ECR Leadership Applications

Started by Silver Knight, 14-04-2011

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Silver Knight

The ECR are similar to the NCR in many respects, they control area's around the eastern centeral commonwealth, hense the name. Their goal is to reunite the wastes and turn it into a civilised place. They setup outposts, facilities and control towns like the ncr.

Our ECR will be a main-core group, essentially only part of the ECR. The ECR's leader is "John Dwaine Anderson", whose blood passes down from a experienced general in the great war. The leader of the ECR on our server is in the civil unit division.

ECR has 2 divisions:

Core Unit - Military based Unit consisting of sub divisions such as recon, medical and such.
Highest rank for the server - Captain
Civil Unit - Leadership unit, government, speakers (They govern parts of the ncr that are involved with wastelander\citizens.)
Highest rank for the server - Overseer

It's up to you to write the backstory, lore, ranks and such after that. You can provide as such bellow.

If your going to be active, and think your worthy of leading the faction fill out the application below:

[center][u][b]IC Information[/b][/u]:[/center]

[b]Name:[/b] (Character name: First 'Nickname(Optional)' Last)

[b]Age:[/b] (Characters Age)

[b]Height:[/b] (Characters Height)

[b]Weight:[/b] (Character Weight)

[b]Eye Color:[/b] (Character Eye Color)

[b]Blood type:[/b] (Character Blood Type)

[b]Physical Description, and Equipment:[/b] (Two Paragraphs Minimum)

[b]Backstory:[/b] (Three Paragraph Minimum)

[center][u][b]OOC Information[/b][/u]:[/center]

[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Steam ID:[/b]

[b]Time with HGN:[/b]

[b]Time RP'ing:[/b]

[b]Leadership Experience:[/b]


[b]Founder of ECR:[/b]

[b]Do you help Wastelanders?:[/b]

[center][u][b]ECR Backstory[/b][/u]:[/center]

[b]When was the ECR Formed:[/b]

[b]What is the motive and role of the ECR:[/b]

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


IC Information:

Name: (Character name: First 'Nickname(Optional)' Last)

Richard Bachman

Age: (Characters Age)

46 ( You dont get leadership at age 23, people.)

Height: (Characters Height)


Weight: (Character Weight)

210 LBS / 15 ST / 95 KG

Eye Color: (Character Eye Color)


Blood type: (Character Blood Type)


Physical Description, and Equipment: (Two Paragraphs Minimum)

A typical man from this region, he is thick set due to a military life and walks with a slightly tired step. His years of military service has resulted in him having to claw his way to the top of the ECR military branch in this region giving him a worn almost what you would call "Sand blasted" personality. Having to deal with the day to day troubles of politicians and the complaints of the people has given him a set of soft eyes and a soft voice, giving him a sort of fatherly appeal. A small burn mark remains over his left eye where a thrown Molotov cocktail had partially hit him years earlier leaving a faded brown patch.

Adorned in a ECR set of combat gear he tries to stay in his armor despite the fact he never uses it as his rank requires him to direct combat rather than engage directly in it. He personally wields a rarely used assault rifle and a holstered 6 shot, which again is more of a novelty item than an actual combat device. On his belt he has a canteen and four ammo pouches, two of the ammo pouches have dandy apples stuffed in them.

Backstory: (Three Paragraph Minimum)

Born  into a waste lander family; Richard was forced to etch out a living with a miserable drunkard of a father and a mother who did try her best to shelter him from the cruelties of the wasteland. His fathers consistent attempts at getting more alcohol  resulted in what you would consider having Richard "Drafted" into service after his father getting involved with trading gone wrong with the ECR. At the age of 22 his father "traded" his son away with a service contract with all of the money going to him and not Richard. Happy with the money and happy with the fact he was going to finally be rid of his son, Richards father ran off leaving nothing but an empty bottle of booze and his mother behind.

After the brief "Induction" Period prior to basic camp, Which involved hazing by older enlisted members via beatings or excessive PT, Richard was met with a life style somewhat suited to his old one. The daily torturous basic training varied running until you vomited and then ran some more to doing push ups until his instructor "got tired". Basic was however to be fair a step however small above his previous life style, of course he still at least tried to send letters home at least to give his mother a little mind at ease.

When basic ended Richard was sent on his first deployment to the north where the ECR was having trouble expanding into a raider heavy region. The local towns folk were promised protection and the near daily raider attacks made their support of the ECR wither daily, the surge of FNGs as the currently stationed ECR called them resulted in the raiders bottling up until the ECR left the region so they could resume their attacks.  Unfortunately the raiders had to bottle up so long that the ECR had to flush them out. When this happened Richard was placed at a small watch post, far from actual action for the time at least.

Unfortunately the raiders didn't exactly follow the ECR plan and simply walked around their perimeter to discover the ECR watch post manned by several ECR "FNGs".  While the ECR post had the high ground and a mounted LMG the raiders had numbers and settled on rushing at the ECR post under a hail of bullets. During this time Richard was the only one actually directing the men where as the rest of them were blindly firing into the mob of raiders sprinting at them, the range advantage was rapidly being eaten up and it wasn't before long that the ten or so raiders left from the assaulting mob to reach the ECR sandbags.

The clubs and knives the raiders wielded  had the advantage at such close range, while the ECR still had their rifles they needed to get the grappling raiders off of them before they could actually use their rifles. A few managed to succeed in booting the unwashed and insane raiders off of them and gunning them down where as others had their skulls caved in or were stabbed to death by the raiders. Richard got into a slug fest with his own raider, A lucky miss by another ECR who was attempting to shoot the raider gutting him snapped into the raiders head right above Richard. The blood bath that followed ended in 3 ECR alive and four raiders missing various amounts of blood running down the hill before promptly being shot.

This and the many incidents that followed it has led Richard onto a hard military life up to this point leaving him with direct field experience and an unwillingness to resolve to combat and risk his men on foolish battles over petty arguments. His main focus is working with the ECR civil unit to help with a peaceful spread of the ECR rather than a blood soaked one.

OOC Information:

OOC Name:

Steam ID:

Time with HGN:
1 month and 5 days

Time RP'ing:
1 year 2 months for overall RP time.

Leadership Experience:
Crimson caravan leader on prior fallout server.
Minecraft Admin
Member of the US Navy e-5 petty officer 2nd class
Sea cadet LPO
ROTC 2nd LT.


Founder of ECR:
No specific founder is actually named, It's leader however at this time is John Dwaine Anderson whom descended from a great war general.

Do you help Wastelanders?:

If the ECR is based on the NCR then yes., we do this via reuniting the wastes.

ECR Backstory:

When was the ECR Formed:

in 2179 Just over a hundred years after the great war the ECR was formed by a conglomerate of tribes all seeking to unite under a single banner. These individual tribes had access to a pre-war library that while major sections were burned or destroyed the books at least had shown a glimpse of the former glory that was the world prior to the great war. The various tribes after meeting under a democratic council similar to the ones of Athens between all the heads of the individual tribes, the several tribes moved to the abandoned state capital in Virgina where they re-established themselves and began rebuilding what they thought the pre-war civilization was like.

The tribes no longer to be called tribes were unified under a single banner, This republic however newly born was lacking in resources and a conglomerate of the newly born ECR military was sent out to discover any available source of water, food, and other supplies. The beginning scouting parties either returned empty handed or with stories of crazed zombies ripping the rest of their party apart and eating them, however with the discovery of the Gravel neck nuclear power plant Things quickly turned around.

The ECR using a heavily tattered Air force survival guide created water filters that made the toxic contaminated water drinkable, if just which in its own right was a huge step forward past the original set of drinking water which consisted of drinking whatever rainwater could be harvested and praying you didn't "wake up glowing the next day" as the running joke went. The discovery of a nearly emptied national guard armory allowed the ECR to at least set up a small defense force. The beginning weapons and armor were scrapped together sets of combat armor with only assault rifles being available to the "Army" If you could call it that at the time.

The food available was all heavily rationed at the start, as the ECR could ill afford giving out bucket loads of food when there were so many to feed. After several months of scouting the ECR turned to attempting to farming on what ground was not irradiated before having to come to rely on animals as their cheif source of food. The grain that the ECR farms is usually sent directly to the brahmin ranches and every single part of the brahmin is used after it is set for slaughter. This somewhat stable food soruce allowed the ECR to take another step forward.

Despite this they ECR suffered from raids, lack of resources, and "New country" syndrome where it had to get launched onto its own two feet or collapse like a deck of cards. Fortunately the ECR prevailed in this matter and took its first shaky steps forward after getting everything squared away over the next few years.

Now many years after its initial founding the ECR has a strong central government which regularly hold elections in the civil branch leaving all military matters to the military branch AFTER reviving approval from the join civil council, this system was designed to prevent rash military actions against local populations.

What is the motive and role of the ECR:

The ECR's entire role in this recent expansion is to provide a peaceful in cooperation of the local towns and sub factions into the the ECR itself. The ECR usually engages is combat only when entirely needed as its resources are very limited in this region  and this fact has been pounded repeatedly into the local ECR leadership. Technology is to automatically be shipped back to the ECR capital for inspection and review by the ECR engineers who disassemble the weapon and attempt to put it back together to better understand how these complicated and powerful weapons work. Wastelanders are to be aided when they approach the ECR however the ECR has been ordered to never follow a wastelander away from the base even it the wastelander is begging as past incidents involving raiders has made this a priority.

What is the ranking system in the ECR:

Based entirely on an naval/marine mixed ranking chart the ECR's ranks follow as such.

Private first class-E2
Petty officer 3rd, 2nd, 1st- E3-E5
Chief Petty officer-E6

LT. Junior grade-O2
Captain- O5


IC Information:

Name: John van Breukelen (Also called Van Helsing because people are never able to prenounce his surname) (Character name: First 'Nickname(Optional)' Last)
Age: 33 years old (Characters Age)
Height: About 1.93 meters or 6.33 Feet (Characters Height)
Weight: 88 kilograms or 194 pounds (Character Weight)
Eye Color: Blue (Character Eye Color)
Blood type: A+ (Character Blood Type)
Physical Description, and Equipment:

John is a man of a general tall length, he has blue eyes and blonde hair. He's at a good weight for his length which was because of the reasonable food supply of the ECR. He has a normal deep male voice which is rather calm and peacefull.

He wears an old pre-war t-shirt that he found and some dirty pants. Over that he wears a dusty duster and on his head he has a cowboy hat (The desperado type). He refuses to wear the standard ECR clothing as he finds it uncomfortable and not usefull in battle.

Next to that his equipment is: a belt with holsters and in one of those he has holstered a 10mm pistol.
He also has a  few small pouches attached to his belt in which he keeps his ammunition and other items that he needs or finds. On his back he has slung Spaz shotgun and he also has a small pocket-knife hidden in one of the pockets in his pants.
(Two Paragraphs Minimum)

John was born in a small wastelander encampment a bit south of the commonwealth zone, he was one of the first childs that was born in the small tribe. Most of the children already died on birth but John didn't, it showed that he was a strong person. The whole tribe spoiled John as much as they could all the women in the tribe that were never able to have their own kids treated John like their own. The men in the tribe wanted to teach John everything they knew from how to cook a piece of meat up to the actual hunting itself. So the first 16 years of his life went pretty well for John. But at the age of 16 his father (who was the tribe leader at that time)
told John that he no longer was healthy enough to lead the group. He gave John full leadership over the town, and it wasn't that John wasn't well prepared but something in John told him that he didn't want to lead it.
So after a sleepless night he began his first day as tribe leader, it wasn't that difficult he just helped the people with their problems and lead the hunting party. But after a week John still didn't think this was the thing for him, he didn't want to lead this tribe his whole life. He wanted to explore, gain knowledge of all those bed-time stories about the world before the war.

So that night he packed his stuff, he tried to sneak out quietly but sometimes he almost stumbled over a rock. But he made it out without waking any of the tribe members. He had no idea where to go, the world was open and new, of course he knew some paths and places where he always hunted but he decided to just keep walking straight ahead and follow the road to where ever it would lead him. So the next day he set up his tent and slept. The next morning he woke up with a familiar face standing next to his bed, it was Charlie a friend of his but John always saw him as his brother. Charlie told him that he followed John in the night and that he wanted to join John's travels. John could agree to this, and besides it would be boring on your own.

Four years have passed and John is now owner of a small wastelander town that he made himself, after three years of travelling and working for his own caravan he decided to settle down. He and other members of his caravan entered a small abandoned town that used to be owned by Frankies Republic but was now empty. The old republic did leave some usefull decoration like tables and other usefull items, so John and the rest of his caravan group started emptying their bags and to get everything into place. The town was now called Still Water, the home for every wastelander.

So about  8 years after they settled down a messenger arrived, John welcomed the man and they both sat down in his office. The man started telling about uniting the wastes back to one strong country under one flag. John listened carefully to the man. He realised that it could be a brilliant idea, he did share the ECR's idea's and ways. So he soon started some agreements with the ECR. He and his town would join the ECR and in return John would become a member of the ECR, he would still administrate and run the local town.
And so John is still up to the current day working for the ECR.
(Three Paragraph Minimum)

OOC Information:

OOC Name: |HGN|Recreas
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:24272527
Time with HGN: Atleast one year, maybe a week or two more.
Time RP'ing: For atleast 6 years I've been to roleplay, but I've only spend about 1 1/2 of Serious Garrysmod Roleplay
Leadership Experience:
Currently leading a small PBG on FORP called Still Water,
I've had an officer position  in the military for quite a while on STRP
And I've lead a few communities before joining this one

Founder of ECR: Nobody is really sure, it was said that a small tribe first started the ECR but nobody is really sure who was the leader of that tribe and who started the idea, though the current leader is John Dwaine Anderson.
Do you help Wastelanders?: In general, yes we do. We would want to unite the wastelands back to a civilized country again. And for that we need the peoples loyalty which can be gained by helping them. But of course they can always do some work for us in return.

ECR Backstory:
When was the ECR Formed:
The ECR was orginally formed in 2175 by a tribe of wastelanders of which the leader is still unknown.
It started out with one of the men in the tribe that had certain ideas that he got from pre-war books about goverments and politics. Most pages were already torn out but he could get the general idea of it, he also wanted something like that. He decided that he wanted to reuinte everbody in the wasteland under one banner and start a full working civilization again in what is now the wastes. So he started sharing his ideas with the tribe, he explained them and told them what they could do to reach their goals.

So after a year of heavy work the tribe finally finished on building their first town from scavanged materials. It was no longer tents but well shacks. Atleast shacks were better than the small tents.
And from there on the town started growing a lot, the old tribe was gaining a lot of new members and even other tribes decided to join them in their quest to get everbody united under one flag. So next to the expanding they also started working out new ideas together about how to govern the place and what we could do to get an actual currency set up and to get rid of the caps. They also had to get a new name and banner because their old one was nothing special. So for weeks the men debated about what, how and why and after three weeks they finally decided to set up the East Coast Republic. This idea came from the book that was now a sort of bible to them. Setting up a republic looked like the best thing to do and one of the maps they found also showed them that they were mostly likely in the east though nobody was really sure about that but they assumed they were.

So after 25 years the region in which they settled down became to small, they had to expand, so they started sending out scouting parties to all sides. With the gathered information from the scouts they decided to start going more west and north. They started to send out large groups of soldiers and citizens to the north and west with the objective to settle more towns for the ECR or to merge any existing towns they found on their way into the ECR either my gifts or other forms of diplomacy. And after 2 years the first two  new towns were finally set up. One in the north which was build by the people themselves and one in the west which was a small town that merged into the ECR and was now growing into a large city. And these were the first signs of expansion for the ECR but like always it was never enough and the ECR wouldn't stop untill they had everbody united under their banner.

So in 2231 they decided to expand more west again, they went towards the old state of Kentucky where they again sended out scout parties, but this time the new leader of the ECR John Dwaine Anderson wanted to do things different. He already knew a lot of the area because he was already scouting the area for quite a while now. He knew that more village were set up there and he wanted to expand slowly in that region. Slow and carefull because rumours were that there also were other big factions in the neighbourhood that also had it in their interests to get hold of the area. So he gave on of his messengers to assignment to get one town to merge under their banner and make that town serve as a local HQ. A base of operations in that area in which they could run everything. They succeeded and got controll of Still Water.

What is the motive and role of the ECR: To rebuild America back to one country again, to bring it back to one united country. We'll set up towns, houses, farms and etc to provide a safe and nice place to live. We would merge towns owned by others in to the ECR and unite them under our banner. We'll aid wastelanders to show that we're open and friendly to them and they are always allowed to do a favour in return.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


IC Information:

Name: Adelbert Jermanski

Age: 37

Height: 5' 0"

Weight: 190 lbs.

Eye Color: Blood Red

Blood type: AB-

Physical Description, and Equipment: Adelbert Jermanski, or "Andrew" as he's called by his friends, is a short, mostly-muscular man with little but a coif of thick black hair atop his skull. Combed back and nearly perfect in every way, his shameless pompadour is the pride and joy of his appearance. He thinks it distracts people, away from his rounded belly and the mutatedly thin hands, as well as the grotesque limbs he calls arms. His face is fat, like that of a Buddha and his red eyes drown in the thick flesh that seems to devour them.

Backstory: Based much in a heritage of Army officers, "Andrew"'s ancestors enlisted repeatedly. When the atomic payloads hit their mark, Andrew's witnessed the blooming sky-fungus from inside the Recruitment Office. His father had been one of the first few Power Armor officers, his father's father was a Second Lieutenant to the 115th Battalion, nicknamed the "Flying Mongolians" for completely explicit reasons. Back further, in Poland, Lord Yermunnd in the ancient centuries, had been Lord of a good hundred soldiers under King Gustavus Adolphus in Sweden. But, all in all, that's not the least bit important. What is important is that "Andrew" took the same route as his ancestors before him, joining blindly into any military organization he could find.

This organization just so happened to be the Eastern Central Republic.

He was a willing enlisted soldier for all those years, and with the ECR clinging to the ancient military ranks from the American heyday he was basically a shoo-in for promotion. The ECR was one of those organizations that took what they could get; They paid stipends to those Wastelanders who joined and extorted "taxes" from those who didn't. Adelbert was a special case, seeing as he ran up with a tattered sheet of paper pledging his allegiance to the ECR, he was spared both a Stipend and a Tax and just given a gun and shipped off to Basic Training.

After basic training, all units in the ECR are given a Training Mission, to see how they performed in the field. Each unit was assigned a rank to act as, and when Adelbert was assigned "Private", he could only frown in dismay. His friend Stevie Curious was assigned the faux-rank of "Commanding Officer."

With Charisma, with fervor and dedicated, "Andrew"... Gave Steve six doses of some Pre-War sleeping pills the night before and ran out the door of the barracks before anyone else had woken up.

Adelbert was an amazing commander; he commanded all of his mates in basic training and led them to victory and they all cheered and celebrated as it finished... Until their commanding Officer trudged out into the mud and told them that Adelbert wasn't their superior. Confused, impressed but still a little aggravated, the troopers threw him into a muddy ditch.

It was at that point that Adelbert was recommended for the Officer's "School" which basically just consisted of three weeks of explaining how to yell amazingly loud over a long period of time.

It helped.

A month later and promoted to Maximum Sergeant (Equivalent of Master Sergeant) Adelbert took up his duties defend and working for the better of the ECR. On the western front, the eastern front, the southern front and the back left near the soda machine, Adelbert could tell you the tactical situations of every station on the ECR's map and even once had the pleasure of attending an Officer's Dinner with the ECR commander, John D. Anderson. They talked, briefly, and even shared a glass of wine before the dinner was over. It was two days after that that the dreadful Memphis incident sent the ECR into spirals.

The ECR was a power-hungry organization, in more way than one. As they expanded south and west and east and north, they seized power plants and aircraft runways alike none seen by any other organization. Here, in America's breadbasket, most technology was untouched and, aside from a heap of radiation damage and a good two-hundred years of disuse, as good as new.

An amazing blunder on their own part, the ECR seized a Nuclear Power Plant known in the Wastelands as Power Station Delta-094B or just "Delta-B". The Republic's top scientists blew themselves and half of a city up that day and eradicated more than a fourth of their own population when that nuclear reactor decided to go critical. Chaos was born in that nuclear explosion, and though most of the citizens of the town of New Old Bestat (Bean Station) were torn apart by the debris from the critical Uranium, a whole other thousand became Ghouls- Feral Ghouls, cold, stupid and irradiated.

Adelbert was assigned a Platoon, now a Final Lieutenant (First Lieutenant), and was sent to the southern front, learning of his allies names ranks, etcetera, he grew very close to them.

He didn't do it alone, but in the end of the conflict he and his troops (as well as whatever army troopers were still alive) were awarded "The Orange Foot" medal which happened to be part of a soda can with a sharp pin on the back of it. Everyone was proud of the conflict they had squashed- proud enough to forget they were just shooting their own citizens.

It was at this time that "Andrew" started to grow his Pompadour.

So as the ECR grew and population began to overwhelm territory, the ECR began creating expeditionary forces and expansion teams known as "Reclaimer Squadrons" to claim land to the east, where the land had been scarred by innumerable ICBMs. Adelbert was assigned one of these teams as well, becoming Major of Expeditionary Excursions and being given essentially free reign over his troops. He was dispatched with a small platoon of soldiers, to start, and given a hefty ransom in supplies, rations and weaponry. He felt he was ready as he smirked into the cracked mirror of the communal bathroom.
Not alone, Adelbert was given a civil leader to work alongside him and, as he was instructed, would obey him as specifically and dedicatedly as he felt was totally critical to the mission.

They formed a temporary barracks, something you might call a town and has been resting there, since, waiting for more orders on how to proceed with the wastelands now in "check".

OOC Information:

OOC Name:Nope

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:20744866

Time with HGN:A while.

Time RP'ing:Ten years, probably.

Leadership Experience:A lot of stuff, plus Brotherhood of Steel


Founder of ECR:Henry Winslow Silversmouth

Do you help Wastelanders?: Most of the time.

ECR Backstory:

When was the ECR Formed: The ECR was formed, quite similarly to the Brotherhood of Steel, but less fallaciously. After the bombs fell and they stopped getting commands from the central operations desk, it was left to Henry Silversmouth, a First Private, to do what no one else could: Kill all of his commanding officers.

He did so quite fiercely, enticing all of his comrades to do the same, saying that the bombs merely dropped because of their leader's failings.

It was there, a couple of days later, that the ECR was born out of the Danielson Bunker, where the Capitol (Winslowstown) stands today.

It's curious to see how the ECR started and compare it to how it is now. Whereas H. Silversmouth killed for no reason at all, his replacement would kill the leader for a good reason altogether. Henry Silversmouth was a slave driver (no, really.) as a rule and for no reason at all he forced the ECR members to round up Wastelanders and inter them into his Slave Camp that he called "The Chute". A deep iron mine, this hole in the ground allowed him to send down workers and force them to dredge up as much iron as they could, allowing the ECR to make its own guns in small numbers.

Zachery Beauford was one of the Slave Drivers down in the chute, and as he returned to the surface as his shift came to a close, he sighted the now fifty year old "Lord" Silversmouth, crook-backed and stoop shouldered, sipping tea from a cracked cup on his porch. Unprotected. Beauford stabbed Henry in the throat with a rust pickaxe.

No one questioned it, for some reason, but he still became the new leader of the Republic and wholly changed their goal in one way: Instead of enslaving the wasteland to unite it, they would bring freedom onto those who chose to accept it.

What is the motive and role of the ECR:

Unite the wasteland without making everyone slaves.
Provide utilities for all persons, providing they pay taxes.
Protect those who we unite.
Don't kill everyone.
Ghouls are bad.
Mutations are acceptable, but Ghouls are still bad.
"Corrective Surgery" will fix the human race.
Science is good.
Radiation is a tool, but also a hazard.


This is for applications for the leadership posting in here for anything else cept that will get you a one day ban beginning now