Erika's Journal

Started by Shanaro, 10-11-2010

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**I slightly revised my backstory, and I added links to the various things Erika can do so one can kinda get a visual perception**

"Think back.. Think back.." I said to myself as I vacantly stared at the notebook, fumbling with the small pen in my hand. I paused for a moment as my thoughts slowly came together, I knew what to write, it's time to start.

   Day 1: Introduction
     "I suppose a journal or biography wouldn't be right if I don't put my past before I start writing the present. So I'll start with that." My hand slowly came to a stop as I wrote the first sentence, memories flooding back to me, so vivid you could touch them. I slowly began writing again, I decided to write about my life in the vault before anything else. "I'll start with when I was born. I was born in a vault, I don't remember which one, and I honestly don't care, nothing ties me to that place anymore except memories. I was born and I was raised, I suppose I wasn't raised in a typical manner from the other kids, my parents were high figures in the vault and their authority kind of intimidated people. As such I didn't have many friends. My family had started this all, we had close ties to the government, as such our family had special treatment when it came to food, water, clothing, you name it. My Great Grandfather, Grandfather, and Father were all great martial artists, they had practiced as such to keep the cultural heritage of our country intact, if not in the world, at least in our family. Our vault had a set date to open, and my family knew that I would be the youngest member of the family when the vaults actually opened. Suddenly I had all this responsibility thrust upon me, they were trusting me to carry on our families legacy, which I really didn't get."

      I pushed back in my chair a few times, looking up at the ceiling before I gathered my focus and once again began writing. "At the age of 5, my fathers side of the family began teaching me in martial art's, more than the act of fighting itself, they way you live it, breath it. It all was a code for living that went down deeper than any fist or sword could. When I turned 10 years old I had learned 2 martial art's and was actively practicing them everyday, I had more focus during that time than I ever will in my life. I was beyond devoted, any minute that wasn't spent eating or sleeping was spent practicing my disciplines everyday. At age 11 I had successfully passed basic training for Aikido and Kenjutsu, it was now up to me to maintain my skills and keep them sharp. Aikido is a martial art that deals with counter-attacks, rarely, if ever will I attack someone first. As such I have to rely on my opponent to give me a reason to fight. Aikido uses an opponents weight, center of gravity, and velocity against them, by throwing off all these factors, I can easily flip someone 3 times my size. Kenjutsu is the art of the blade, katana to be exact. It has a deep connection with your relationship with your blade and a strict code that follows that relationship.

     I heaved a heavy sigh, putting down my pen to go and get a drink of water, after returning I read the last few lines of where I left off and began writing again. "The day I left the bunkers is one i'll never forget, only my parents came with me, we spent much time in the dessert, and had managed to build a small shack, water was scarce, but food was abundant. Around a month after we left the bunkers I was pulled aside from my daily chores by my father, he had a gift for me, it was my 14th birthday and he wanted it to be special, he handed me a large, long gift wrapped in leather, I unwrapped it slowly to find that it was our families heir, a shiny katana with an old sheath, it was well over 200 years old, it was actually forged by my great grandfather, the only reason why it was in such good condition is because my family took more care of it than they did of themselves. I hugged my dad tightly and we had a wonderful birthday dinner, little did I know that it would be the last time I ever hugged either of my parents.."


   I closed my eyes and breathed deeply for a minute or two, fighting back the surge of emotions that were so desperately trying to escape, after regaining full control I began to write again. "About a week into living in the wastes, things were going well. I had heard rumors of the Enclave in the area and was worried about them, but my parents assured me that they were there to help. One day when we were scavenging I heard a loud whirling noise that I couldn't quite understand, suddenly I was on the ground. Both my parents were unconscious and I was fading fast, my eyes drew to a close as I quietly accepted my death. If only it was death that awaited me.. I awoke in a testing chamber, one I would spend the next two years of my life in. The Enclave were continuously experimenting us, trying to create a "super soldier" by combining the perks of the known mutations in the wastes. They kept us well fed and clothed, it was in their best interest after all. They had a lot riding on us. One day my parents tried to escape, they told me that they would try and find a Brotherhood outpost, sadly the Enclave scientists overheard this and killed them instantly, right in front of me. One night the small outpost decided to have a party, their most recent serum completed my mutation and they were quite happy with themselves and decided to celebrate, this is when I lost it. These horrible people killed my parents and now their getting drunk in a bar!? Sadly a blacked out, when I came to I was standing on a hill over the outpost, watching it burn. I was tightly clutching the katana that my father had given me that fateful day, staring at the 4 Enclave scientists and 2 Guards that were dead.

      Not long after the fire died did I bury my parents at the site and headed off. I gathered anything I felt was necessary to survive and left.

~Erika Skye~

Erika's Combat **Aikido**
Excellent Aikido Demonstration
Aikido Women - never underestimate her :-)

Erika's Disarms **Aikido**
Combat Aikido Gun Disarms
Mirror's Edge All Disarms HD Quality ((Mirrors edge I know but still works))
Aikido Basic Disarms

Her Disarms and most of her combat work only on GOOD RP'ers, a good RP'er knows that his/her character wouldn't expect someone to disarm them so suddenly, HOWEVER. I still give the other person a chance to counter if they decide they want to try.

Erika's Sword (Strength, Sharpness, Ect)
Samurai Katana-Fight Science (Toshishiro Obata,Bren Foster) ((This one is the best, because it's NG. xD))
9mm Versus Katana
T-10 Tool Steel Katana - Destructive Testing
Katana V.S. Steel Chair

I've put a lot of thought and hard work into this character, I hope you like her even if she is a bit to badass =P

So, sense so many people seem extremely confused, I decded to post the Enclave File on Erika, giving her mutation, I'm sure some of you will be surprised on how much you've talked her up.

Enclave Log, File 523: Erika Skye

Test Subject: Erika Skye
Mutation summary:
Erika Skye is one of our most sucsessful test subjects, although we haven't worked out the destabilization, we have found that by giving her a pint of blood once a month stablizes her mutation, the Iron Content in blood helps keep the mutation stable. Here is a list of known advantages over the avaerage person she has. We are aware that she has learned Martial Art's from her father, but we are keeping that out of the mutation, as she learned this BEFORE becoming a test subject.
**Slightly Faster than the Average Wastelander, say a watselander can run at tops 10 MPH, we've recorded Erika sprinting at 13MPH, there is no doubt that with training people could become faster than her, but not many people take that into consideration.

**Higher Heal Rate: Heals slightly faster than most, say it takes a week for a cut to scab over and close, it takes her 5 days, not much, but still a considerable amount.

**Increased Sense of Smell and Hearing, we can determine what she can or what she cannot hear. Typically, depending on age, audible frequencies will be between 20-30 Hertz on the low side of the audio spectrum, and 10-16 kiloHertz on the high side of the audio spectrum. Erika, however, can hear the whole spectrum between 16 Hz (Hertz) and 20 kHz (kiloHertz), this is an amazing achievement.

Sense of smell has been increased, she isn't at a dog's level or anything, far from it, but she can smell on avergae 1.5 times greater than the average wastelander.

**Her sight is also increased at night, we took away the natural inhibiter that controls pupil dialation, by doing this, at night her pupils can almost fully dialate, letting in more light than the average wastelander, this doesn't mean she can see farther than a wastelander, this means she can see things easier at night, however, avoid shining bright lights in her eyes, this could cause temporarily blindness as well as permanaent damage.

**We are also proud to reveal that by combining genes from a Ghoul and other Mutants, she is immune to radiation, this shouldn't come as a surprise, our main ghoul was to combine diffrent Gnones of those Mutants who are immune to radiation, and combine it with her gnome, so far she has shown no sign of ghoulification, which means we've managed to achieve this without altering her apperaince, shots of this will be made within the week.

These are the mutations that have been recorded through testing, after a night at the bar, we will continue working on making her even better.

**Read** I hope by reading this, people can put the exagerations of her out of mind, because in all honestly she isn't all the better than the average waster, She isn't super strong anymore, her eyes don't turn red, this should make you happy right?

EDIT: Added Erika's mutation log to the backstory, CONSTRUCTIVE Critisism asked for, please do not over exaggerate Erika in any way, shape, or form, over exaggerations will be removed from the topic. However, if you give your honest opinion on her without giving a rant, then that post will not be removed.


This is good...But dont you think you should okay all the stuff with the Enclave with Paintcheck first, since he is the leader, and Second, HGN FalloutRP is dead.


Quit losing hope, I doubt it is dead.
There are just other things to be developed in STALKER first, then Fallout will come.

As for the backstories, they seem well writ, and a good read.
"Is it just me, or have peoples' hands been growing out of their asses lately?"


Quote from: Headcrabs on 11-11-2010
Quit losing hope, I doubt it is dead.

Yeah guys, it's not dead, It's gone


Quote from: Pawx on 11-11-2010
Quote from: Headcrabs on 11-11-2010
Quit losing hope, I doubt it is dead.

Yeah guys, it's not dead, It's gone


HGN FO RP has as much chance coming out as...I've used this line so often I've run out of witty things to say. It's never coming out.

First off your writing is very good technically and I like the sense of emotion the character has when your write the little details and tics the character is doing while writing this. Unfortunately that is where my "like" stops and hopefully you are not the type to immediately see criticism and become defensive. Please just read this all since it will save you a lot of time and labor later on in the event the server actually does come out.

First off, you cannot just say "Enclave worked on me, I have a mutation" for 2 reasons. Reason 1 is this server's canon is not related to what most Fallout servers run so please read up on it before you start making up what the Enclave do to you and your family. This server takes place in 2236. The Enclave are not yet well known, they have not really been out exploring at this point. Your family wouldn't be aware of their existence unless you happened to live in one of the areas near Mariposa where the FEV shit was going down, but since this server takes place well after FO (during which Mariposa and the genetic experimentation shit was destroyed) and since as I recall from IG this char is like 16. FO1 took place in 2161. It is now 2236. So there is no way your character was part of the genetic mutation shit going on 75 years ago. At least not if she is 16 like she is in IG. Also that happened on the West Coast. Our server takes place in an area near Ohio (precisely to prevent chars like this from existing, so even if you were one of those mutants, what possible reason do you have to head to Ohio from Nevada?
Reason 2 is that declaring yourself to be a superstrong, superfast mutant without admin approval is blatant powergaming. Even with admin approval it is pretty powergamey (which is why you most likely aren't going to get admin approval for this).

On IG this character was a weeabo 16 year old who somehow had a katana that could penetrate power armor effortlessly and knew crazy kung fu shit that was instantly fatal even when this char was being shot at. Yes I can read the story where you explain how that came about but I don't care. Katana's are fucking rare in the United States, probably moreso after the nuclear apocalypse but fine we'll ignore how unlikely that is since I guess one would take family heirlooms into the Vault. It's the "I r uber l33t martial artist" that pisses me off more. I don't care how many degrees of a black belt you are, a 16 year old who knows kung fu is not going to win a fight against the only true military still in existence in the entire world. The Enclave is trained, they are professional soldiers and scientists descended from the best and brightest of the nation. They also are wearing the most advanced power armor out there (which, since our server time period is basically the Enclave's first real contact in force with Wastelanders, would be absolutely terrifying to the average wastelander who has never seen anything like Mk2 Power Armor in their lives) and armed with the most advanced laser weaponry in existence.  Your kungfu shit may fly at IG but in the quite unlikely event that FO actually comes up here that WILL NOT HAPPEN. Period I don't care how "trained" you are, or how "half mutant" you are, swords and kung fu do not beat trained Enclave soldiers with power armor and laser weapons. Maybe if you were lucky and ambushed a lone Enclaver on patrol you might kill him/her if you managed to backstab them or something but against any Enclave who was aware of your presence and actively trying to kill you you would die. Period.

Your mutations are also grossly overpowered. I don't care how nerfed you "think" you made them, having perfect night vision, being able to run 3 mph faster than anyone else, and being immune to radiation are gross powergames. I realize at IG you're an admin and they let you do that over there but this isn't IG. Also, the Enclave's genetic experimentations with FEV produced supermutants. Not weeabos. Which is why the stopped doing them, because they weren't creating 16 year old girls who watch too much anime, they were creating big green things that were violent and unstable and prone to breaking shit uncontrollably. Think about it, if the Enclave had "such good luck with the experiments on this Skye person" then they would immediately do the same to all their soldiers. Meaning your char wouldn't have any advantage over them, since the entire Enclave would be faster, have perfect night vision, and all the other powergamed traits you described. Since these traits exist solely for you to justify your character's ability to kill Enclave effortlessly you're basically back at square 1, since if we assume these mutations for work for Ms. Skye we can assume the Enclave did them to themselves. Therefore any advantage this would give to Skye against the Enclave is negated by the fact that the Enclave would have the same mutations themselves.

...Except they don't. The Enclave's attempts at supersoldier creating stopped when Mariposa blew up and Frank Horrigan died. Since that was 75 years ago in the timeline, well I think I beat this horse enough.

Oh wait, one more point. Like I said before, you need an admin's permission to bring in shit like this for obvious reasons. Or else everyone would make backstories about how "godlike" they are and then say "look I wrote a backstory therefore it's canon". Right now the only confirmed FO admin is Cutch and I can already tell you he will not like this idea. And from what I have seen from this character in my (admittedly very brief time) at IG I do not like this idea either. It is asking to be powergamed and godmoded.

Thanks for your attention.  Like I said, the story is decently-written. But it is not canon, will never be canon, and will not validate that character as you want to play her


EDITED: Due to Paintchecks suggestions.

Well I agree with Paintchecks suggestions for Clutch and the team. There correct in many ways then one and he didn't lie he was there and I showed him the server and he applyed for there Enclave back when they had a Enclave which they killed off because of it being a to minor group in New Vegas. Well after he applyed he got accepted pretty easily and started roleplaying. He didn't like the quality of roleplay that was going on at all because most of his fellow members were pretty much pretty new to roleplay (I wouldn't call them n00B they had some experience if you want to call it that.). Well he asked the owner of the server (Wingman) if he could keep Erika Sinclair and he said sure what eva' so he kept it and went on roleplaying. Sometime after that I recieved Trial Operator and advanced to Operator pretty quickly. There was one dude who donated for Super Administrator but it was kept behind close doors but pretty much everyone knew that and I was quickly kicked by the Super Administrator because I cryed out on his actions in a pretty good criticism letter I sent off to the head Administrator. Which was then after that letter I sent out was when I was kicked from the administrator team. After that I left and played other games and went on HGN Stalker RP sometimes and roleplayed with what groups / people that were there.

So yea I agree with paintcheck he was there and he saw the characters and stuff so yea. The real reason behind this reply is that this character along with James Klaix (IceFire). Were moved over to here because of them being PK'ed / there faction destroyed utterly by the administration team, And I don't see why they would move here when theres obivously more control and maturely here then at there old community and you can tell they don't read anything but they just posted at the first Fallout Roleplay server they could find / suggested to play on or check out. I personally think these characters should just be left alone with and not allowed to be created on our server when it comes out or IF it comes out which im starting to doubt it will but you can hope...

Anyway see ya ,


Quote from: Paintcheck on 12-11-2010
...Except they don't. The Enclave's attempts at supersoldier creating stopped when Mariposa blew up and Frank Horrigan died. Since that was 75 years ago in the timeline, well I think I beat this horse enough.

I think that Frank Horrigan died on 2242, in FO canon that is.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Fallout WikiaHorrigan was eventually killed in 2242 by a tribal known as the Chosen One, the PC in Fallout 2.
But still they halted their FEV experiments after Mariposa.
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Yeah you're indeed correct Jake, I got FO1 and 2 mixed up there. But the point is he was the last of those soldiers and he was far from human.

Steven :D

Paintcheck =/= FO2 Enclave Drill Sergeant yes?


I know this thread has already been beat like a dead horse but this thing is denied. I already told a lot of people who wanted me to accept their character apps that I would not allow this type of bullshit on this server. When FORP comes up, and I see anyone pull this shit, I'm giving a warning then a 24 hour ban.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Steven :D on 13-11-2010
Paintcheck =/= FO2 Enclave Drill Sergeant yes?
Again. What the fuck does this add to this thread ?
Get out and don't post anything which doesn't add up constructive criticism.
Try to make your character normal, it's not like every Wastelander knows Kung Fu Karate Kyokushi Judo.
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Just cause I like beating dead horses:

Who's not surprised that we haven't seen the OP again since this post? Classic example of the opportunist at work.