Explain to me this please

Started by Paintcheck, 17-03-2011

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Ragolution tells me two FRA guys showed up last night with an "Enclave Console" that they had found and decrypted. I would really be interested to know when this happened since it almost certainly occurred after we had all logged off for the night. For you to just walk into what was our camp after we had all logged (or during the time I was sitting in the camp and afk) and be like "Oh hey no one's home but look they left all their gear lying about" and treat that as IC is stupid and then to say "we totally decrypted it and now know about these guys called "The Enclave" is even more stupid. Unless there is something I am missing to this story I would like that knowledge to be voided. You for sure know about "the group of dudes with big guns and strange power armor" because we did launch a small raid on Rust Town last night but that should be the extent of your knowledge at this point unless I am wrong about how you "discovered" this terminal in which case I would still like to know how you came about this knowledge.

SF convo that is sort of relevant as for the source of this information I have.
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: I mean they can CERTAINLY have an idea that there is a strange force out there that is well equipped and wrecking shit
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Because we did show up and kill like 3 people in their town and stuff
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: But for them to go "Clearly Enclave"
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: From that
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Is sketchy
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: Well
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: They read your files
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: or so I understand
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: I would even think they'd be more likely to go-WHAT?
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: OK that is metagaming
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Finding the console is dubious
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: On your terminal?
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: Shrug
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: I wasn't there
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: Bring it up with Hessen and his scout.
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: Shepard.
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Yeah I am going to
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Because that's bullshit
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: You can't say "Oh we cracked the network of the most advanced faction in the entire wastes in 20 minutes while none of them were on"
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: Well
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: One of my Apprentices was there
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: So shrug
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Ok? But none of the Enclave was
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: Again
|HGN-FOTO| cannonInspector: Just saying
|HGN-FOSA| Paintcheck: This is equivalent to me busting into you bunker while none of you are there and saying "I r suddenly know everything"


It probably was some high tech hacker. You know, the 1337 haxor that knows all there is to computers.

But isn't there a rule that, even if all players are off, the base is still secured ICly? Like it has guards keeping the place secure, but only to prevent crap like to happen?


Yeah apparently Bobby's female character Knew what the Enclave is when she overheard a BoS talking about it


Man, damn those hackers with black terminals and green font colors.

And, yes. Icly the base would be secured, locked, under constant vigilance by, quoting our god Xzibit "Tough muthafuckas"


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 17-03-2011
Yeah apparently Bobby's female character Knew what the Enclave is when she overheard a BoS talking about it

Well that's how I found out about this was when speaking to Ragolution over SF about unrelated things and he said an FRA guy told the BoS "all about the Enclave". Which displeases me greatly because now as we see this (possibly) meagamed info is spreading all over the place.


I want to see the town become scorched earth

emperor bobby

I'd like to thank RG4ORDR for bringing me into this Mess for no reason, But To be safe, I'll just restate how i knew that information on my female character. she saw a "strange figure in black power armor, With Purple energy around it" and Watched it Watch the Base. after it left, she told the bortherhood, about how it looked like their armor, but with a strange face plate, and more advanced. They said to eachother it must be the enclave, and she overheard. So, thats how she knew.


I am not worried that people have seen us that is to be expected. I am more worried about how they know we're the Enclave and not a rogue BoS chapter or some other group.

emperor bobby

well uh, theres my reason right above you. so, I'm clear?


That's not a good reason. The Illinois Brotherhood have armor just like that. Infact, the Enclave armor actually shouldn't be anything like that just yet. But, yes, you should be clear.
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson, A.K.A. Gonzo.


What do mean the Advanced Power armor with the bigass eyes? Yeah they should 1 because they're connected to the Oil Rig and Navarro which infact they'd have the armor


The armor model we're using -The Fallout 3 model- never existed on the Oil Rig.
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson, A.K.A. Gonzo.


Didn't we establish that we where inbetween FO1 and FO2 in which case Enclave is known as "Those scary looking guys that kick our ass at times" and not as Enclave? As Im thinking that people would not just automatically go "Bingo MUST be Enclave. . . Whatever the fuck that is lol"
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Zombiehunta on 17-03-2011
The armor model we're using -The Fallout 3 model- never existed on the Oil Rig.
No shit if some can get the Remnants Armor from NV i'd be perfect
and Also people seem to want to be the Enclave and know they are


Then what was the point of your intial comment, RG4?
An yes, Tom, that is correct.
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson, A.K.A. Gonzo.


Either it's explained or it's void. Period. This is extreme bullshit.


Bobby you're fine it's not your fault FRA apparently metagamed info to BoS. Just void the "Enclave" part. You can still say you saw people in weird armor but you don't know who/what they are.


I have possessed no knowledge up to the point of viewing this topic. It helps if you guys actually message me instead of making threads about it.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


You weren't on and I didn't want it to spread because it's hard to void something if everyone on the server doesn't realize it was horribly metagamed.


FORP has had bad shit over the week? or days it's been up from
Super Vault Dwellers
Auto laser pistols
Now at everyone knows whose the Enclave is


I constantly attest that I've thought the enclave was an Outcast faction.

I don't know what my initiates are doing, but I might slap them.

Regardless, I allow it to be voided without hesitation.


Honestly Me and paint were talking about the entire town becoming Scorched Earth


Quote from: RG4ORDR on 17-03-2011
Honestly Me and paint were talking about the entire town becoming Scorched Earth

I'm not suggesting that the FRA, BoS, Slaver's guild, Vaulters and some Wasteys could fend of the Enclave...

No wait. That's exactly what I'm suggesting.


emperor bobby

Funny, i didn't know rg was in the enclave, or that paint would take his opinion into consideration, Learn something new everyday.


RG's not he just likes it when I kill people for some reason. He suggested killing everyone as a way to force a mass NLR and void. For obvious reasons that is not happening. But it wasn't a bad idea.