|BOS| Applications (OLD, CLOSED)

Started by irondeity, 14-04-2011

0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Removed by moderator in order to make way for an updated roster without people who think the RP still takes place in Kentucky.

New topic found here.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Out-of-Character Information

Steam Name:

Steam ID:

Time Spent with HGN:
I dont know.. 2 years?

Something cant remember

Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you.:
Because i'm Radek, The end.

Are you a former member of HGN FORP - Brotherhood of Steel?:

Are you going to get In-Character and cut LOOC/OOC when told?:
I guess.

Have you ever been banned or kicked? If so, explain.:
Well obviously, Once or twice kicked, never banned.

In-Character Information

Russ Brendayle


Weight: (Lbs)

Height: (Feet and Inches)

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?:
The scars on my face will do nothing to impair my ability to do my job.

Backstory:You want to know why i believe I'm fit for your unit.. Alright. My entire life I've done one thing and one thing only, I hunt. The only thing i know is tracking and Hunting and if your going out on a mission like this your gonna need a tracker. I don't remember much.. Anything really about my life before i got here.. To this area.
I remember waking up in a shack out in the middle of no were next to an old high way.

I woke up to the smell of the death.. I remember the confusion.. The fear. Waking up to nothing but the sticky sensation that was the blood covering my face.. A Pistol, duster and the rest of my equipment.
Around me were bodies, maybe.. Three, Four? I really don't remember the exact number all i remember is how strangely calm it was, It was a scene of chaos but it had this ghostly silence about it.. I never felt like i was in any danger, sure i was afraid but i somehow knew i wasn't in harms way.
What i could make out of the house was that we had Tried to bunker down, to defend ourself. the outside of the house were Covered in bullet holes, The large black marks must have been from Plasma weapons, in my time here I've never seen anything do that sort of distinct damage.
The inside looked much the same, the door had been nailed up and next to the windows there were flipped tables 
I knew i had to clean up my wounds and make sure i had no other more serious wounds, my face was cut up but nothing lethal, but i was covered in blood so i can imagine i would have looked dead to anyone that saw me, it's not strange that i was the only one alive..
Well so i thought first.
When i had cleaned up my wounds i decided to check on the others.

The bodies were scattered around the room, with different degrees of wounds, but all dead except one.
She was lying slightly hidden in a corner, She didn't look like the others, the others all had Does fancy suits you normally outfit your soldiers with. She had a dress.. Sort off, your techys use em. Guess she was one of em, anyway. She had been shot up pretty bad, when i found here she didn't have long left. She was already struggling to breath and her skin was as white as snow.
When i got up to her she first panicked, probably though i was one of the attackers but when i got closer she calmed down.

She tried to talk to me, but it was hard to make out was she was trying to say. The girl was half dead and barley had the power to stay awake not to mention Talk.
I.. Remember grabbing her hand, i don't know why i did it, it just felt like something that would help. When i did so she calmed down. It didn't help much, she was in a lot of pain and the few words she could get out was hard to understand. What i got out was that she wanted me to find her sister, and get her to safety.
I didn't really know what to do so i nodded and stayed with her until she died.
After that i scavenged what ever equipment that was left a scoped rifle amongst a few other things and walked outside.. Oh i took the Holotags. Someone have to remember them.. I have nothing to remember so why not me.
Outside was more bodies, again Brotherhood members.. I later searched the area and found marks of several vehicles so i think who ever we were fighting had recovered their dead. But back to the dead, They were different.. Not only because they were outside but the way they had died.
They had no visible wounds except the bullet hole to the head that had killed them, Executed, close range small caliber. They were most likely survivors off the battle that had been gathered up and killed off, my wounds must have ironically saved me sense i must deader then a door nail. I dragged the bodies inside and lit the place on fire, it was the least i could do.

Now I've written down my earliest memory.. This happened a few years ago.. After the .."Funeral" i left, walking down the road i followed the tire marks, and they led me true. After a few days worth of traveling i found a town. Nothing fancy, just an old mining town that took me in, gave me a roof over my head and some food.

They also pointed me in the direction of a few trucks they had seen driving through, the people in them had worn black uniforms and pretty heavily armed. So i picked up my things, traded some of the scraps i had scavenged for food and water and some explosives. I tried to cover as much ground as possible. One of the town folks had hear them say something about stopping for a few days in a camp just a few hours away from the town.

And what can i say, they were right.
I found the trucks parked in an old trailer park, Just half a days travel form the town. They were like Deathclaws, so sure about their absolute strength that they Didn't bother to hide.
They were a relatively large group, nothing i could take on in direct combat. I'd say maybe Twenty, Twenty five.
They had put up the trucks so they had a good enough perimeter for the night so i couldn't sneak in..
In the middle of the camp there was an individual that didn't look as.. Happy as the others, while they were singing victory songs the person was sitting down, hands behind her back, a Prisoner i figured.

Anyway i scouted the area around the trailer park and found that there was just one major road, one good enough to support the trucks. I chanced that these people wanted the fastest and "safest" rout back home after a battle like this, and the trucks were pretty big, i doubt they would be able to handle any off road trucking.

So i made up a plan, I planted the explosives i had bought along the road. I Found a good place to trigger it from and waited.
It took around a day before i heard the sound of the trucks driving down the road.
A Pretty little convoy just like i wanted them. When the first truck got to the last Dynamite bundle (A side note i had done a ruff estimate of how long the trucks were and from that it was easy to get a ruff estimate on how far apart they would travel) Anyway.. When it drove up to the last one i hit the trigger, sending the first and second truck sky high, they never had a chance to figure out what hit them.. the middle car got hit and flipped but there were survivors. I grabbed my rifle and picked off two soldiers that tried to set up a perimeter, Big black suits, that's all i remember about them. It didn't help them though.
When they went down i put a bullet in what must have been the commander, of that truck at least.

When i was sure there was nothing hostile left down there i went down to the scene.
Like i said the First truck and the last truck was nothing but rubble, and the secound one was flipped, resting on it's side.
I walked up to the Officer i had shot, he had a nasty Shoulder wound. He tried to defend himself but the sad basted couldn't even lift the laser rifle he was carrying.
After i beat some sense in to him i interrogated him, the best i could. I got out that they had been orderd to stop a Brotherhood meeting, they were gonna capture or kill some VIP in that group that carried a package of high importance.  After that he refused to speak, so i didn't have any use for him and shot him took his rifle and left him there. The rifle had an inscription on it.. Well it has. To Russ Brendayle, for your service to the brotherhood. Seeing as this basterd wasent brotherhood and i doubted he worked for them i belive he looted it from the battle site.
I searched the rest of the truck for the Prisoner i had seen in the camp. She was hold up in the corner of the truck, Knocked out but she didn't have any serious injuries.

I "Picked" her up and carried her out, i walked with her as far as i could before it got dark, i didn't want to be anywhere close to the ambush point if anyone were to find it.
Later that night she woke up, first startled by me then she calmed down, i don't know if its just an effect i have on women.. Anyway She didn't want to tell me what she was there for or what her mission was, she just knew that i was the one that was supposed to escort her to a brotherhood outpost not to far away from our current location.
She had never met me before, apparently her sister had and it was her sister that had asked me to take that mission, when i had arrived they were already under fire and it didn't take long before they fell, A grenade had taken knocked out or killed the entire group.

I'm not gonna go in to details about the journey back, I'll tell you this. I got her back to the Brotherhood outpost, They neither had any idea who i was just that i was the one Who were gonna get The VIP to them. They let me keep the gear i had acquired and gave me some ammo and other supplies.
After that.. Well I stuck around, helped them with things they didn't want to involve them selfs in this was back in California.
Like i said this was a few years ago, I stayed with them for 3 years, then i left.. I got a transmission from them a week or two ago and they told me about this.. Mission, they say the "Enclave" Group that had ambushed us came from this area and apparently so did i. So that's why i want in.. It's good work, and i might figure out something about my past.. Either way i'm going, the only question is if i'm going with you guys or without.

What are your strengths? What can you provide me?:
I'm a good Hunter, Tracking is one of my strong sides, I'm also.. I would say a great shot, longer ranges is were i excel.

Accepted - Report to the briefing room and await further orders.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Steam Name: |HGN-STTO|alex4576

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:34324212

Time Spent with HGN: Around Two years.


Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you.: I have been with HGN for a good amount of time and I don't cause Edrama.

Are you a former member of HGN FORP - Brotherhood of Steel?: No

Are you going to get In-Character and cut LOOC/OOC when told?: Yes

Have you ever been banned or kicked? If so, explain.: No

In-Character Information

Name: Jaquerious Banks (Black)

Age: 29

Weight: 200(Lbs)

Height: 6'2(Feet and Inches)

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: None

Backstory: I was born on March 23, 2205 in the Lost Hills Bunker. I am the son of Jermaine Banks, a Knight at Lost Hills. From an early age I was sent off to training by my father so I could follow in his footsteps. At age five I was inducted into a training program to become a knight or possibly a paladin in the Brotherhood. Throughout training I accelerated through the course at by age Eighteen I earned my position as a knight in the Brotherhood.

A few days after I was awarded the position as Knight I was sent out on a patrol. We were suppose to scout out a possible raider encampment about seven clicks away from a firebase near Lost Hill. All was going well until a super mutant hopped up on jet and psycho attacked the squad commander with a sledge hammer. Our commander was nearly killed after being smashed in the face with the giant hammer and I barely remember what happened next... All I remember was I was laying on top of the mutant my service knife was driven fully into its skull. Taking no time we dragged the commander back to the firebase and got him patched up.

For eleven years I did the same routine and on occasions lead squads myself. After hearing about this six man squad that will be heading to the Bluegrass wasteland I wanted to make myself useful to the Brotherhood and assist in this operation. A reason why you should pick me is because of my combat experience with the mutated filth of these wastes and my overall experience as a Knight. I was born and raised for this and I am ready to sacrifice myself for the greater good of the Brotherhood.

What are your strengths? What can you provide me?: My strengths are CQC and I was trained from a young age to use a laser rifle. I can provide my life and my knowledge to assist in this operation.

Accepted - Report to the briefing room.


Out-of-Character Information

Steam Name:GamerHead

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:16415872

Time Spent with HGN: About 6 months

Timezone: -7 MST

Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you.: Because I am a Brotherhood nut and know pretty much there is to know about their cannon.

Are you a former member of HGN FORP - Brotherhood of Steel?: Yes.

Are you going to get In-Character and cut LOOC/OOC when told?: Yes.

Have you ever been banned or kicked? If so, explain.: Banned for E-drama as we talked about on TS.

In-Character Information

Name: Sarah Stevenson

Age: 28

Weight: (Lbs) 159 lbs.

Height: (Feet and Inches) 5'3"

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: A scar from a bullet wound that has healed.

Backstory: (Give me a THREE paragraph, minimum, backstory. Chronological order of how you

became involded with the Brotherhood of Steel. Was it via birth due to inner faction breeding? Or are

you a former Wastelander? Explain to me why I should pick -you- over him or her, to join my squad.)

                                   **Fades Into a room filled with nurses and doctors.**
Doctor: Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson you are now parents to a healthy baby girl.
Mother: James, what should we name her?
Father: I was thinking Sarah just like her great grandmother.
Doctor: That is a great choice.
                                                            **Fades into black**


                                     **The journal is opened and Sarah begins to write**

I was born in the year 2206 on the date of April the 4th in the Lost hills Bunker in California. During my early years my father Knight James Stevenson frequently went out on patrols always returning with stories of great Knights and Paladins that came before us. From that day on I vowed that I would put forth every last bit of my strength training to become one of those great Knights I heard about in the stories my father had told.

                                               **Turns the page continuing to write**

Growing up in the military bunker was an easy life while I was a child, were I learned to train, fight, and shoot from my teacher Scribe Fider, who taught me everything about what it meant to be in the Brotherhood all the way from learning what the insignia meant to learning how to disassemble and reassemble a firearm.

At the tender age of sixteen my father died from lung cancer at the age of forty nine which was heart wrenching for me but, I took everything I had been told from him and applied that to my training. By the time I had graduated from basic training at the age of eighteen  I was top of my class in weapons specialty. I learned all I could about all the weapons the brotherhood could offer me during my training, once I had learned about every and all the weapons we used I was put to a test. This test was for advanced weapons specialist only but, since I had surpassed my piers by a long shot they decided to let me try to take the test thinking I wouldn't do well. When they all looked at the test scores they were amazed and awe-stricken by the knowledge that I had known about advanced weaponry.

                                                  **Turns the page continuing to write**

When I turned twenty one I was sent out on my first mission I got to lead into the wasteland to look for a piece of rare technology that had been rumored to be floating around. While in the wasteland we were attacked by a group of raiders that attacked us with no hesitation.  We fought them off the best we could but in the end, we lost no casualties but, I was left  with a bullet wound to my shoulder.  I then was taken back to base so, I was picked up and bandaged up trying to stop the bleeding.  When I returned to base I was drained of blood and was De-hydrated. I was immediately rushed to the on base medical sector where they patched me up and kept me until my stats were back to normal. Once I was released, I was given a promotion to Valiant Team a group assembled by Commander Marcus Graves that was going to be sent to Kentucky for a recon mission to find out what had happened to the previous Brotherhood chapter that was stationed at The Tri-Grass Research bunker.

                                       **The journal ends, still being open for more logs**

What are your strengths? What can you provide me?: I can provide you with a weapons specialist that can help repair all of the Brotherhoods firearms.


Out-of-Character Information

Steam Name: Skeet Biscuit

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15458620

Time Spent with HGN: A long time, lost track. Since I came back, about two months.

Timezone: Central -6GMT

Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you: I wish to do something more, than just sitting and wondering as a waste lander... It will help my role-playing skills too. (And I always wanted to be a BoS in Fallout lol.)

In-Character Information

Name: Archer Shack

Age: 21

Weight: 190

Height: 6'1

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: I had a concussion when I was a kid, I don't think that will effect me...

                Born into the cold bunker of Vault 18, Archer Shack was estranged from the world. He wore leather jackets, and had odd hairstyles, pale skin, and pocketknives. And a toaster, but that's besides the point. Anyway, always aware of the lack of fancy or above average objects in the vault, Jack didn't ask for much. He was also a quick boy to mature bodily, having a goatee at 14.
                At his escape from the vault at age 19, Jack saw the horrors of the wastes and the free will that followed in it's path. Archer was quickly changed. He wore a grimy tux, and large rimmed glasses, aided by a .44 revolver. His goal was purify the wasteland of those seen unfit. When he saw the struggling town, of megaton, he felt helpless but accepted the fact that fate would also sort out the weak. When he saw a group of scrounger ghouls in the metro, he  took it upon himself to purge them from the wastes. His back was aching. He started buffout. He killed the water beggars. His hands trembled.
                 Archer soon realized that, he was not the only one purifying the land. He soon met a man in metal Armour. Archer asked him many questions, and they soon came to a liking of each other. He found out the man in the metal Armour, was named Richard Slade. Archer soon realized what his new goal was, to join the brotherhood. He went through many tough challenges, and Richard helped him all of the way through. They became friends and then Richard asked his commander, if he needed any more members. The question still awaits....

What qualities make you stand out from the rest: Outstanding athletics, ambitious mindset, and dedication to the brotherhood.


Out-of-Character Information

Steam Name: vegasGodhead

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32942005

Time Spent with HGN: Months, just decided to get back to it. ((New forum account, FYI))

Timezone: GMT (-8)

Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you: I played on HGN for most of my time, and it has taught me how to RP seriously, I know about the Brotherhood and I know what they do. I know their purpose in the wastelands, so I hope I can benefit RP.

In-Character Information

Name: Damien Clark

Age: 28

Weight: 149 lbs.

Height: 6'3"

Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: No.

Backstory: Damien was born into a family of poor wastelanders. They had life easy, mostly. They laid low and ate what they could find. Damien was taught how to kill from an early age, since most of the time they had to fend for themselves. They slept in what shelter they could find, and would occasionally stop by towns. Damien grew up like this until he was 14, on a cold night.

Damien was sleeping as a malnourished 14 year old would, in a deep sleep. However, open nights weren't always the best of times. Sounds of footsteps came louder and louder, however Damien was a very deep sleeper. The footsteps continued, quick as though something running. Damien began stirring, but it was too late. When he opened his eyes, raiders stood over him. His parents lay on their beds, eyes open, but rolled up into their head. Their mouths were agape in shock, and blood seeped from wounds in their heads. The raiders grinned down at Damien, and something woke up inside of Damien. A feeling of adrenaline, mixed with hate and anger. He leapt up with a roar, and began fending off the raiders best as he could. However, 14 year olds that are malnourished don't make good fighters. He was brought down quickly, but he didn't go down without a fight. Damien had the blood of a man on his hands at the mere age of 14. A bad man, but a man.

When Damien awoke, he was in some sort of camp, tied up. Raiders sat around a fire, eating some sort of meat. Damien was flooded with fear, but he knew he had to escape. He strained against his bonds, but then saw a sharp piece of scrap metal sticking up out of the ground. He began squirming towards it, the raiders busy eating. Damien got close enough to the scrap, and began sawing through the rope on his wrists, rubbing it against the metal. He stopped when a raider got up and approached him. The raider bent down and smiled, showing crooked teeth. He said "Enjoy your slop, shitface." and threw a small piece of meat at Damien's face. His breath smelled like a thousand bleeding rotten pigs, but Damien ate the small piece of meat that was clearly undercooked. It had flakes of dirt on it, but it was food.

Days passed, each the same. Damien would wake up in the same settlement, have a small piece of meat for breakfast and dinner, no lunch, and saw further at his binds. One of those bland days was occuring when it finally happened. Damien broke his wrist ties. He still pretended he was tied, and moved up, holding the scrap in his hand. He then bent back, sawing at the rope around his feet with the metal. Progress was faster due to adrenaline and having free hands, so he stood up finally while the raiders were eating. They were facing away from him, the guns leaning against a wall. Damien got up and crouched low, approaching the guns. When he reached them, he silently took a hunting rifle off the wall. The kind he's best with.

He ducked low, approaching the raiders. They all began laughing at the same time, clearly one had told a joke. That gave Damien more time to get close. He crept closer, until he was about five feet away from them. He leveled his gun on one's head and pulled the trigger. A bullet shot out the front, and went through the raider's skull, spraying a red mist everywhere. The other raiders stopped laughing and stood still for a moment in shock. That gave Damien enough time to regain himself from the recoil, and fire another round, killing another raider. The remaining two raiders stood up, slightly shocked. They turned around to see Damien holding a hunting rifle. Damien barked at the two with some of his remaining energy; "Don't move a muscle!". He leveled his aim again, and fired. Only one raider was left.

Of course, a raider never gives up his chance. Since Damien was busy with the recoil, the raider launched himself at him. Damien fell backwards in shock, the gun flying away. Damien scrambled and grabbed the scrap metal from his pocket, and slashed at the raider's face. The raider sprang back in pain, and clutched his face for a moment. This gave Damien the time to hurl the scrap right into the raider's chest, cutting straight into it. The raider doubled over in pain, blood leaking everywhere. Damien kicked the raider in the head with all of his remaining power, snapping the raider's head back and breaking his neck. Damien fell to his knees, out of energy, and promptly passed out.

Damien woke up later, and wandered off, carrying the raider's guns, wearing some of their armor that had been scrapped together to make a 14-year-old size. Damien hunted smaller animals and wandered the wastelands, surviving on his own. He eventually stumbled upon a Brotherhood bunker after a long day of travelling. He practically collapsed on its doorstep. The rest is a blur, all he knows is now he's 28 and he's in the Brotherhood.

What qualities make you stand out from the rest: I am good with a gun, being trained from a young age, I'm strong and fast.


Attention everyone currently attempting to apply to the Brotherhood of Steel.

I am locking this topic and creating a new one at http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/index.php?topic=10807.0 to make sure I know who is still involved and trying to become a recruit.

Respond to the new thread if you're still interested in becoming part of the Brotherhood of Steel. You may copy and paste your old thread over if you like.

Just do me a favor. No fancy HTML. Pisses me off when I have to read three or four paragraphs of all-bold-text.



If you want into the current Brotherhood of Steel faction, you must transfer all your applications and update them properly for our current server canon. I'll be deleting this thread entirely by August 13th if no applicants respond.