail (black)...] raises his shot gun.
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "Yes."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "Now fuck off."
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "What the heck is going on."
** [6'2|Well built|Green ...] takes the pistol and jumps out the window
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: yeah I honestly don't think this should happen, this guy was spending awhile ooc dramming it up
Jum'kabin yells "This faggot owes me some money."
** [6'2|Well built|Green ...] aims it at the man as he is distracted
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "Bullshit"
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Hey i just got here.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: You just fucking robbed me.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: wanted to see who was rping
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: I saw you aiming that shotgun.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: no ooc dramma
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: He is robbing me as you can see
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: I am aiming at him
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: Not you.
Jum'kabin says "This faggot owes me a fucking shipment."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] says "I don't ow you shit"
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "Hrm"
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] says "You came in, wanting a shipment"
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "Interesting."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] says "And I said no."
Jum'kabin says "If you help me out."
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: BTW
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: NO STK
Jum'kabin says "I'll give you a gun from the shipment."
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: ofc
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "THERE IS NO FUCKING SHIPMENT"
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "I told you..."
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "Oh that shipment."
** [34 | Ducktail (black)...] chuckles
Jum'kabin yells "Why don't you drink a nice tall glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP>"
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: fuck
Jum'kabin says "Now!"
Jum'kabin says "The shipment."
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: OOC fire
Jum'kabin says "Drop the weapon."
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "I. Don't. Have. It."
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "What about you both lower those guns."
Jum'kabin yells "Take that duffle bag and fill it up."
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: dude stop fucking around
[6'2|Well built|Green ...] yells "There IS NO FUCKING SHIPMENT"
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: I heard you in /advert going I HAVE WEAPONS LOL
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: YOUR THE BIGGEST FUCKING fag I've ever seen
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "What the hell."
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Stop fighting in ooc
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: You... you raid 24/7, and never rp
** Jum'kabin fires his shotgun at the man's legs.
** [6'2|Well built|Green ...] gets hit and falls down in pain
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: FUCK
(+) Poopship McGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee has connected to the server.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: Misfire..
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: My bad.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: he you 34/ducktail, was I roleplaying?
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: or was I loling around?
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Yeah.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: thankyou
** [6'2|Well built|Green ...] drops his gun and falls to the ground
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: YOU
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Roleplay pretty much
** Jum'kabin slides down the hill.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: WHICH IS THE FUCKING---
** Jum'kabin kicks the gun away from the man.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: the one your holding.
(o) [OOC] Doctor Thomas 'Rusty' Busteed: Event going on?
Jum'kabin says "Hey."
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: I ICLY dropped it.
(o) [OOC] Oni Veradad: Nope.avi
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: For fucking sakes
Jum'kabin says "Go check the shack if there is any weapons."
(o) [OOC] Jakob Lancashire: I don't like you stealing my phrase, Veradad.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: drop two guns.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: ?
(o) [OOC] Oni Veradad: :3 U mad?
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: as the loot.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: NO, I SAID NO STK, NO STK = fucking GR
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: I ICLY dropped it
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: I am cutting you a break.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: No
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: You being a fag
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: omg..
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: one second.
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: You guys are getting no where.
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: nowhere*
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: First time trader, you fucking rob.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: ALL you do, rob rob rob.
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Thats what bandits do.
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: Your not a bandit
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Making some rp
Failed to load sound "ambient\levels\city\citadel_cloudhit5.wav", file probably missing from disk/repository
Jum'kabin says "Welcome to the wasteland fucker."
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: That is their excuse to saying, "OH I want the best guns EVAR!"
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: and stk doeesn't mean their is no gear return
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: NO stk, Yes
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: STK means I re-flag
[LOOC] Garrett Martin: IF you kill me
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: this is robbery rp so drop a a few items. And me and my friend will be on our merry way.
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: No you respawn in STK
** Jum'kabin fires at the man's head.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: did he.
[34 | Ducktail (black)...] says "WOW "
(o) [OOC] Garrett Martin: Good job, you killed me without STK
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: Well he cant return.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: he didn't drop anything.............

Synopsis. I dropped a bleach bomb to scare him. Came down at gun point. I convinced a guy that I was actually trying to get a shipment (it was a lie) and then the guy says he has no weapons even though in the begining he had an advert about the guns. He then goes on about  how STK=  No GR and STM=GR which I have yet to see this. Then I kill him and ask him to drop a few weapons as loot since it was robbery rp. He just reflags. after the event he continued to bitch for a good 20 minutes about me.

I am giving the guy a break and ask that you don't ban him or anything. Jake just wanted to see this.

[LOOC] Jum'kabin: we are just goin gto pretend that the fucker had two guns
(o) [OOC] Garrett Martin: Jum'bakin, you gotta chill with the robberys.
[LOOC] Jum'kabin: what a real ass.
[LOOC] Adrian Ranger: I love the misfire
(o) [OOC] Doctor Thomas 'Rusty' Busteed: Jum'Bakin always robs 24/7, that's how he rolls.
(o) [OOC] Garrett Martin: About 5th time you've robbed me, and 6th on other chars.

Comment: I only have three characters. One was a PBG leader and has no gear and I never used. The other is the vault character, and then their is Jum'Kabin who is my only raider. I have only raided him once maybe in the past.

(o) [OOC] Jakob Lancashire: ANd one of these days he's gonna attract unwanted attention.
(o) [OOC] Jum'kabin: Anyone can rob and welcome to the wasteland. Now, if you continue to bitch I will get an admin on to ban you.
(o) [OOC] Garrett Martin: I lol'd.
(X) You cannot cannot talk out-of-character for another 7 second(s)!
[ADMIN] [RaiderOutfit|MissingEar.]: Calm



Well, he didn't really do anything except casual stuff like flaming and avoiding a robbery. Khorn will take care of him since he's leading the traders.

I warned him.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Relating back to my old post about me bitching. This is just proof that everytime I try to rob, people flame and avoid robbery.

And he was spweeing bullshit out of his ass making rules up.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 13-05-2011
Relating back to my old post about me bitching. This is just proof that everytime I try to rob, people flame and avoid robbery.

And he was spweeing bullshit out of his ass making rules up.

Post logs if this happens again when you rob someone.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Will keep that in mind.

--Reserved for next logs-----



I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.


Quote from: Poopship on 13-05-2011
I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.

You can't powergame without powergaming...?

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Quote from: Poopship on 13-05-2011
I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.

Says you, your the one who didn't know about the spread of a shotgun. I powered game? You metagamed by knowin the guy who is 6'2 with a rag on his head from 20 yards away was me. Next weapons, have you ever shot an assult rifle? Probably not. I let you guys then kill me and I even put a show on how the rag caught on fire and then burnt my beard and then spread to my body.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 13-05-2011
I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.

Says you, your the one who didn't know about the spread of a shotgun. I powered game? You metagamed by knowin the guy who is 6'2 with a rag on his head from 20 yards away was me. Next weapons, have you ever shot an assult rifle? Probably not. I let you guys then kill me and I even put a show on how the rag caught on fire and then burnt my beard and then spread to my body.

I'm not sure how you can metagame knowing someone. ICly someone can think its him or her. And sometimes they're wrong or right. And you do kind of powergame, saying all our guns are shit for accuracy, yet yours can pin us. Maybe you might want to let up a little? Maybe not pull rambo shit and powergame your way out of it?
funny gifs


Quote from: R3BooT on 14-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 13-05-2011
I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.

Says you, your the one who didn't know about the spread of a shotgun. I powered game? You metagamed by knowin the guy who is 6'2 with a rag on his head from 20 yards away was me. Next weapons, have you ever shot an assult rifle? Probably not. I let you guys then kill me and I even put a show on how the rag caught on fire and then burnt my beard and then spread to my body.

I'm not sure how you can metagame knowing someone. ICly someone can think its him or her. And sometimes they're wrong or right. And you do kind of powergame, saying all our guns are shit for accuracy, yet yours can pin us. Maybe you might want to let up a little? Maybe not pull rambo shit and powergame your way out of it?
The robbed side avoided RP, they did not get hit by any of the shrapnels from the bleach bottle, which was seriously unlikely as he caught them in a surprise attack. My two cents.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 14-05-2011
Quote from: R3BooT on 14-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 13-05-2011
I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.

Says you, your the one who didn't know about the spread of a shotgun. I powered game? You metagamed by knowin the guy who is 6'2 with a rag on his head from 20 yards away was me. Next weapons, have you ever shot an assult rifle? Probably not. I let you guys then kill me and I even put a show on how the rag caught on fire and then burnt my beard and then spread to my body.

I'm not sure how you can metagame knowing someone. ICly someone can think its him or her. And sometimes they're wrong or right. And you do kind of powergame, saying all our guns are shit for accuracy, yet yours can pin us. Maybe you might want to let up a little? Maybe not pull rambo shit and powergame your way out of it?
The robbed side avoided RP, they did not get hit by any of the shrapnels from the bleach bottle, which was seriously unlikely as he caught them in a surprise attack. My two cents.

I wasn't relating to the topic. I was relating to something that happend to me and a group of friends.
funny gifs


Quote from: R3BooT on 14-05-2011
Quote from: lolKieck on 14-05-2011
Quote from: R3BooT on 14-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 14-05-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 13-05-2011
I absolutely hate how you one-sided roleplay all the time, you always make it seem like you always win and even when you are fleeing we lose. It's like you are powergaming without powergaming.

Says you, your the one who didn't know about the spread of a shotgun. I powered game? You metagamed by knowin the guy who is 6'2 with a rag on his head from 20 yards away was me. Next weapons, have you ever shot an assult rifle? Probably not. I let you guys then kill me and I even put a show on how the rag caught on fire and then burnt my beard and then spread to my body.

I'm not sure how you can metagame knowing someone. ICly someone can think its him or her. And sometimes they're wrong or right. And you do kind of powergame, saying all our guns are shit for accuracy, yet yours can pin us. Maybe you might want to let up a little? Maybe not pull rambo shit and powergame your way out of it?
The robbed side avoided RP, they did not get hit by any of the shrapnels from the bleach bottle, which was seriously unlikely as he caught them in a surprise attack. My two cents.

I wasn't relating to the topic. I was relating to something that happend to me and a group of friends.

Then why are you going off topic?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway



I wasn't relating to the topic. I was relating to something that happend to me and a group of friends.
Then why are you going off topic?

It semi-relates to the topic. As it is about him.
funny gifs


One thing, I know where you got the bleach, But REALLY tinfoil?! where the hell did you find that.

And you always try to win, you tryed to blow down kira's house with paper and a lighter...
Face the fact that when you rob, you don't always win.
(robbed me like 5 times so far... Keeping count)

Also, I did not know about the STK rule yet, they where still figureing it out, And I said no STK = gr, because you wouldent kill him in the first place, your switching it up trying to make me look bad.

Just stateing a point, not flameing.

"When in doubt, mumble."


I'm really glad that everyone on FRP knows how to make IEDs
Both of them should be banned for flaming and just generally starting drama on the server


Quote from: Sith 121 on 15-05-2011
I'm really glad that everyone on FRP knows how to make IEDs
Both of them should be banned for flaming and just generally starting drama on the server

its not IED........I have even stated that, I got auths for it. There are many videos on youtube about this shit.

Our Best Works Bomb



O ok your just making a aluminum and toilet bowl cleaner bomb


Quote from: mxh24 on 15-05-2011
One thing, I know where you got the bleach, But REALLY tinfoil?! where the hell did you find that.

And you always try to win, you tryed to blow down kira's house with paper and a lighter...
Face the fact that when you rob, you don't always win.
(robbed me like 5 times so far... Keeping count)

Also, I did not know about the STK rule yet, they where still figureing it out, And I said no STK = gr, because you wouldent kill him in the first place, your switching it up trying to make me look bad.

Just stateing a point, not flameing.

Literally, I have two items, one bottle of bleech and scrap can be it. Jake Authed it.

I have only robbed you that one time and maybe another time but, I got killed.

The book on fire was a diversion. Of course its not going to burn down a metal roof.



Didn't knew Bleach could blow up when it touches alluminium.

And after a small research of the two items you said, I found this. Look at it explode and the guy filiming it. He seems alive.  I had nothing better to do today :Dbleach bomb


Quote from: Aresty on 16-05-2011
Didn't knew Bleach could blow up when it touches alluminium.

And after a small research of the two items you said, I found this. Look at it explode and the guy filiming it. He seems alive.  I had nothing better to do today :Dbleach bomb

I have gone over this with Jake and Sith/Church, it was only mean't to scare him to catch him off gaurd.
