Fallout roleplay updates and changes

Started by jaik, 27-05-2011

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The reason I'd remove the Enclave chars is because Paint's Enclave division(?) consisted of elite soldiers IC. This is not the case here.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Steven :D

Quote from: Jake on 29-05-2011
The reason I'd remove the Enclave chars is because Paint's Enclave division(?) consisted of elite soldiers IC. This is not the case here.
Have some higher ranking officers transfer back in due to previous experience in the field?


Quote from: Khorn on 29-05-2011
I don't know where you were Spades, but Enclave were plenty active even if no one came around. We had enough in-base activities to do.

If you say so, then I'll take your word for it.


The Enclave was all fine but it was just removed because it looked like the Enclave was unnecessary in FORP.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


I like how in this thread a shit ton of wastelanders who never had anything to do with the Enclave at all are acting like we were some sort of cancer in FORP. Half the time we just told people to New Life Rule and leave, we didn't even shoot them and take their precious gear so they wouldn't get butthurt about being retarded fuckheads.

Which is a lot more than most of the people posting in this thread did when they fought other wastelanders.

And Spades you're getting us confused with the BoS. Most of the Enclave had wastelanders they would go on when nothing was happening in the Enclave. We didn't money farm. We didn't need to money farm because we're not fucking retards who need to "win the game" like the BoS/other wastelanders did. We had fewer laser rifles than anyone else. We had less power armor than the BoS. WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING PLASMA RIFLE WHEN THE BOS AND WASTELANDERS BOTH HAD 1 OR 2 FLOATING AROUND AND WE ARE THE FACTION THAT FUCKING INVENTED THAT SHIT LITERALLY LIKE THAT YEAR ICLY.

So kindly shut the fuck up please because you are clearly just throwing my faction under the bus for no reason at all. Or, if you actually HAD legit problems with the Enclave you should have spoken up when it was relevant. I had at least 2 threads in the forums dedicated to complaints/issues just in case one of my troops started being stupid and guess what? It had 0 posts in it from server launch all the way to server death (unless you still consider the server alive at this point, in which case replace "death" with "Silver's stupid decisions about what should happen to the server"

And Jake is right, any Enclave that were at Kentucky would be in their 40s, even the youngest would be like 38 so make new chars. Just say "I was Enclave before Silver in his "infinite wisdom" decided to remove Enclave for no reason from the server" when creating the char and don't whine.


Since this is the more popular topic of FoRP as of late, I will post an FYI for Traders.

View the new topic I posted about Possible Trader Wipes and how you will need to edit your applications.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 30-05-2011
I like how in this thread a shit ton of wastelanders who never had anything to do with the Enclave at all are acting like we were some sort of cancer in FORP. Half the time we just told people to New Life Rule and leave, we didn't even shoot them and take their precious gear so they wouldn't get butthurt about being retarded fuckheads.

Which is a lot more than most of the people posting in this thread did when they fought other wastelanders.

And Spades you're getting us confused with the BoS. Most of the Enclave had wastelanders they would go on when nothing was happening in the Enclave. We didn't money farm. We didn't need to money farm because we're not fucking retards who need to "win the game" like the BoS/other wastelanders did. We had fewer laser rifles than anyone else. We had less power armor than the BoS. WE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE A FUCKING PLASMA RIFLE WHEN THE BOS AND WASTELANDERS BOTH HAD 1 OR 2 FLOATING AROUND AND WE ARE THE FACTION THAT FUCKING INVENTED THAT SHIT LITERALLY LIKE THAT YEAR ICLY.

So kindly shut the fuck up please because you are clearly just throwing my faction under the bus for no reason at all. Or, if you actually HAD legit problems with the Enclave you should have spoken up when it was relevant. I had at least 2 threads in the forums dedicated to complaints/issues just in case one of my troops started being stupid and guess what? It had 0 posts in it from server launch all the way to server death (unless you still consider the server alive at this point, in which case replace "death" with "Silver's stupid decisions about what should happen to the server"

And Jake is right, any Enclave that were at Kentucky would be in their 40s, even the youngest would be like 38 so make new chars. Just say "I was Enclave before Silver in his "infinite wisdom" decided to remove Enclave for no reason from the server" when creating the char and don't whine.

I agree with this post. We only had one suit of power armor and the smallest base, Dont forget that


Quote from: Paintcheck on 30-05-2011

Will you calm the hell down? I am the first and only person who even suggested changing the Enclave (and if I'm not, then feel free to point them out), and that was only because I thought the Enclave players weren't having fun with it. Who are these 'butthurt' wasters you're talking about?

Seriously, pay attention before you rant. You're better than this Paint, at least I'd hope you are. You're all insisting that you all had fun with the Enclave the way it was, and thus not to change it. If this is so, then my ideas to change it are COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY.

If a waster wants to nerf the Enclave so they don't die all the time, well, sucks to be them because that wasn't why I suggested it.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Paintcheck on 30-05-2011

Will you calm the hell down? I am the first and only person who even suggested changing the Enclave (and if I'm not, then feel free to point them out), and that was only because I thought the Enclave players weren't having fun with it. Who are these 'butthurt' wasters you're talking about?

Seriously, pay attention before you rant. You're better than this Paint, at least I'd hope you are. You're all insisting that you all had fun with the Enclave the way it was, and thus not to change it. If this is so, then my ideas to change it are COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY.

If a waster wants to nerf the Enclave so they don't die all the time, well, sucks to be them because that wasn't why I suggested it.

Quote from: Spades_Neil on 29-05-2011
My only worry with making the Enclave just shoot everyone on sight is that if we do it that way, then no one is ever going to want to play with or against the Enclave. That was a problem in the past, and it resulted in everyone just going inactive on their Enclave characters unless they were paycheck farming or had something interesting going on.

Spades the reason why some people are facepalming is because you made false claims about Enclave pay check farming. Please, you are a trader. You have no right to make claims about factions that you were not apart of unless you witnessed these acts.

Stop crying becuase you got E-slapped.

Now on to factions.

Jake, who made these faction ideas?



Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Now on to factions.

Jake, who made these faction ideas?

Pretty much everything is my idea except the Minutemen
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 31-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Now on to factions.

Jake, who made these faction ideas?

Pretty much everything is my idea except the Minutemen

they are dumb. I made up some dumb ass factions so I know what a dumb ass faction is when I see one. They are dumb. Please remake them and actually consult with the other admins. From what I am told is that you never even asked Korn or Blake if this was okay.



Maybe because Khorn is never on? And maybe because Jake is a genious and can save FRP? People will probably join because RP_Salvation is a kick ass map.


Just because I'm not on FRP, doesn't mean I have no say in it.

I've said it before, I don't have the computer to run GMod right now. I still run traders with Rebel though I don't think he cares much for that.


Quote from: Khorn on 31-05-2011
Just because I'm not on FRP, doesn't mean I have no say in it.

I've said it before, I don't have the computer to run GMod right now. I still run traders with Rebel though I don't think he cares much for that.

Never said you don't have a say in it.


Well the way you put it is, since I'm not on, that means Jake doesn't need to ask me or Blake about anything.

I'm all for a wipe and lore change, but I just don't think Jake should handle this alone and make all the decisions.

Not saying he is a bad guy or anything, but when all the choices to be made are dropped on a single person, it can cause corruption or other trouble.


Quote from: Khorn on 31-05-2011
Well the way you put it is, since I'm not on, that means Jake doesn't need to ask me or Blake about anything.

I'm all for a wipe and lore change, but I just don't think Jake should handle this alone and make all the decisions.

Not saying he is a bad guy or anything, but when all the choices to be made are dropped on a single person, it can cause corruption or other trouble.

Well, in that case, sorry for the way I put it. I do think he has done a great job on his own though. Good luck on getting a viable computer soon though.


Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Spades the reason why some people are facepalming is because you made false claims about Enclave pay check farming. Please, you are a trader. You have no right to make claims about factions that you were not apart of unless you witnessed these acts.

Quote from: Spades_Neil on 29-05-2011
Though I could be wrong. You tell me.

Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
they are dumb. I made up some dumb ass factions so I know what a dumb ass faction is when I see one. They are dumb. Please remake them and actually consult with the other admins.

So are you going to tell us how to improve the 'dumb ass factions' or just make an ass of yourself?

All you're doing is flaming. If you're going to whine, at least give some constructive critique instead of just sobbing, "It's dumb, it's dumb, it's dumb. Waaahhh." I complain about stuff all the time. Then I try to give an idea on how to improve what I perceive as being crappy. For example, Paintcheck (earlier) said the factions were too generic. This has been improved as a result. It's more than likely it still needs improvement. So please, tell us how to improve it, because right now you're only wasting time and bandwidth.

If there are still problems with the factions, point out the problems and the solutions. Otherwise we're just going to assume you're too stupid to think of anything better and ignore your input.

tl;dr Stop flaming and say something useful.

Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
From what I am told is that you never even asked Korn or Blake if this was okay.

No idea who you heard that from, because it isn't true. Khorn and Blake both know about the lore change and the desire for a character wipe. Khorn I know is all for it. See his post. Blake, not so much on the char-wipe aspect of it. I've chatted with at least Blake on Steam.

Also Jake is in control of all this. People are getting the false impression that I am in command here. I'm not.


Jake never talked to me personally about this recently, but I know the idea of this sort of discussion has been brought up before and I was always for it.

Since FoRP was going fine in the beginning then fell apart due to certain people and their decision making.

So a wipe of the whole server, players and lore, could possibly, bring life back into the server.


To me it seems like half the people posting in this thread are trying to either get brownie points or try to make a power grab.

Just sayin.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


PS. No one is doing a "powergrab". Or trying to get "brownie points". Shush Cutch, it was probably the idiot that starting FRA that scared people off.


Quote from: Poopship on 31-05-2011
PS. No one is doing a "powergrab". Or trying to get "brownie points". Shush Cutch, it was probably the idiot that starting FRA that scared people off.

What I see in this thread is a bunch of people who don't know what they are talking about talking about things they don't know about. Like this above post.

Steven :D

Quote from: Paintcheck on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 31-05-2011
PS. No one is doing a "powergrab". Or trying to get "brownie points". Shush Cutch, it was probably the idiot that starting FRA that scared people off.

What I see in this thread is a bunch of people who don't know what they are talking about talking about things they don't know about. Like this above post.
Paintcheck will you return as the leader of the Enclave? Or are you done with FORP?


Quote from: Paintcheck on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 31-05-2011
PS. No one is doing a "powergrab". Or trying to get "brownie points". Shush Cutch, it was probably the idiot that starting FRA that scared people off.

What I see in this thread is a bunch of people who don't know what they are talking about talking about things they don't know about. Like this above post.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 31-05-2011
Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
Spades the reason why some people are facepalming is because you made false claims about Enclave pay check farming. Please, you are a trader. You have no right to make claims about factions that you were not apart of unless you witnessed these acts.

Quote from: Spades_Neil on 29-05-2011
Though I could be wrong. You tell me.

Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
they are dumb. I made up some dumb ass factions so I know what a dumb ass faction is when I see one. They are dumb. Please remake them and actually consult with the other admins.

So are you going to tell us how to improve the 'dumb ass factions' or just make an ass of yourself?

All you're doing is flaming. If you're going to whine, at least give some constructive critique instead of just sobbing, "It's dumb, it's dumb, it's dumb. Waaahhh." I complain about stuff all the time. Then I try to give an idea on how to improve what I perceive as being crappy. For example, Paintcheck (earlier) said the factions were too generic. This has been improved as a result. It's more than likely it still needs improvement. So please, tell us how to improve it, because right now you're only wasting time and bandwidth.

If there are still problems with the factions, point out the problems and the solutions. Otherwise we're just going to assume you're too stupid to think of anything better and ignore your input.

tl;dr Stop flaming and say something useful.

Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
From what I am told is that you never even asked Korn or Blake if this was okay.

No idea who you heard that from, because it isn't true. Khorn and Blake both know about the lore change and the desire for a character wipe. Khorn I know is all for it. See his post. Blake, not so much on the char-wipe aspect of it. I've chatted with at least Blake on Steam.

Also Jake is in control of all this. People are getting the false impression that I am in command here. I'm not.

Spades, I have also stated that they are too black and white. And I have given ideas of factions to Jake. Jake swats all of them down. Although other people seem to like them. My idea of a colonial period faction that strived to make their economy based off of Tobacco was swatted down because "tabacco is not likely in Fallout" Even though in Fallout Newvegas there is a plant called Coyote chewing tobacco. Another thing is I do give a little bit of way to improve the factions. TALK TO THE REST OF THE ADMIN TEAM.   

Khorn told me that he was never informed and Blake also told me that he wasn't informed and Blake is considered "Higher than" Jake since Blake recommended Jake only to be kept under a watchful eye by blake and the rest of the admins.



I am just stating, there is no powergrab or brownie points. Ya' meats.


Quote from: meetdadoom on 31-05-2011
My idea of a colonial period faction that strived to make their economy based off of Tobacco was swatted down because "tabacco is not likely in Fallout" Even though in Fallout Newvegas there is a plant called Coyote chewing tobacco.

Khorn told me that he was never informed and Blake also told me that he wasn't informed and Blake is considered "Higher than" Jake since Blake recommended Jake only to be kept under a watchful eye by blake and the rest of the admins.

Wrong. I didn't turn down the idea only because of that. You're just too arrogant to admit that your idea is quite "dumb" too, you didn't think how players will interact with it. I already told why won't this work.

I did inform Blake, however he failed to respond at that time.

By the way, I don't why are you bringing up who's above who. I respect Blake's decisions and I always suggest to him what I think is right. I try not to force my decisions upon him.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway