By Noobs, for Noobs! An RP/Survival guide to the Commonwealth Wasteland

Started by Spades_Neil, 18-03-2011

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By noobs, for noobs!

The purpose of this thread is for me to post a series of screw ups I've made so far in hopes that you'll learn from them before doing them yourself. If you're going to post any of you own, feel free--but edit your original post in the future if you have more to add. Moderators, please don't hesitate to add/edit to my list as you please if you come across something interesting that must be in the original post here.


My Infamous @#$%-Up List
- AVOID EVERYTHING in Power Armor. This isn't the Capital Wasteland. The Brotherhood of Steel are NOT your knights in shining power armor come to save you. Obviously the Enclave aren't friendly as it is, so just avoid people in power armor entirely. If it's Brotherhood of Steel, do what they say, follow their orders, and you'll probably be fine. They don't really want to waste ammo on you, but they won't hesitate if you put them in a bad mood. If it's Enclave, run like hell and start praying they miss.
- IF SOMEONE TELLS YOU TO FUCK OFF, FUCK OFF! Your life may depend on it. Don't beg for your life, beg for forgiveness, or ask if they're selling something while they're pointing guns at you. If they already told you to fuck off, that's your one (and often only) chance to run away. Take it and RUN.
- NEVER BRING A KNIFE TO A GUN FIGHT. Or fisty cuffs for that matter. Go ahead, be a jackass, punch the guy carrying around an AK-47. Watch what happens as your brains are splattered all over the ground. Yea, don't do that.
- YOU'RE NOT RAMBO and that's ok! You're not indestructible. I don't care if you have the biggest, baddest guns in the wastes. All it takes is some rag tag raiders to corner you and disembowel you. Which brings me to my next tip...
- NEED GUNS? FIND GUNS! If you need weaponry, your first order of business is to find a reputable arms dealer or trader. Let's face it, you're not going to survive long out in the wasteland without at least a meager pistol. Don't underestimate the 9mm. A Well placed couple of shots to the head will kill even some of the toughest of foes. If you're desperate or poor, go with the cheapest to stay alive. When you survive long enough to afford the big guns, don't hesitate. Buy immediately.
- STRENGTH IN NUMBERS—not number of bullets or weapons, numbers of people. A wise man once said, "You give a man enough weapons, and he'll start to think he's more powerful than he really is." In other words, just because you have big guns, unless you have friends to back up those guns, don't get cocky. Ultimately, your best chance of survival is to join a larger group.
- KNOW NO ONE? TRUST NO ONE. Somewhat contradicts my prior point, but always be skeptical of friendly folks. Unless you know their reputation is a nice one, such as the Brotherhood of Steel or various traders, don't trust them right away. Even those who you think you can trust, don't entirely trust them. Even the Brotherhood of Steel will just shoot you in the face if you have something they want and can't get it any other way.
- STAY THE HELL OUT of the bunker of the Brotherhood of Steel. They don't like visitors, and they'll vaporize you if you wander in by accident. If you run into Spades he might be nice and charge you 100 caps to get the fuck out, but two strikes and even he'll just shoot you in the face.
- NEVER JUMP TOWN FENCES! Seriously, it's there for a reason. If you're caught jumping the fence at most towns, even if you're leaving said town, they'll usually just assume you're doing something shady and open fire. Jumping the fence is fair game shoot-to-kill authorization for most factions if you're caught.
- NEVER act in-game without before acting in-character! This is one I've learned the hard way twice now. Before you shoot someone, you have to give an in-character reason for shooting them such as a standoff and someone isn't cooperating. This rule also applies to everything else within sensibility. The lesson I didn't know up until today was this rule applies with EVERYTHING involving firearms. That includes taking out your gun, raising your gun, and aiming your gun, ESPECIALLY in a standoff situation! Don't make the mistake I did. I'm lucky I didn't get kicked from the server for my mistakes. You might not be so lucky.
- JUST BECAUSE it happens in-character doesn't mean it needs to happen in-game (luckily). If an RP says you're shot, but no shots are fired, all you have to do is type the fall over command and play injured/dead.
- PLANNED GUNFIGHTS can be either shoot-to-miss for drama, or lethal for competition. Please specify beforehand which kind of a gunfight it is. Policy says shoot-to-miss by default, but noobs like me don't always know that, and even the veteran RPers don't always remember to mention a lethal fight when it IS lethal.
- APPROACH WITH CAUTION when in the Wastelands. If you see someone, they're not always friendly. You should be alarmed if they come charging towards you of if someone appears to be following you. Not everyone is friendly. When in doubt, unless you have the balls and the guns, run away and avoid people.
- DO NOT FILL YOUR GUN WITH AMMO the minute you get ammo. Keep ammo boxes seperate because apparently the game currently glitches and you lose ammo in your gun when you log out or more often when you die. I hope this gets fixed soon. :\ Storage box glitch is another.
- HURR HURR I CAN KILL A HEAD CRAB WITH MY BARE HANDS! No you can't. Take my advice on this one. It will bite your face off, and then everyone will laugh at you because a head crab (or radroach as we ICly call them) killed you. Slow head crabs you have a chance with. Fast crabs? You're fucked!
- STORE YOUR RICHES! If you die, they're all gone. Don't carry what you don't need.
- IF YOU SEE A LOT OF NPC ENEMIES, it might be a good thing. It means there's an admin on and he's screwing with us, but it also means he may have dropped some goodies around the wasteland if he's nice.

- WHEN IN DOUBT, SEEK AN ADMIN! This one is pretty straightforward.

UPDATES 6/13/11: Made it relevant.



Quote from: Paintcheck on 18-03-2011
I like this idea. Stickied.

Woo! Now you all get to learn from me screwing up! :D

*dances* ... *stops* Wait, should I be proud of that?


The list would be too long if I start listing every mistake I made.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Nice!  This is an excellent idea, and currently the list is very well written and thought out.  Lets just hope people new to the game check out this thread.  They usually don't, lol.....
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


This is genious.

I love this so much especailly the bit that said "AVOID ANYTHING IN POWER ARMOR! If its BoS do as they say or stay the hell out of there way, If its Enclave RUN LIKE HELL AND PRAY TO GOD THAT THEY MISS!!!!"
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22



Quote from: eroticduck on 18-03-2011
Ohio is already a wasteland irl.

Stop flaming.

Ironically! I thought STK was Default! Oh ho ho!


Would no punch whoring be applied for this guide?


Quote from: FrostyFrosty on 18-03-2011
Would no punch whoring be applied for this guide?

Could be. I'm revising the guide after today's game.


I've killed numerous fast headcrabs with my bare hands. It helps when they jump onto your head and you just hit upwards. Works brilliantly.
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.



Could you please add to the guide how to initiate RP with people? I have lots of trouble with this.
The problem is that just walking up and saying "Hey, want to scavenge stuff together?" seems like bad RP, and waiting for RP to come to you usually ends up in you getting shot or robbed. How do you involve someone in RP with you?


Quote from: mecaguy03 on 29-03-2011
Could you please add to the guide how to initiate RP with people? I have lots of trouble with this.
The problem is that just walking up and saying "Hey, want to scavenge stuff together?" seems like bad RP, and waiting for RP to come to you usually ends up in you getting shot or robbed. How do you involve someone in RP with you?

I'm not sure how other than conversation.


Quote from: mecaguy03 on 29-03-2011
Could you please add to the guide how to initiate RP with people? I have lots of trouble with this.
The problem is that just walking up and saying "Hey, want to scavenge stuff together?" seems like bad RP, and waiting for RP to come to you usually ends up in you getting shot or robbed. How do you involve someone in RP with you?
Like spades said just make conversation with people and hope you don't end up with the short end of the stick


Slight update. My original post needs cleaning up.