Fallout roleplay updates and changes

Started by jaik, 27-05-2011

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Lore Changes
Basic canon changes:
Facts, additional timeline

  • 1) 2242 - Chosen One died in an attempt to destroy Enclave.
  • 2) 2255 - Enclave becomes the most dominant faction on the West coast, gaining over a thousand elite troops.
  • 3) 2256, September - Enclave division consisting of soldiers and scientists are dispatched to the east to populate the Raven Rock base.
  • 4) 2256, December  - Enclave discovers that an organization known simply as "The Institute" is one of the most technologically advanced factions in the American wasteland. Several squads are sent to its headquarters in the New England Commonwealth to strike a deal, located in the ruins of Boston.
  • 5) 2256, May           - Enclave troops secretly settle near the Commonwealth and slowly form their own sinister plot to steal technology from "The Institute" for themselves.
  • 6) 2256, May           - A scouting unit of the now weakened Brotherhood of Steel arrives in Boston and settles in an abandoned fallout bunker. It starts its own investigation on the Commonwealth, as well as "The Institute" and its tech, not yet aware of Enclave's presence.
Time: 2256
Location: New England Commonwealth, close to the actual Commonwealth
     -rp_salvation - The heart of the New England Commonwealth, in the governing city of Boston
     -rp_apocalypse - Outskirts of the Commonwealth, somewhere in eastern Massachusetts


Enclave returns. The division holed up in one of the Institute's buildings. This division is definitely not the most battle-hardened and experienced one.

The Institute while not an actual faction, they are the organized power of the Commonwealth. They are known for capturing people for their tests.
There will be a few event chars who belong into the Institute. Usually they will give missions to wastelanders.

The Minutemen are people against The Institute which invaded the Commonwealth. They don't seem to be hostile to the scouting newcomers in power armor and instead are planning on using them against the Institute. The faction itself is inspired by historical events during Revolutionary War. However, the leadership holds more interest for what lies inside the Institute, rather than "freeing" the Commonwealth from it.

Brotherhood of Steel has never shown presence in the New England before. Four squads of different specializations arrived at New England recently to research and investigate the area.

Wipe and a minor change to economy

Wipe is vital to stabilize the economy. Some IC and "personal" character items will be refunded, since we aren't actually disappearing anywhere, but rather moving the story to a different (and more interesting) location.
I also want traders to have 'cash' or '0' flags, because currently it's cheaper for traders to buy items from T-menu rather than buying from wastelanders. This causes the economy to stop because all looted items will collect dust in safeboxes. Numerous events will be done by the (hopefully new) administration team.

We need a more active administration team. At one point it was just me alone, it's quite a hell since someone needs to do those events, loot drops and generally entertain the server population. I request an ability for SVs to pick operators so that we could handpick those who are actually GOOD.

Factions, forums
If this will be considered at all, I want correct sub-forums for the Resistance, Enclave and the Institute (which will serve as an IC faction, occasionally events will be announced there). I want the unnecessary factions removed completely (ECR, LEON Science, The Red Militia, Vault 10, Boones)

Ending our current story
For those who seriously want to keep their characters, I will make unique events for them. During these events they will eventually end up at The New England Commonwealth.

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Very intresting idea, Jake. I hope it works out well, though it could bring some bad blood on some players...

I'd personally prefere to be able to take my character over to there, if you wouldn't mind too much.

Seriously, good luck.
Wolf for admin.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


I'm posting in relation to the economy. Hopefully I'm understanding all of this story and my response remains valid. I don't think a full out server wipe is a good idea.

I don't want this thread to turn into a huge flame war debate like it did in-game in the FoRP server not 20 minutes prior to these posts. I'm going to post my opinions on it, why I feel the way I do, and why I think I may hold alternative solutions.

Before any of you try to use the reasoning, "You're just mad because you'll lose your stuff!" you're wrong. I'm getting my stuff back. Kira is a trader, and traders are getting their stuff back. I'm worried about the rest of you.

GOOD NEWS: Server wipe means pretty much everyone starts over. That means everyone is on equal footing and no more unfair advantages gained through the abuse of factions, or even more annoying, some stupid past admin who spawned something idiotic like plasma rifles or power armor or hazmat suits or whatever else that doesn't belong. I remember Rag once put a Gatling laser in my weapons cache for whatever foolish reason. It's since been removed, but the fear is other players might also possess such items.

In addition, a player wipe would make sure that no members of old factions have any unfair advantages in this new world. For example, let's take Boonesborough. Boonesborough won't exist in this new storyline, so that means that everyone loses faction affiliation with it and has to start over. Personally, I like this. What some people don't like is the fact that they'd get to keep all their armor, all their weapons, and those tens of thousands of caps they possess. Once they're in the new world, they could literally just buy their way to the top and establish a monopoly. That's a problem for obvious reasons.

If Jake would care to add anything else, feel free to post below Jake.

BAD NEWS: This is why I think that a player wipe is a really bad idea. First and foremost, we lose everything we've worked for. I know Jake says he will restore and refund some personal and IC items, but what about money we've rightfully earned? What about the weapons we've waited so long to get? This is less of a problem for me because I'm a trader, so don't use the excuse "You're just mad because you'll lose all your money!" No, that isn't why. People are always going to buy guns and I'll be wealthy again in no time. However, for people who are not affiliated with factions, and have earned their own claim to wealth all by themselves, are going to lose a piss-ton of their hard earned weapons and all of their money.

Take my top mercenary for example in my playerbased faction. First off, playerbased factions don't get the paycheck benefits that official factions do. An official faction can earn money 4x faster than anyone else. That means that my mercenary, Maria, earned all of that money by herself. She owns a laser rifle and a laser pistol, both very expensive weapons, and she pays for the ammunition through investments she's made with my character Kira. If you wipe the playerbase, Maria loses everything. Yet, Maria is an unusual case. Surely the average waster doesn't possess a laser rifle! Well, no, but those assault rifles are worth a pretty penny. What about their body armor too? Jakob charges an arm, a leg, your first born child, and then the rest of your money for a set of bloody combat armor. Why? Because he can, because he has a monopoly on the armor market (this is why monopolies are bad).

This brings me to the market now. The market is already in trouble, don't worsen the economy by doing this. You're basically just resetting the entire economy by forcing absolutely everyone to delete their caps and start over with the standard 400. If you do this, it might look good at first, but that money dries up very, very, very quickly. 5 caps paycheck isn't enough. In a matter of minutes, the economy will stall out and die. 400 caps isn't a lot. It isn't even enough to buy a decent rifle and ammunition, and where does all that money go? Gone forever. Disappearing into the trader menu, into oblivion. The economy will suffer abrupt deflation because no one can afford ANYTHING, and then crash entirely after this.

Finally, and most importantly, a lot of people are just going to quit. Stalker RP is vastly more popular than Fallout is from what I've noticed. If everyone loses their stuff here, they'll just say "fuck this" and go elsewhere to RP. Many will just focus on Stalker and Fallout will fade into inactivity. Personally, if I had absolutely all of my stuff wiped out and I never got any of it back, and I was the average player, I'd just quit. If it's not fun anymore, I'd quit. The greatest mistake I've seen administrators make in -all kinds- of video games, roleplay servers, social networks, forums, and so on, is they always have the mentality of, "We can't ask the community because the community will say no." Well you're playing a risky game of chance here. If you piss off the community, Fallout RP is going to go inactive for a very long time if it doesn't just flat outright die off.


For players with inappropriate items, a vast majority of players do NOT have items that do not belong in the game. When they do, this is what being an admin is about. You demand they give up the items, and compensate them if deemed necessary.

For the broken economy, first off, cash flags are a REALLY GOOD IDEA and I'm glad to see that being used. Everyone right now has useless items that are collecting dust in their lockers because no one wants to buy them, and neither do traders because it's cheaper to buy most items off the T-menu (except pistols). Does this mean raise the T-menu prices? Dear god no, you'd just break the economy by inflation instead of deflation. Rather, cash flags are a very good idea. This allows people to exchange their useless/unwanted items for some kind of cash value even if a trader doesn't want it.

Also, glitched ammo causes problems for the economy too. To fix people glitching ammo, well, fix the damn glitches. I wish I could elaborate better, but the ammo glitch continues to persist because people always need ammo--and everyone already knows how to exploit it. It's really no secret anymore. If they have infinite ammo, why buy ammo from arms dealers? I can plainly tell when people know how to ammo glitch. When they buy a new gun, they buy one box of ammo and take off and I never see them again. That screws up the economy. Exile should just delete the option that allows you to scavenge ammo off enemy weapons, because no one uses that option anyway for its intended purpose.

Last but most certainly not least, the tricky issue of those blasted wealthy faction leaders. You know, traders are FORCED to give out missions to wasters. I didn't understand why at first, and in fact thought it was pretty stupid, but now I understand perfectly. MISSIONS ARE FUN. Pure and simple. Especially now that I am wealthy enough to throw out 1000 caps like it's chump change, I -love- giving wastelanders missions when I have ideas in my head! But... why don't factions have to give missions? They earn more money standing around doing nothing than I do in all of my weapons dealings. Factions should be required to post some kind of missions now and then for wastelanders just like the traders are forced to. This will stabilize the market and all those wealthy bastards won't let their caps go to waste. I also believe that the faction paychecks should either be broken in half, wastelander paychecks doubled, or both to equalize the market at a 10 cap paycheck to stop all of these unfair advantages. This can and will solve the inequality of the market as long as the (new) administration enforces these rules. Maybe give them some kind of incentive to do it? Maybe items for their factions? Traders are supposed to rank up and have access to more inventory when they give out enough missions for example. Maybe factions can get stuff like shared item caches, or medical tanks, or jukeboxes, or new weapons?

EDIT: Also, I forgot. Existing faction leaders should be transferred in somehow if you don't want all those caps to go to a silly wastelander. I vote existing factions choose one of the new major factions to join. The Enclave, the BoS, or preferrably the Institute, the Commonwealth (neutral) or the Resistance. That way all the caps stay in a faction who will put it to good use.

EDITEDIT: For the record, when I say "faction leaders" I'm talking about official factions that earn 20 caps per paycheck--NOT playerbased factions.

IN CONCLUSION: The wipeout should be a last resort. We're not at that point yet. We can fix this without wiping out everyone's characters. I'm not denying a wipeout would fix the problems, but it could backfire with the side effects. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. We'd nuke our playerbase and the fallout (no pun intended) of this wipe could decimate Fallout roleplay in the long term.

We do NOT have a strong playerbase, OR administration right now in FoRP. Jake, I know you yourself said you were ready to give up. What if this backfires on us? Then absolutely no one has the desire to RP anymore, leaving the server empty? Would you stick around for a new playerbase to start up? It could be weeks, even months before that happens--if it ever does happen. It's a risk I'm not willing to take. I enjoy the fallout server as it is even with its flaws. However, I'm not willing to completely obliterate a very important aspect of the server when so many of us have too much to lose. Right now, there are still other options that should first be attempted BEFORE we wipe out the whole thing and try again. At least with my plan, if I'm wrong, we have a plan B which is your plan. If you're wrong, the server is dead. Wiping out all players should be nothing but a last resort. Thus, I conclude my side of the argument.

TL;DR the following chart basically explains what will happen if Jake is right compared to if I'm right. This is risk management.

NEW INFORMATION: I've been chatting with Jake. He brought up a very good point as to why a wipe must happen. ICly, all current characters are in the Bluegrass wasteland. We can't have them magically pop up in the new wasteland. However, there will be a thread in the near future about the New England Wasteland. If you can provide a good reason as to why your character would move up north, then some of us will be able to transfer some of (but not all of) our items to our new characters.

Personally I'd like a wipe not to happen, but now I'm on the fence about it because of this statement. It's a very good reason for a wipe.

ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTIONS: Blake came up with something interesting that I thought would be worth mentioning. If Exile says 'no' to the character wipe, then we could change the lore a little to say that the Slavers won instead. This happens and it becomes too much trouble to live in Kentucky, so as Blake put it, they turn to local powers like Kira's Karbines and other traders or arms dealers for help. Kira already has her own plans and reasons for leaving the Bluegrass wasteland, so the rest could just jump on the bandwagon and start a big caravan convoy.

I liked Blake's idea. It serves as a good alternative.


I am all for this wipe. Fallout roleplay was fucked from the begining in the location we are in. I have suggested many times to Silver that we have an event where Enclave bailed and went back to the oil rig or Raven Rock and nucked the location so we can start fallout all over.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 27-05-2011
I am all for this wipe. Fallout roleplay was fucked from the begining in the location we are in. I have suggested many times to Silver that we have an event where Enclave bailed and went back to the oil rig or Raven Rock and nucked the location so we can start fallout all over.

Hey, some people think the wipe will work. It's worked in Stalker RP from what I understand--though I also believe Stalker has a larger playerbase with constant new players coming in, thus it worries me what could happen.

Still, I could be wrong.

Also Jake, you forgot the neutral faction we needed. :P "The Commonwealth" (or whatever we name them) will be the neutral faction. The idea is they are technically governed by the Institute, who polices them with the Enclave, but they are basically just the average wasters who have the perk of not being in the middle of an unforgiving wasteland and instead live in a relatively not-fucked city.

We could make it a playerbased group. Suggested names aside from The Commonwealth are, "Citizens of Boston," "Massachusetts Residents," or maybe "Commonwealth Residents." Point is they are neutral to all factions and possess no military force. Only defensive militia at most.


Your lore is alittle off, but I beleive we talked about that. If the Chosen One died trying to stop the Enclave, they'd have released the FEV virus across the wasteland, killing off everyone. Just incase people didn't see that little loophole.

Anyway, my turn to contribute. Rotational Maps. This is just going to cause so much confusion among the playerbase and could end disasterous. Pick one map and stick to it. When you have two maps, you have tow bases. When you have two bases, you have two caches. One of these will be more than the other. You may say about how you can transfer them, but what if you are unable to get there before the map rotation? Then your faction/store is going to be devistated when it comes to needing to buy/issue more equipment.

The factions: they're so black and white. We have the "Bad" Institution and the "Bad" Enclave. On the other side of the spectrum, we have the "Good" Resistance and the "Good" Brotherhood of Steel. There is no middle ground. Take Stalker RP for example. There is Duty, and there is Freedom. Are they both bad? Are they both good? They are either or. Duty and Freedom are both good and bad, they aren't stuck being the "Evil" Duty and the "Saintlike" Freedom. Do you think that the Military/Monolith/Institute/Enclave think that they themselves are bad? They think they are doing the right thing. They are keeping the zone clear and doing their job/being brainwashed to think it's good/thinking it's worth the cost to help humanity/thinking that they are helping humanity by ridding it of mutations. They all THINK they're good. We don't want CLEAR EVIL and CLEAR GOOD. It just creates stale RP when you can obviously only interact with the good ones without being shot dead.

Coming off this point, they are both good factions, in their own way. Yet they are at war. We NEED wars like that. It is great for stalkers to pick sides between. As a stalker, you obviously cannot choose Military or the Monolith, it just doesn't work. They're the "Mean" Military and the "Super Evil" Monolith. Yet wtih Duty and Freedom, you have stalkers wanting to have an individual faction based on their ideals alone. Certain people want the Zone gone, so they help with Duty. Others wish it to be preserved and open to all, so they help Freedom. It allows great things to happen when you have stalkers battling on factions behalfs.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Quote from: Wolfinton on 27-05-2011
Your lore is alittle off, but I beleive we talked about that. If the Chosen One died trying to stop the Enclave, they'd have released the FEV virus across the wasteland, killing off everyone. Just incase people didn't see that little loophole.

As I explained to Jake, we can always overlook certain bits of canon information for the sake of enjoyable RP... but this might also be too big a detail to ignore, so I dunno. I don't much see the relevance of the Chosen One to us--but I haven't played Fallout 1 or 2.

Quote from: Wolfinton on 27-05-2011
Anyway, my turn to contribute. Rotational Maps. This is just going to cause so much confusion among the playerbase and could end disasterous. Pick one map and stick to it. When you have two maps, you have tow bases. When you have two bases, you have two caches. One of these will be more than the other. You may say about how you can transfer them, but what if you are unable to get there before the map rotation? Then your faction/store is going to be devistated when it comes to needing to buy/issue more equipment.

As I've said to Jake, if we do have a rotation, it has to be predictable. Like week A we're on one map. Week B we're on a second map. Then next week we're on the first map again.

However, I believe Jake also may have two maps because he talked about using RP_Salvation as an "Event" map. In other words, this map is -only- up when something interesting is going on and there are -no- caches in this map since we'd only be on for a matter of one day at most before swapping back to RP_Apoc.

I prefer a predictable map rotation however. Or Exile expand the safebox storage.

Quote from: Wolfinton on 27-05-2011
The factions: they're so black and white. We have the "Bad" Institution and the "Bad" Enclave. On the other side of the spectrum, we have the "Good" Resistance and the "Good" Brotherhood of Steel. There is no middle ground. Take Stalker RP for example. There is Duty, and there is Freedom. Are they both bad? Are they both good? They are either or. Duty and Freedom are both good and bad, they aren't stuck being the "Evil" Duty and the "Saintlike" Freedom. Do you think that the Military/Monolith/Institute/Enclave think that they themselves are bad? They think they are doing the right thing. They are keeping the zone clear and doing their job/being brainwashed to think it's good/thinking it's worth the cost to help humanity/thinking that they are helping humanity by ridding it of mutations. They all THINK they're good. We don't want CLEAR EVIL and CLEAR GOOD. It just creates stale RP when you can obviously only interact with the good ones without being shot dead.

We do need a neutral faction. I think I chatted with you about this.

A 5th faction (at least) that is known as "The Commonwealth" or "Citizens of Boston" or "Commonwealth Citizens" or whatever the hell else we decide to call it. Basically, a neutral faction that has always lived in Massachusetts. They are neither friendly nor hostile toward the good guys or the bad guys. The Institute, being the governing body in a sense of the Commonwealth, will have a law over them--but not using them for war.

Think of a dictatorship of some kind. This neutral faction doesn't particularly like the ruling body, but the ruling body makes up for it with food, water, and medical help to keep them happy. At the same time they don't mind the Resistance giving them problems, but the Resistance can't provide for them either.

Make sense? That's how I envisioned it anyway.

Quote from: Wolfinton on 27-05-2011
Coming off this point, they are both good factions, in their own way. Yet they are at war. We NEED wars like that. It is great for stalkers to pick sides between. As a stalker, you obviously cannot choose Military or the Monolith, it just doesn't work. They're the "Mean" Military and the "Super Evil" Monolith. Yet wtih Duty and Freedom, you have stalkers wanting to have an individual faction based on their ideals alone. Certain people want the Zone gone, so they help with Duty. Others wish it to be preserved and open to all, so they help Freedom. It allows great things to happen when you have stalkers battling on factions behalfs.


- The Resistance The Minutemen Rebellion hates the Institute. The Enclave just gets in the way. They care to protect use the average wastelander against the Institute in the name of liberty. They are the "good guys" so to speak, at least on the surface. They will also see the most combat. Lots of guerrilla warfare and terrorist tactics against the Enclave and the Institute, but more targeted at the Institute than anything. They don't care about the Enclave so much unless they get in the way.
- The Institute is like, say, Aperture Science with a Combine attitude to them. They do what they must because they can in the name of science, and they rule influence the local government ever since the takeover of the Commonwealth by them. They really don't give a shit about any of the wasters, but they keep them happy so long as it prevents rebellions and nuisances like the Resistance. BoS is just a meager annoyance, but because BoS doesn't engage in open conflict (detailed below) they don't care so much about BoS.
- The Enclave are assholes. Through and through. However, this "shoot all wasters on sight" bullshit from the old FoRP needs to be fixed. It was annoying and made Enclave unfun to play as, and flat out dangerous to play with. They never got to RP with ANYONE except each other as a consequence, and then next thing you know it Enclave is inactive. Loosen up the Enclave a little bit to at least talk to wastelanders and collect technology. Former Enclave players insist things were fine as they were. The Enclave would also be working with the Institute to substitute as a police force protectorate against the normal wastelanders and the Minutemen. In addition, for obvious reasons they don't like BoS, but in the beginning there is no knowledge of them. Later, they'd probably attack them given the chance, but their numbers are too lacking, and they are too preoccupied with the Minutemen.
- The Brotherhood of Steel are much like they have been. A little nicer than in the past because they're new in the neighborhood, so they have to work with wastelanders to get technology and other stuff they require. They support the efforts of the Resistance knowing that they are harassing both the Enclave -and- the Institute--but BoS won't get into much direct attacks if they can avoid it until they get reinforced by new recruits or transfers from other units. Good way to look at it is the BoS is using the Resistance as a proxy faction to wage war.
- The Citizens of the Commonwealth are just playerbased groups made in the future for our New England storyline. After seeing some more of the thread below, I don't think we should bother making an official 5th faction like this--but this is how I'd like all town factions to behave. They'd have a militia, they'd have a sheriff maybe (or small police force) and they are tolerable of all other factions. They don't particularly like the Institute, but they get caps, food, water, and meds like I said as long as they play nice together. Meanwhile, they admire the Resistance and all, but they don't want to side with them or they'll get in trouble with the Institute. As for BoS and Enclave, neither of those factions are going to give the average waster trouble either, so these neutral factions will have no trouble with them. These factions should be more concerned about strange newcomers.

I hope these ideas get implemented.

EDIT: Modified the last faction to be more broad and cover all future playerbased groups created with the idea of a settlement or town of some kind. Also changed the Resistance name. We do need a better name. "The Minutemen" and "Sons of Liberty" are two names I've come up with that have historical significance and makes them less generic.


QuoteWipe is vital to stabalize economy

Disagree. We will end up having most of the active playerbase quit. What good is a economy if there is no one that is there to use it?
funny gifs



Read (if you can't be bothered to read the whole thread, read Star's posts). This is a large reason why I stopped playing FO (among numerous, numerous numerous other reasons). You are all too concerned with gear and sweps and items and there is no roleplaying. And it sounds like there still won't be any roleplaying. "Resistance against the institute"? I'm sorry Jake but FO is pretty generic as it is, by bringing in "the resistance" are you trying to create the most generic server possible? This is like a mix of FO (boring, generic post apoc) with HL2 (boring, generic authoritarian).

The ONE thing I thought people were kind of doing well on the server was putting more emphasis on wastelanders going about their daily lives and establishing communities and...living. Granted 99% of the players didn't RP for shit and just wandered around looking for items/begging admins to spawn them items but in theory at least there was less "Good Vs Evil conflict HL2 Yeah!" and more friction rather than outright "These are controlling assholes, you must hate them and fight them" which is what I see this turning into. Yes there needs to be some sort of conflict, I agree but bringing HL2 into FO is not going to work...at least not if you want to still call it FO.

Or you can just disregard this because the odds of me playing FO ever again are about the same as the odds of everyone who has currently posted in this thread being struck by lightning at the same time. Maybe a little bit higher...


Actually, The Institute doesn't "control" any territory except the MIT itself. It has no military strength at all. They allowed Enclave to stay because they want to use them to destroy the resistance, however Enclave is here to take the Institute's technology, they're not aware of BoS's presence yet.
The neutral faction are the wastelanders. Resistance isn't kind to those who don't have the same views on the Institute. Rebels are basically bandits who have lust for the technology inside the Insititute, they don't care for the wastelanders usually.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Wow! I like this idea.  ;D


Do anything what you want,if you really think it will incerace popularity of FRP.


I can totally agree with Paintcheck, but the point is Paintcheck that even though 7/10 people on RP servers are mingebags, most of us do manage to have fun in it.

And Jake isn't some sort of bad tyrant at all, I mean we all have our flaws and if we wouldn't like to be a bit bossy we wouldn't be human but Jake is a damn good admin as he's the only (active?) one.

As for Jakes ideas, I do agree to a wipe because most of the new players that are on or the so called (Average) player just play it for a week and then leave anyways because they have nothing to do. And why do they don't have anything to do? Well because 2 of the biggest factions in FO are inactive and gone.

It should be the Enclave and BoS and that possible faction in between to hand out missions. Whilst they fight wars (Is a good idea and I'll talk about it later.) on a big scale they let small groups or solo players perform smaller missions like infiltrating, stealing, contacting, getting supply drops and etc. This makes it fun and if they really want to players could sign up as mercs to fight in the war right? (Just like in that 100 years of war England vs France).

And wars or battles.. they should be added to add some fun. Because the thing you did with the Slavers vs the town that was a real nice idea.. and what if you do it on bigger scale! You allow factions to own certain areas and to be able to capture areas in return of for example supplies but every battle/capture requires atleast an admin to be on to watch it.(Don't make it SV/SA only since they are rare anyways) and atleast like the same amount of troops on, on both sides. This makes it interesting and factions can be attacked at any time when they have the same amount of troops. Just add things like this.

About trading and traders..... I see now that Spades almost has a monopoly on all weapons and Wolf on the rest basicly. This is annoying, there shouldn't be any local traders. Traders should be in caravans and moving and maybe a new trader class for in towns that has a bit of it all.

I could keep going with these ideas I have but I'm not.

I do support your ideas Jake and I also understand everbodys complaints but changes have to be made.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


You can keep saying that the Commonwealth is the neutral faction, but if they don't have an actual military force they don't count. What I am insistant upon is having a faction that isn't so obviously evil or obviously good, but still has a fighting force to fight the other factions to get what they want. On the other hand, we don't want them to be able to sympathise with the "Evil" faction or we would end up with the silly situation on STRP -- Dooty and Milifags teaming up to fight Freedumb.

It could just be some other invading faction wanting to rule the area and get rid of the rest. They would be friendly to the wasters, yet they are not close enough that they care if they live or die. They may want to rid the area of the mutants, humans and creatures alike. Friendly to the normals, hostile to the mutated.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Sounds good, Thomas Busteed is in Reno. Maybe he would be able to be revived eventually.


Quote from: Wolfinton on 28-05-2011
You can keep saying that the Commonwealth is the neutral faction, but if they don't have an actual military force they don't count. What I am insistant upon is having a faction that isn't so obviously evil or obviously good, but still has a fighting force to fight the other factions to get what they want. On the other hand, we don't want them to be able to sympathise with the "Evil" faction or we would end up with the silly situation on STRP -- Dooty and Milifags teaming up to fight Freedumb.

Commonwealth isn't a faction, it's the place where Institute is located at.
The Institute is the faction you're referring to, I think. They do count because its technology plays the role of the military force(It won't be present on the server), hence why Enclave can't just "lolrush" and take the technology. It's NOT
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: A 5th faction (at least) that is known as "The Commonwealth" or "Citizens of Boston" or "Commonwealth Citizens" or whatever the hell else we decide to call it.

No, I'm talking about the faction that Spades tried to say was the neutral faction in the Wasteland. I am not talking about the Institute.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Quote from: Wolfinton on 28-05-2011
Quote from: A 5th faction (at least) that is known as "The Commonwealth" or "Citizens of Boston" or "Commonwealth Citizens" or whatever the hell else we decide to call it.

No, I'm talking about the faction that Spades tried to say was the neutral faction in the Wasteland. I am not talking about the Institute.

You don't have to believe what Spades says, he's not an SV.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Here is my two cents. Server wipe is NECESSARY!!!!! Server changing to a different canon is NECESSARY!!!!! Both awsome ideas that I agree with Jake on.

These factions that you created jake are too black and white like Paintcheck has said.
Recreas, we don't need brotherhood of steel or Enclave to be FALLOUT. Brotherhood steel at our time should be back at Cali, fighting a war with NCR or fleeing from Cali into the neighboring states. Enclave being in Boston... I have no problem. Raven Rock isn't too far from Boston. Enclave vs. Brotherhood of steel. TOO BLACK AND FUCKING WHITE.

We don't need Major factions like in SRP. We need to make major towns instead. Major towns, each town containing a resource of value. Scraps, Oil, energy, explosives,Agriculture,Livestock,vehicles,etc. Then let player politics take over.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 28-05-2011
Here is my two cents. Server wipe is NECESSARY!!!!! Server changing to a different canon is NECESSARY!!!!! Both awsome ideas that I agree with Jake on.

These factions that you created jake are too black and white like Paintcheck has said.
Recreas, we don't need brotherhood of steel or Enclave to be FALLOUT. Brotherhood steel at our time should be back at Cali, fighting a war with NCR or fleeing from Cali into the neighboring states. Enclave being in Boston... I have no problem. Raven Rock isn't too far from Boston. Enclave vs. Brotherhood of steel. TOO BLACK AND FUCKING WHITE.

We don't need Major factions like in SRP. We need to make major towns instead. Major towns, each town containing a resource of value. Scraps, Oil, energy, explosives,Agriculture,Livestock,vehicles,etc. Then let player politics take over.

It's not black vs white at all. Enclave isn't here to fight BoS and BoS isn't here to fight Enclave. They MIGHT attack each other. BoS is here because it's losing on west coast and sent squads to NE to hopefully acquire Institute's tech.

Also, yes we do need major factions. We already tried to make "major towns", it didn't work.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Woo! Lots to respond to! :3

Also, for the record, in response to certain people who seem to think I am controlling the outcome of the server--I'm not. I'm not an SV. Jake put that perfectly. :P However, I am, like the rest of you, trying to have some input on the matter.

Assume all of my posts are my thoughts on the matter. I'm not demanding anything. I'm just giving ideas.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 28-05-2011

Read (if you can't be bothered to read the whole thread, read Star's posts). This is a large reason why I stopped playing FO (among numerous, numerous numerous other reasons). You are all too concerned with gear and sweps and items and there is no roleplaying. And it sounds like there still won't be any roleplaying. "Resistance against the institute"? I'm sorry Jake but FO is pretty generic as it is, by bringing in "the resistance" are you trying to create the most generic server possible? This is like a mix of FO (boring, generic post apoc) with HL2 (boring, generic authoritarian).

Well I don't want it to be too generic--but mind you these ideas are very rough cut out right now. Let's fix that.

The Resistance is just a short name for "Resistance for the Preservation of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts." Fuck it, this is a placeholder until/if we can think of something better. Basically, these people want to kick the Institute out who moved into the former MIT buildings at any cost. Think of these guys as (as Jake put it) bandits. I prefer the term rebels. Terrorists, even! We think of them as the good guys, but at what cost? Their goals may be just, but their methods I say should be dirty. That adds depth to it.

The Institute is just short for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They have the biggest tech advantage in the wasteland next to the Enclave, but their military force is lacking. When they took over MIT, they did so with their technology--not their numbers. Resistance eventually can build up against them. Maybe my idea of Combine is putting too many of the wrong images in your heads? When I say Combine I'm talking more about the way the government it self functions. Not police officers pushing citizens around like, "PICK UP THAT CAN."

The Enclave, well, that's another story. :P They'd be like, "PICK UP THAT CAN," but where as in the past with the FoRP server they'd just shoot you anyway after picking up the can, in this NEW world, they have to play nice with the local factions too. Why? The Institute demands it. The Enclave wishes they could just storm in and rape the whole place for all its tech--but the Institute remains useful by constantly putting out new technology for the Enclave in exchange for their protection. Basically, right now, view the Enclave as a shadowy version of the Brotherhood of Steel. They're assholes, but they're not going to be trigger happy or that'll ruin the fun for anyone who plays as Enclave... not to mention the rest of us.

The Brotherhood, once again, keep to themselves. They're basically here investigating but are not putting fourth an active military opposition to the Institute or the Enclave. Rather, the Brotherhood would love nothing more than for the Institute to use BoS as a protectorate -instead- of the Enclave, but the Enclave has proven a superior force--so BoS is instead secretly using the Resistance and their terrorist tactics to make the Enclave look bad, and to weaken them. Think of how the United States used the Taliban against the Soviet Union in the Cold War. :P

The Citizens are, once again, the desired behavior of any playerbased factions that make little towns in our newly renovated server.

If you have ideas on how to make these organizations less generic, feel free to let us know.

Quote from: Jake on 28-05-2011
Actually, The Institute doesn't "control" any territory except the MIT itself. It has no military strength at all. They allowed Enclave to stay because they want to use them to destroy the resistance, however Enclave is here to take the Institute's technology, they're not aware of BoS's presence yet.
The neutral faction are the wastelanders. Resistance isn't kind to those who don't have the same views on the Institute. Rebels are basically bandits who have lust for the technology inside the Institute, they don't care for the wastelanders usually.

Maybe not control, but influence. Mind you the way I envisioned it is the Institute took over the Commonwealth in the first place--but because they lack a large military force of their own, they need the Enclave to do it for them.

As for the Resistance, I don't know about bandits... Rebels, guerrilla militias, even terrorists I think is better. That sort of thing. To avoid being generic, and to make things even more interesting, I think the Resistance should be, at first glance, the good guys--but then their hit and run tactics and guerrilla style warfare makes them dirty and underhanded. They'll stop at nothing to wipe out the Institute.

Having a lust for technology... that doesn't make sense to me really. I don't see why they'd care about it. They're not scientists, and they're not  They just want the Institute kicked out. They could care less about the technology as far as I can tell.

Quote from: Recreas on 28-05-2011
I see now that Spades almost has a monopoly on all weapons

I'll tell you right now, that's incorrect. If I had a monopoly, weapons would cost a lot more than they do now. Garrett is an arms dealer, there's a guy in ECR who's supposed to sell arms, and then there's some caravan trader who's name I forget. Plus McGee is trying to be one too.

There's only one armorer, and that's Jakob. He can charge whatever the hell he wants on armor and that's problematic.

Quote from: Jake on 28-05-2011
It's not black vs white at all. Enclave isn't here to fight BoS and BoS isn't here to fight Enclave. They MIGHT attack each other. BoS is here because it's losing on west coast and sent squads to NE to hopefully acquire Institute's tech.

Also, yes we do need major factions. We already tried to make "major towns", it didn't work.


Also let towns fall into the work of playerbased groups.


It's not black vs white at all. Enclave isn't here to fight BoS and BoS isn't here to fight Enclave. They MIGHT attack each other. BoS is here because it's losing on west coast and sent squads to NE to hopefully acquire Institute's tech.

Also, yes we do need major factions. We already tried to make "major towns", it didn't work.

When did we ever have major towns? FRA? pffftt.... that was a major faction that went no where and was on lockdown 24/7. This settlement thing really works and a large scale town can be even better.



Quote from: meetdadoom on 28-05-2011
It's not black vs white at all. Enclave isn't here to fight BoS and BoS isn't here to fight Enclave. They MIGHT attack each other. BoS is here because it's losing on west coast and sent squads to NE to hopefully acquire Institute's tech.

Also, yes we do need major factions. We already tried to make "major towns", it didn't work.

When did we ever have major towns? FRA? pffftt.... that was a major faction that went no where and was on lockdown 24/7. This settlement thing really works and a large scale town can be even better.

Settlements never worked. They died really quick.
Also examples of major towns:
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 28-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 28-05-2011
It's not black vs white at all. Enclave isn't here to fight BoS and BoS isn't here to fight Enclave. They MIGHT attack each other. BoS is here because it's losing on west coast and sent squads to NE to hopefully acquire Institute's tech.

Also, yes we do need major factions. We already tried to make "major towns", it didn't work.

When did we ever have major towns? FRA? pffftt.... that was a major faction that went no where and was on lockdown 24/7. This settlement thing really works and a large scale town can be even better.

Settlements never worked. They died really quick.
Also examples of major towns:

Not all of them...

I'm sure we all remember my Still Water, and that was quite active. I almost gained a citizen everyday, it just fell because I was inactive as a leader. My çitizens/militia waited for me but I didn't come and so they left.

But I'm not sure if you can count Still Water as a real big settlement.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Still Water wasn't supported by admins, so it doesn't count.
Ironically it had been run better than the supported ones.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway