Fallout roleplay updates and changes

Started by jaik, 27-05-2011

0 Members and 13 Guests are viewing this topic.


I'd love a faction that would pack a dip in their upper lip.


Quote from: Steven :D on 31-05-2011

Paintcheck will you return as the leader of the Enclave? Or are you done with FORP?

If people want me to bad enough then I guess. But it sounds like that's not the case


Quote from: Paintcheck on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Steven :D on 31-05-2011

Paintcheck will you return as the leader of the Enclave? Or are you done with FORP?

If people want me to bad enough then I guess. But it sounds like that's not the case

I'd want you to, only because I've never seen you on and it might bring your friends onto the server and it will live once more.


If Paint returned as Leader of Enclave, and I had a worthwhile computer, then I would return to be under his leadership. Even if I had to start at the lowest rank.


I'd vote for him, but didn't someone mention a "powergrab"?


Quote from: Jake on 31-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
My idea of a colonial period faction that strived to make their economy based off of Tobacco was swatted down because "tabacco is not likely in Fallout" Even though in Fallout Newvegas there is a plant called Coyote chewing tobacco.

Khorn told me that he was never informed and Blake also told me that he wasn't informed and Blake is considered "Higher than" Jake since Blake recommended Jake only to be kept under a watchful eye by blake and the rest of the admins.

Wrong. I didn't turn down the idea only because of that. You're just too arrogant to admit that your idea is quite "dumb" too, you didn't think how players will interact with it. I already told why won't this work.

I did inform Blake, however he failed to respond at that time.

By the way, I don't why are you bringing up who's above who. I respect Blake's decisions and I always suggest to him what I think is right. I try not to force my decisions upon him.

I know when my faction ideas are dumb.Vistas, Chotas, Addington, and somewhat Texan Republic were all dumb. This one actually seems to have potential. Me and Paintcheck are working on setting this faction up and we have plenty of ideas. We aren't going to make Tabacco the main export because most agriculture doesn't grow well in the North East due to the Climate. However, stable crops such as Barely, Wheat, and oats grow very well in Massachusettes and were infact a big export from Massachuesettes along side fishing, ship making, and fur trade. Paintcheck and I are currently thinking of how the goverment would work and I think I have a good plan. The main weaponary for the people will be hunting rifles and hunting shotguns for Muskets would be stupid although they are extremily powerful, are inaccurate.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Jake on 31-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
My idea of a colonial period faction that strived to make their economy based off of Tobacco was swatted down because "tabacco is not likely in Fallout" Even though in Fallout Newvegas there is a plant called Coyote chewing tobacco.

Khorn told me that he was never informed and Blake also told me that he wasn't informed and Blake is considered "Higher than" Jake since Blake recommended Jake only to be kept under a watchful eye by blake and the rest of the admins.

Wrong. I didn't turn down the idea only because of that. You're just too arrogant to admit that your idea is quite "dumb" too, you didn't think how players will interact with it. I already told why won't this work.

I did inform Blake, however he failed to respond at that time.

By the way, I don't why are you bringing up who's above who. I respect Blake's decisions and I always suggest to him what I think is right. I try not to force my decisions upon him.

I know when my faction ideas are dumb.Vistas, Chotas, Addington, and somewhat Texan Republic were all dumb. This one actually seems to have potential. Me and Paintcheck are working on setting this faction up and we have plenty of ideas. We aren't going to make Tabacco the main export because most agriculture doesn't grow well in the North East due to the Climate. However, stable crops such as Barely, Wheat, and oats grow very well in Massachusettes and were infact a big export from Massachuesettes along side fishing, ship making, and fur trade. Paintcheck and I are currently thinking of how the goverment would work and I think I have a good plan. The main weaponary for the people will be hunting rifles and hunting shotguns for Muskets would be stupid although they are extremily powerful, are inaccurate.

Make a faction page. I am interested already.


Quote from: Poopship on 31-05-2011
I'd vote for him, but didn't someone mention a "powergrab"?

Dude,think twice before you say something.
Also yes,everyone here looks like they wank Paintcheck for Enclave leader,so why not?


I was wanting to be the leader, but I will freely vote Paintcheck in. When I was a recruit in it, he did well at leading the faction. First of all Paintcheck needs to agree to wanting the position.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Blake is considered "Higher than" Jake since Blake recommended Jake only to be kept under a watchful eye by blake and the rest of the admins.

Didn't Blake lose his powers as an SV? I could have sworn he did. I remember Blake saying something like that. Or maybe I dreamed that.


Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Jake on 31-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
My idea of a colonial period faction that strived to make their economy based off of Tobacco was swatted down because "tabacco is not likely in Fallout" Even though in Fallout Newvegas there is a plant called Coyote chewing tobacco.

Khorn told me that he was never informed and Blake also told me that he wasn't informed and Blake is considered "Higher than" Jake since Blake recommended Jake only to be kept under a watchful eye by blake and the rest of the admins.

Wrong. I didn't turn down the idea only because of that. You're just too arrogant to admit that your idea is quite "dumb" too, you didn't think how players will interact with it. I already told why won't this work.

I did inform Blake, however he failed to respond at that time.

By the way, I don't why are you bringing up who's above who. I respect Blake's decisions and I always suggest to him what I think is right. I try not to force my decisions upon him.

I know when my faction ideas are dumb.Vistas, Chotas, Addington, and somewhat Texan Republic were all dumb. This one actually seems to have potential. Me and Paintcheck are working on setting this faction up and we have plenty of ideas. We aren't going to make Tabacco the main export because most agriculture doesn't grow well in the North East due to the Climate. However, stable crops such as Barely, Wheat, and oats grow very well in Massachusettes and were infact a big export from Massachuesettes along side fishing, ship making, and fur trade. Paintcheck and I are currently thinking of how the goverment would work and I think I have a good plan. The main weaponary for the people will be hunting rifles and hunting shotguns for Muskets would be stupid although they are extremily powerful, are inaccurate.

Tobacco was never grown in Massachusetts as a crop.

Other crops you mentioned would work, but Tobacco would just die up here. There's a reason we've never grown the stuff.
Strike that, I stand corrected.

Google 'Shade Tobacco' for more information. I'd never heard of the stuff either until now.

Though frankly I think you'd be better off selling an actual food crop. Tobacco seems rather pointless. Sure, it could be -part- of the crop, but not the -entire- crop especially considering this is a post-war wasteland. I'm not sure if tobacco would survive.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 01-06-2011
[Though frankly I think you'd be better off selling an actual food crop. Tobacco seems rather pointless. Sure, it could be -part- of the crop, but not the -entire- crop especially considering this is a post-war wasteland. I'm not sure if tobacco would survive.

That is why its going to be stable crops. Regular crops grow bad in the northeast due to the climate. Barely, wheat and oats can be planted in the Spring and harvested by late fall.



Quote from: Poopship on 31-05-2011
I'd vote for him, but didn't someone mention a "powergrab"?
By powergrab, I meant overexerting ones power that he apparently does not possess. Also, I was forced to lead FRA when I was an admin. I originally refused the position BECAUSE i knew that sort of thing would happen. Fucking cacs.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Cutch on 31-05-2011
To me it seems like half the people posting in this thread are trying to either get brownie points or try to make a power grab.

Just sayin.



1 point to Turkey, right?

But to ask, Jake, do you have any idea when this may occur so I can set a more solid deadline for trader update?


Quote from: Khorn on 01-06-2011
But to ask, Jake, do you have any idea when this may occur so I can set a more solid deadline for trader update?

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Khorn on 01-06-2011
But to ask, Jake, do you have any idea when this may occur so I can set a more solid deadline for trader update?

I don't think anyone even knows if this will occur. I know Exile saw this topic at least once, because I saw "Last.Exile is viewing this topic" one day, but we haven't heard from him since for anything including but not limited to this lore change.


ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


The lack of response from Exile is a bit troubling, I do admit.

Without a definitive yes or no for the lore change--or at least the character wipe--it's making me hesitant to log in to RP if everything is just going to get nuked anyway.

I also feel bad selling guns to people who are possibly just going to lose them anyway, especially with the unusual apparent spike in new players as of very recently. Or maybe I'm just seeing people I normally don't see.


Like I said in the Shout box, play regardless of the upcoming wipe.

Enjoy your character while it last and don't give a shit if you are going to need to start it all over in the coming months.


If all you care about are your sweps and caps then just play New Vegas. The looting and shooting in that game are so much better than what Gmod will provide you'll have a lot more fun.


Quote from: Khorn on 02-06-2011
Like I said in the Shout box, play regardless of the upcoming wipe.

Enjoy your character while it last and don't give a shit if you are going to need to start it all over in the coming months.

It's not easy to immerse yourself in these conditions.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


This brings about a chicken vs egg argument: Is the server empty because of this lore change or is this lore change making the server empty?

Personally I think the server is empty because of some horrendous decisions made early in FO's life that have all but wrecked it by this time.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 02-06-2011
This brings about a chicken vs egg argument: Is the server empty because of this lore change or is this lore change making the server empty?

Non sense. Both questions ask the same thing.

I thought it's quite obvious that the shitty decisions and leaders are responsible for our very small amount of players in FRP.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 02-06-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 02-06-2011
This brings about a chicken vs egg argument: Is the server empty because of this lore change or is this lore change making the server empty?

Non sense. Both questions ask the same thing.

I thought it's quite obvious that the shitty decisions and leaders are responsible for our very small amount of players in FRP.


If people are logged into FRP, more people join. It's just a matter of getting people on. We only need a small number of folks, at least 3-4 people, before a server starts to get quite crowded for a day.

For the Bad Company 2 clan I'm in, that's what we do. "Hey guys, server's empty. Wut do?" "Let's join in and dick around until people show up!" If we get at least six people in the server (though this is a first-person shooter mind you) people start swarming in. Twenty minutes later we got a full game.

For a roleplay server, you need less people, but the concept is generally the same. If people are there, others will come. If no one is there, no one will log in. Nobody likes an empty roleplay server.

This responsibility should be up to the dedicated players and administrators of the Fallout RP server. Unfortunately I think Jake is the ONLY admin right now. :| I'd like to help out populating the server on a slow day though, even if that means just sitting around in my shop until people log in.