|BOS| Photo Album

Started by Mr. Pink, 04-08-2011

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Mr. Pink

This here is my own little personal album full of pictures and stories from my adventures with the Brotherhood. Any BoS members, feel free to post pictures and stories as well. (Made this at 2 o' clock. Some spelling errors may be present.)

First up is a little picture from one of the recent training sessions with the Equerry. We decided to get some help from our friendly neighborhood ghoul, Bang Tao. The Equerry thought that a ghoul would be no match for him, well, Bang Tao proved otherwise:

So go on and post your pics and stories.

(Disclaimer: This is purely meant for fun, and, I felt, as it is pertaining to the BoS I figured I should make a little goof-around thread to share pictures and funny stories related to the BoS in FORP. If someone wants it taken down I will cooperate and remove it immediately.)
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.


We shot down a vertibird today. Here's the aftermath, taken via helmet zoom.

Mr. Pink

A photo taken from the party celebrating the defeat of the Enclave at the Boston bunker, showing a Knight "getting down" as the kids like to say. A small service was held in honor of the brave Equerry, who valiantly gave his life to save his brethren.

I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.

Mr. Pink

I decided to take it upon myself to create a statue to immortalize the deeds of the valiant Equerry. At first when the news of his death came to me I was like "Oh. Alright." and continued on as if nothing had happened... Then later it hit me; "He gave his his life in order to protect his brothers regardless of how they had treated him... That lowly Equerry who not one person had high hopes for had ascended to glory through not the prodding of others, but through the valiance of his own spirit... He was an embodiement of the values the Brotherhood strives for.." So in his honor I crafted this memorial statue, resting atop the hill overlooking the bunker entrance. As well as the statue I placed a crypt for the esteemed Equerry, may he rest in peace...

I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.