Arlington Applications (On hold for now, Apply IC)

Started by Mr. Pink, 10-12-2011

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Mr. Pink

Seeing as how Arlington has been growing exponentially,
I have decided to begin hiring members on an application system. This will cut down on the number of pure noobs joining the group
as well as separate the good RPers from the bad.

Application format will be as follows (Stolen from BoS apps, altered):

[size=18pt][color=orange][b]Out-of-Character Information[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Steam ID:[/b]
[b]Time Spent with HGN:[/b]
[b]Level of RP Experience (Amount of time spent):[/b]

[b]Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you:[/b]

[center][size=18pt][color=orange][b]In-Character Information[/b][/color][/size][/center]
[b]Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?:[/b]
[b]What qualities make you stand out from the rest:[/b]
[b]Backstory:[/b] (Delete everything in the parenthesis, but give me a TWO paragraph minimum backstory. I want a history of your character as a person, their opinion of wasters, how they see things in the waste from a moral perspective...  Explain to me why I should pick -you- over someone else to join.)

People already employed with Arlington need not apply.
I wish for a pinball machine full of Cannabis.



Out-of-Character Information
Steam Name: |HGN| Halokiller38
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22375843
Time Spent with HGN: A month today
Level of RP Experience (Amount of time spent): Everyday for a Month
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time, USA
Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you: Because im already in the Group. Also this is an example.
In-Character Information
Name: James Harper
Age: 22
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: Nope
What qualities make you stand out from the rest: A very good trader and can shoot a mean shotgun round
Backstory: James Harper was born by Markus Harper and Rebecca Johansson. 

(About the parents) Markus Harper was born a Brotherhood of Steel soldier. He has had medical training in both Medicine and Surgery. He has had 5 major injuries and has recovered from all. He spent his childhood fighting the other children in the BoS base... for practice. He became a Paladin and served in the BoS for 50 years... before he died by a heart attack.
       Rebecca Johansson was born into the Brotherhood of Steel as well. She was only a cafeteria server for 12 years. When she turned 18 she became interested in guns. She was the best in a group of trainees. She became a Brotherhood knight and stayed there for another 32 years (53). She always had a smile on her face. She treated everyone alike white or black, rich or poor, dumb or smart; they were all human beings that deserved better.

        James was born in Virginia in a BoS base. He was born with his brother Sean Harper. James and Sean grew up together as Squires for 5 years till they were 14. At 14 they were both assigned to gun training for 4 months. Sean was a good fighter, but not a good sight and he was left with Rebecca's friends Carla Rillian. James was mortified to hear this news. He was depressed for a while and didn't train for 2 weeks. He then got back in action. Until he turned 16 he wasn't allowed into the field. His father was in the field when he was shot in the shoulder shattering his shoulder blade. He was never able to shoot a gun straight and was Honorably Discharged at 46. Rebecca wasn't happy, but continued fighting in the brotherhood.

        James went to melee training 5 days a week for 1 hour. He met the Elder of Arlington, Virginia when he was 17. He then was sent into the field with his friend Louis Canton, John Rosin, and Paladin John Turner. They were in Step Jaw Valley and were on an information run. They came back to Virginia with a bit of info. At 20 James's father died of a heart attack. Rebecca fell into a deep depression and was unable to fight. She was expected to be Honorably Discharged by January. She luckily pulled out of it in December. In February, James and his fellow Knights went out to Step Jaw Valley and were going to ambush the Enclave at Angron's Point. It back fired and the Enclave ambushed them. Everyone, but James and Louis, died. A passing doctor noticed them and dragged them to White Chapel (Red Chapel and Sheer Side) and healed them. They never learned the doctor's name. James, for a month, sat in bed waiting till he was healed. On his birthday he was released. He tried to contact the Brotherhood of Steel, but they said that Rebecca died and James Harper was never in the BoS. He was mad at them. He never forgave them. He then joined a militia called White Chapel. He was surprised to see that Sean was leading it. So after a while, they decided to make a town and call it Harper's Landing. The town became very successful. During his time at White Chapel he protected the town with the Outcasts several times. He has also helped the Outcasts at the battle between the Outcasts and the Hillcrest Slavers.(it's a Union now) He has also helped the Outcasts at the Angron's Points Cave. Just an example by the way.

Accepted (Not really my app :P )
I had my second chance and I selfishly blew it for petty revenge on people who didn't even deserve it. I abused Exile's trust in me and now I'm banned forever. :(


Bad Example:

Out-of-Character Information
Steam Name: Magic Weiner :DDD
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2235854
Time Spent with HGN: 4 days
Level of RP Experience (Amount of time spent): Didnt knoez wat 2 putz
Timezone: USA
Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you: Umm because I said so
In-Character Information
Name: Adolf Weine
Age: 14
Height: 6 foot 4 inches
Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: On Drugs
What qualities make you stand out from the rest: Duh I play the gamez :DDDD
Background: Came from a house in Denver. (Who cares about the rest)

I had my second chance and I selfishly blew it for petty revenge on people who didn't even deserve it. I abused Exile's trust in me and now I'm banned forever. :(


Out-of-Character Information
Steam Name: |HGN| Halokiller38
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22375843
Time Spent with HGN: A month and a week
Level of RP Experience (Amount of time spent): Everyday for a Month
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time, USA
Explain to me, in short, why I should consider you: I am in the group as James Harper
In-Character Information
Name: John 'Lander' Boyd
Age: 22
Height: 6 foot 3 inches
Do you have any medical conditions that may cause you to be unfit for this team?: Nope
What qualities make you stand out from the rest: A very good trader and can shoot a mean Combat Shotgun.
Backstory: John Boyd was a White Chapel member and a mercenary for several months before he was-Supposedly- Killed in a job. He then went by Lander for awhile. He did Merc work for 2 months in Arlington Virginia, met Mr. Arlington once in Red Chapel. He was also a Merc in Denver, Pittsburgh and New New York. He was a trader for a while till he couldn't travel by foot due to the increase in Yao Gaui and Death-claws. He then headed back to Step Jaw for a reunion with his pal Jonathan Rillian... till he learned he died. He then decided to stay Sheer Side for several weeks before the radiation bomb went off. He then moved towards The Capital Wasteland. He decided he was gonna stay in Megaton for a bit, but he decided he had to find Jonathan's brother Sean Harper. He found him and was very happy and took over Harper's Landing. He did well creating it up and decided to get back into the trading business. He discovered that Lucky was killed and James Harper was killed. He decided to have a chat with Mr. Arlington but never caught up with him... til now.

          John Boyd was born in Arlington, Virginia and was born by two Arlington members. He, for awhile, helped his mom with the trading work as his dad was out with The Arlington Centurions. His dad was latter killed by a posse of Death-claws and was found dead somewhere in Arlington, Virginia. He was then trained to protect himself with a 9mm pistol and when he turned 15 he learned to use a rifle. He was not an ordinary kid (Then again, who is ordinary... Spades <3). He had a knack for trading and bargaining. He did not notice he became in love with trading. When he was 17, he was given his first supply of trading objects. He sold everything by every Tuesday. 1 time though he got a shipment from Mr. Arlington and it had a laser Rifle. He took it out for a spin and accidentally shot a fire hydrant and it blew up. He was later hurt and decided that he was good at trading. He then was gonna go Public... but sadly Arlington moved and was no longer given shipments. So he moved out at 20.

         He went to Step Jaw in hopes of finding happiness and did. He became a Militia member and was trained in all forms of combat. He tested a laser rifle and was very accurate this time. He, sadly, had to give it back to its owner because do to the loss of power weapons, he had to give any tech to Outcasts. He then decided he wanted to help the Militia more and helped with donations. He donated 2000 caps and went on with his life. And then again he had a problem. He was hated by 1, only one Arlington Arms soldier... Alisa Charron. He was very injured for falling off a roof when Charron came into Hawkins Clinic and shot him. He was then dragged to the bridge and thrown into the water. He woke up later and found himself in an unknown base. John said, "Where am I? Who are you?... SHOW YOURSELF!". A response came and he would of never believed who it was. It was his brother Mel Boyd. He was shocked and fell unconscious for three days still injured from the gunshot wound to the chest. He woke up in a haze and realized he was in a Mercenary base in Step Jaw. He was then trained for several months on being a Merc. He was listed as a Master Merc and Trader at 22 and went to Step Jaw where he found Red Chapel deserted. He then followed a group of raiders (Was blended into the crowd with raider armor) And soonly found himself in the Northern part of Step Jaw(GM_Atomic). He found a town and it was called Harper's Landing. He then found Sean and became a leader in Harper's Crossing. He has tried to get trading supplies but has not found Mr. Arlington. So... he waits in Sheer Side waiting for Mr. Arlington to come...
I had my second chance and I selfishly blew it for petty revenge on people who didn't even deserve it. I abused Exile's trust in me and now I'm banned forever. :(