[Unban request] FrozenFire (PBan)

Started by mxh24, 17-07-2011

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Name: Frozenfire (Garret(Nick))
Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:32103477
Reason for your ban: Apparently I have 4 playerstrikes... I don't even know why...
How Long was your ban: Permanent (?)
Supporters: |HGN| Silver (Caso), Zithera, Jenna,=DWI= Director Sarge,Zack,Spades Neil ,Dave,[My Clan-DJ] Black Banana Part, and more (Don't know their steam name)

Hi, I recently got banned (about an hour ago) for some reason by jake. I was told it was about me flaming at adolf (Poopship) but I did no such thing, even if I did, he CLEARLY said the first word, as seen in these pictures, he joined, said some things, and left. http://steamcommunity.com/id/roughkill/screenshot/577802898719328842?tab=public
But, then jake told me it was because I had 4 player-strikes. Now, I was new to Serious role-play at the beginning, and that is when I got my two player-strikes. I have changed, but I know that will not show anything, or help me get unbanned. Everyone is new at one point, and nobody is perfect. as for the third player-strike, I do not even know how I got it. I just wish that I would get unbanned, because I have been with FRP on the downfall, and when we finally bring it up, jake Permanently bans me. I am not putting this on him, I am just wondering why he even gave me the two strikes. Also, he took my TT for spawning lights in my house, because it was rather dark... I do not know if this interferes with my strikes. I normally screenshot anything that I feel seems right, so I may have evidence of anything that interferes with my PBan. Also, the only reason I am really getting banned was because of my past, comming to torment me. I am sorry for whatever I did, I was just worked up because Jake keeps telling me that people complain left and right to him about me, but honestly, he only mentioned three, R3boot who left the server, Poopship, and wolf from past relations... If you have anything else to add, please do, good or bad
Thank you,
Mxh24 (Frozenfire)

"When in doubt, mumble."


Bring Frozenfire back!

RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


I'll just leave this here.

Now I'm siding with Frozen on this one. The picture above is what started the fight. I don't know who took the screenshots. I posted to let you people decide what should happen. I view it as Poopship starting the fight that got both of them playerstrikes--though the third and final strike for Frozen. Poopship has a history of flamebaiting and this looks like yet another flamebaiting incident to me.

However, Jake says the opposite. He sees the very same photo above and believes that Frozenfire started the fight with his comment, "Fuck off." Now before any of you think I'm biased, when Jake told me today that Frozenfire was caught starting drama, I was sadly disappointed at first because Frozenfire isn't the little annoying fag I knew him as when he got those first two strikes. He's changed a lot since then. Jake showed me this picture though and I was like, "... Wait, are you serious?" Now maybe it's just me, but where I come from calling someone a 'vegetable' is the same as calling them braindead or retarded. If someone were to call me that, I'd probably punch them in the jaw. >_>

On the contrary, Jake sees nothing offensive about the comment. Or perhaps Frozenfire was overreacting? Normally I'd agree with this, but knowing their history, and knowing Poopship's history, I have to ignore the idea of overreacting.

A bit of history about myself and these three. Poopship was a good friend. I don't know where the hell along the line he became such a problem. Ironically, I used to HATE Frozenfire. I viewed him as some stupid-ass kid who doesn't know a fucking thing about roleplay. Yet, that person is long gone. Things have turned out for the better. With the recovery of Fallout RP, I've viewed him as a fortunate part of the community with a not-so-fortunate past.

I'd like Frozenfire to be given a clean slate. I'm the same person who on day 1 of FORP shot an admin in the face with a 9mm pistol because I was naive. I didn't know any better. I was forgiven for it though, I never got a strike, and look at me now. I'm an admin myself. Why can't people just grow up and offer another chance?

In conclusion, regardless of if Frozen's ban is lifted or not, I have one last thing to say to everyone involved in fights like this: The lot of you need to grow the fuck up sometimes. You know who you are. Stop bitching and stop fighting with each other. Why do you keep coming back if it sucks so much? Jake and I are sick and tired of it. At least two of you beside Frozenfire you have two strikes right now. How long until you screw up and end up permabanned yourselves? I tell you, I'll be waiting. Either smarten up or get out. Frozenfire managed to do that. That's why I regained my respect for him. That's why I side with him now. Not because he's a chum of mine, because just one month ago I fucking hated this kid. Now I hold a respect for him that no one expected because he grew up. Why can't everyone do the same?

And thus; I have nothing more to say.

Frozen, why did you have to flame out Poopship at complete random? >_> Ugh. I can't support you anymore. I won't support going against you but I'm just withdrawing my comments in your favor.


If you say that he flamed you at the very end, then I can safely assume that on the screenshot where you tell him to fuck off was at the beginning, thus we can conclude that you started it this time unless what he said in the screenshot you provided was an absolute random attempt to insult. I doubt his statement's malicious intent, even if it was worded like a 12 year old would word it. By the way, I know I said fourth strike, but from now we shall refer to it as the third.

I took your tooltrust temporarily(I wanted to give it back when you came on, although I reviewed the flaming case once again), because you kept minging with it. I removed the lights we(Enclave) destroyed with the generator and it was quite obvious that I did not want you to spawn them again, because I kept removing them. I know that some will question the whole point of the operation, but I don't want to bring IC to OOC.
After that incident I let you go, but you started spawning hoverballs and tossed them around like a complete minge and then I removed your tooltrust.

I also NEVER mentioned any names when I said that.

Overall; my expectations are not met. Instead of actually saying you were wrong, you try to argue all of the valid points I banned you for. I did not permanently ban you for flaming, but because of the third strike. I could give it for minging, flaming or causing constant drama. I really expected you to understand why were you wrong.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 17-07-2011
If you say that he flamed you at the very end, then I can safely assume that on the screenshot where you tell him to fuck off was at the beginning, thus we can conclude that you started it this time unless what he said in the screenshot you provided was an absolute random attempt to insult. I doubt his statement's malicious intent, even if it was worded like a 12 year old would word it. By the way, I know I said fourth strike, but from now we shall refer to it as the third.

I took your tooltrust temporarily(I wanted to give it back when you came on, although I reviewed the flaming case once again), because you kept minging with it. I removed the lights we(Enclave) destroyed with the generator and it was quite obvious that I did not want you to spawn them again, because I kept removing them. I know that some will question the whole point of the operation, but I don't want to bring IC to OOC.
After that incident I let you go, but you started spawning hoverballs and tossed them around like a complete minge and then I removed your tooltrust.

I also NEVER mentioned any names when I said that.

Overall; my expectations are not met. Instead of actually saying you were wrong, you try to argue all of the valid points I banned you for. I did not permanently ban you for flaming, but because of the third strike. I could give it for minging, flaming or causing constant drama. I really expected you to understand why were you wrong.


"When in doubt, mumble."


A strike is a strike, I will Spades told Jake, "Either strike both, or neither." I told Jake strike both. I am happy with having two player strikes. I know, for sure that if Frozenfire is gone, I don't have to ever flame back again.


P.S. Khorn can back me up. That character was PI'd. He was an actual vegetable, meaning he cannot do ANYTHING. If you are going to create an event character, make a new char, or get your name changed.


Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
A strike is a strike, I will Spades told Jake, "Either strike both, or neither." I told Jake strike both. I am happy with having two player strikes. I know, for sure that if Frozenfire is gone, I don't have to ever flame back again.


Obviously you would come in here and target me to get banned, and you would rather ruin both of our time, then ruin none.

"When in doubt, mumble."


Quote from: mxh24 on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
A strike is a strike, I will Spades told Jake, "Either strike both, or neither." I told Jake strike both. I am happy with having two player strikes. I know, for sure that if Frozenfire is gone, I don't have to ever flame back again.


Obviously you would come in here and target me to get banned, and you would rather ruin both of our time, then ruin none.

You ruined my time. Remember that time you hit me in the head with your sledgehammer when I was using a safebox? Yeah, thanks.

Quote from: Spades_Neil on 17-07-2011
I'll just leave this here.

Now I'm siding with Frozen on this one. The picture above is what started the fight. I don't know who took the screenshots. I posted to let you people decide what should happen. I view it as Poopship starting the fight that got both of them playerstrikes--though the third and final strike for Frozen. Poopship has a history of flamebaiting and this looks like yet another flamebaiting incident to me.

However, Jake says the opposite. He sees the very same photo above and believes that Frozenfire started the fight with his comment, "Fuck off." Now before any of you think I'm biased, when Jake told me today that Frozenfire was caught starting drama, I was sadly disappointed at first because Frozenfire isn't the little annoying fag I knew him as when he got those first two strikes. He's changed a lot since then. Jake showed me this picture though and I was like, "... Wait, are you serious?" Now maybe it's just me, but where I come from calling someone a 'vegetable' is the same as calling them braindead or retarded. If someone were to call me that, I'd probably punch them in the jaw. >_>

On the contrary, Jake sees nothing offensive about the comment. Or perhaps Frozenfire was overreacting? Normally I'd agree with this, but knowing their history, and knowing Poopship's history, I have to ignore the idea of overreacting.

A bit of history about myself and these three. Poopship was a good friend. I don't know where the hell along the line he became such a problem. Ironically, I used to HATE Frozenfire. I viewed him as some stupid-ass kid who doesn't know a fucking thing about roleplay. Yet, that person is long gone. Things have turned out for the better. With the recovery of Fallout RP, I've viewed him as a fortunate part of the community with a not-so-fortunate past.

I'd like Frozenfire to be given a clean slate. I'm the same person who on day 1 of FORP shot an admin in the face with a 9mm pistol because I was naive. I didn't know any better. I was forgiven for it though, I never got a strike, and look at me now. I'm an admin myself. Why can't people just grow up and offer another chance?

In conclusion, regardless of if Frozen's ban is lifted or not, I have one last thing to say to everyone involved in fights like this: The lot of you need to grow the fuck up sometimes. You know who you are. Stop bitching and stop fighting with each other. Why do you keep coming back if it sucks so much? Jake and I are sick and tired of it. At least two of you beside Frozenfire you have two strikes right now. How long until you screw up and end up permabanned yourselves? I tell you, I'll be waiting. Either smarten up or get out. Frozenfire managed to do that. That's why I regained my respect for him. That's why I side with him now. Not because he's a chum of mine, because just one month ago I fucking hated this kid. Now I hold a respect for him that no one expected because he grew up. Why can't everyone do the same?

And thus; I have nothing more to say.

Also, I don't constantly take screenshots of EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. Frozen says, like he does to me, there have been MANY MANY MANY MAAAANY incidents were he's flamed me and I didn't bother taking a screenshot. Today, since he's been banned. I've enjoyed Fallout Roleplay. Actually ENJOYED it. Maybe a one year ban would be alright with me. It's not that long. I think it's fair.


Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
Quote from: mxh24 on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
A strike is a strike, I will Spades told Jake, "Either strike both, or neither." I told Jake strike both. I am happy with having two player strikes. I know, for sure that if Frozenfire is gone, I don't have to ever flame back again.


Obviously you would come in here and target me to get banned, and you would rather ruin both of our time, then ruin none.

You ruined my time. Remember that time you hit me in the head with your sledgehammer when I was using a safebox? Yeah, thanks.
I am not argueing with you.

"When in doubt, mumble."


Quote from: mxh24 on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
A strike is a strike, I will Spades told Jake, "Either strike both, or neither." I told Jake strike both. I am happy with having two player strikes. I know, for sure that if Frozenfire is gone, I don't have to ever flame back again.


Obviously you would come in here and target me to get banned, and you would rather ruin both of our time, then ruin none.

So what if you had three playerstrikes Poopship? I bet you'd love that. Wouldn't be so cocky then, would you?

EDIT: I say this because you appear to be celebrating the ban of another member which is highly disrespectful. I'd be pissed at Frozenfire if he did the same shit if, say, you got banned and Frozenfire was the one saying this.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 17-07-2011
Quote from: mxh24 on 17-07-2011
Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
A strike is a strike, I will Spades told Jake, "Either strike both, or neither." I told Jake strike both. I am happy with having two player strikes. I know, for sure that if Frozenfire is gone, I don't have to ever flame back again.


Obviously you would come in here and target me to get banned, and you would rather ruin both of our time, then ruin none.

So what if you had three playerstrikes Poopship? I bet you'd love that. Wouldn't be so cocky then, would you?

I am not stupid enough to get three playerstrikes. I have like, one because your a biased admin.


Dave Carn here and i'm making my first post, but before i celebrate with cake and booze i'd like to put a word in on  Frozenfire (garret)'s behalf.

When i first joined the server, i was completely clueless as to what i should do, so i wandered around and met Garret and Spades, they showed me the ropes to fallout RP, and i have to say, when you're new, its kind of complex, so Frozenfire decided to help me out by giving my tasks to earn my first handfull of caps, wich i think is great. So for me, He's been a big part of my roleplay experience, hes a great guy, and so i've heard his earlier mistakes were because he was new, but i can understand that.  I think that i would be a lot less interested in the FoRP server if it wasn't for him. He's always been there when i needed something, and hes refunded a lot of people out of his own pocket when people got RDM'd and no admins were there, a lot of other people who hang around the shop also have a great time when hes around. Everyone in the roleplay will miss him, and a part of KK's shop is now missing  :'(

Frozenfire has done more good then harm to the server, and i think you guys should consider giving him another chance, if you won't do it for yourselves. Do it for the Server.


Quote from: Fargo747 on 17-07-2011
Dave Carn here and i'm making my first post, but before i celebrate with cake and booze i'd like to put a word in on  Frozenfire (garret)'s behalf.

When i first joined the server, i was completely clueless as to what i should do, so i wandered around and met Garret and Spades, they showed me the ropes to fallout RP, and i have to say, when you're new, its kind of complex, so Frozenfire decided to help me out by giving my tasks to earn my first handfull of caps, wich i think is great. So for me, He's been a big part of my roleplay experience, hes a great guy, and so i've heard his earlier mistakes were because he was new, but i can understand that.  I think that i would be a lot less interested in the FoRP server if it wasn't for him. He's always been there when i needed something, and hes refunded a lot of people out of his own pocket when people got RDM'd and no admins were there, a lot of other people who hang around the shop also have a great time when hes around. Everyone in the roleplay will miss him, and a part of KK's shop is now missing  :'(

Frozenfire has done more good then harm to the server, and i think you guys should consider giving him another chance, if you won't do it for yourselves. Do it for the Server.

Cute speech but, KK was always better with Kira, rather then Garret. She was actually a decent trader. There was actually good roleplay rather then "NPC trading". Also, jobs are easy to come by. I give jobs on my trader, they may get you killed, but such is life in the wasteland.


Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
Cute speech but, KK was always better with Kira, rather then Garret. She was actually a decent trader. There was actually good roleplay rather then "NPC trading". Also, jobs are easy to come by. I give jobs on my trader, they may get you killed, but such is life in the wasteland.

And you fought with R3BooT every five minutes.

You just found someone else to bicker with when R3BooT said, "Fuck it I'm leaving." So you found a new victim. When Frozenfire is gone, you'll find someone else to squabble with. That is provided Jake even gives you the chance at this point.

Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
I am not stupid enough to get three playerstrikes. I have like, one because your a biased admin.

Yes you are. You have two strikes by the way in case you didn't know. I was under the impression that Jake told you. I guess not.

If I'm biased, then so be it. I speak in favor of the community. So I'm biased to the community. You're just pissed off because somewhere along the lines you decided to hate me. I'm guessing it's because I refused to take your side on this. I remember well. I remember when you wanted to be an administrator. You never had a problem with Frozenfire until then because whenever shit went down between myself and Frozen you always jumped in and threw in your unwanted two-sense about how Frozenfire was wrong. So the enemy of your enemy is your friend, right? You figured if Jake saw how much you hated Frozenfire like he appeared to, maybe you'd be an admin?

You're a fool. You think I'd forget? When you made me your enemy, you did so because I began to stop viewing Frozenfire as an enemy. By then you'd already spawned demons of your own and fought amongst yourselves. So the friend of your enemy is your enemy. I became your enemy. So long as you continue to attack the community, you will remain my enemy. When you grow up, if I ever get to see that day, then perhaps then I will regain my lost respect for you.

But until that day, learn to hold your tongue and think before you act.

Update: Holy shit that day was today of all days. I withdraw my prior statements. No this isn't trolling or joking. I'm serious. I've regained my respect for you.

Update: Frozenfire totally started a fight with you on the forums. I don't care anymore. Flame each others' brains out. I can't pick a side when you're both wrong.


Alright, Im saying now that I was not there during this issue, but I can tell you this. Frozen is a fucking BEAST. He is a great RPer, and great with helping people. Just yesterday he was giving out refunds to the people that died to the RDMer. (Before the admins came on) Now that in my opion is a good player. Now, what I heard was that he was banned for flaming and raging. Now admit it... people get angry. They make mistakes, but that doesn't mean he should be PB'ed. And was this whole thing about lights? If it was, he probably put the lights up in KK's because its too dark... (Just as stated in his summary) And again, Im not sure exactly how Frozen was banned, but hes a good guy. He should get a another chance.



Ya' know what?


I am with R3Boot on this one. Good bye Fallout Roleplay. Crussaria will be the bee's knees anyways.


I don't know what the hell is going on FRP server side, but what I will point out is my disappointment at how Spades is acting. I'm not seeing a 'professional HGN administrator', I'm seeing someone stooping down to the level that they should be working to abolish from the server. You're talking so much about how immature Poopship is, but I'm seeing you mirror that right back at him, it's the kettle calling the pot black and if I were you I'd put a stop to it about now. Being an administrator means you put your personal feelings on the sideline when you look at something, and you're obviously not doing that at this time, Spades.

This isn't me defending any of them, actually, I'm not a FORP administrator so I won't make FORP admin calls. But I am a Supervisor, and I know what I expect out of SRP admins and it should be no less for FORP admins. If you people can't debate maturely then don't even bother posting in this thread and allow LE to review it himself and making the judgement he wants to make. This isn't for your little personal rivalries and quite frankly it doesn't speak very high of the HGN administration team to see how one of our own is handling it.

I do have a note to make about Poopship, from the shit I've been seeing you better start watching how you act in HGN servers, or you might not get the chance to enjoy Crussaria for very long.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 17-07-2011
I don't know what the hell is going on FRP server side, but what I will point out is my disappointment at how Spades is acting. I'm not seeing a 'professional HGN administrator', I'm seeing someone stooping down to the level that they should be working to abolish from the server. You're talking so much about how immature Poopship is, but I'm seeing you mirror that right back at him, it's the kettle calling the pot black and if I were you I'd put a stop to it about now. Being an administrator means you put your personal feelings on the sideline when you look at something, and you're obviously not doing that at this time, Spades.

This isn't me defending any of them, actually, I'm not a FORP administrator so I won't make FORP admin calls. But I am a Supervisor, and I know what I expect out of SRP admins and it should be no less for FORP admins. If you people can't debate maturely then don't even bother posting in this thread and allow LE to review it himself and making the judgement he wants to make. This isn't for your little personal rivalries and quite frankly it doesn't speak very high of the HGN administration team to see how one of our own is handling it.

I do have a note to make about Poopship, from the shit I've been seeing you better start watching how you act in HGN servers, or you might not get the chance to enjoy Crussaria for very long.

To you, I apologize for my behavior. I am a mere 15 year old.



I am 100% with Frozen on this. I dont know the history between him and poopship nor do I care. Ive been on FORP for almost two weeks now and Ive had more fun with frozen then ever with poopship. As mush I like to remain neutral in arguments and dont want to get involved, I have to draw a line at this.

Since I first started fallout rp I had no idea what was going on, how the palce worked, what most of the rules were for the sever. But as I play and rp I met some good guys on there, despite the history Ace tells me of sometimes. Even then I really dont see all the bad stuff that was said of what happened long before I joined.

All I know is Frozen and Poopship hated each others guts. I really dont understand the full scale of this hate, even so I only cared about roleplaying. Since the time Ive been on I found Frozen's character more compelling and fun. A guy who co-works as a trader, just trying to make a living, and yet being robbed constantly. This sort of thing hooks me because the player makes the character more compelling and they actually interact with the people. Poopship? I have no idea. I dont know the characters and I dont know the player.

Still I really want frozen to come back on the FORP, it's not AS fun without him on there.

Also Poopship, I already know your gonna respond and bitch about what I am gonna say. As far as I see it I dont give a flying lizard about what your gonna say. Your arguing with everyone on this form JUST to keep Frozen out of fallout rp. And frankly I rather have him OVER you. With him it's fun and keep things entrusting. The way characters interact without the thought of said character turning on you for no reason. With you it's not fun, not exciting and frankly your character isnt as compelling as Garret. I care more about role play and FUN, then fear and arguing.
I used to be an adventure like you, but then the shadow started chasing me through a castle filled with monsters.


Quote from: Caso on 17-07-2011

I am 100% with Frozen on this. I dont know the history between him and poopship nor do I care. Ive been on FORP for almost two weeks now and Ive had more fun with frozen then ever with poopship.

Thanks.. And I am 100% with Frozen as well now. I know he is more fun to roleplay with then me. I've realized that.

All I know is Frozen and Poopship hated each others guts. I really dont understand the full scale of this hate.

Let's say, I am a nazi and he is a jew. Yes, it's that extreme. If it offends anyone, I will edit. I want to tone it down so we are ATLEAST neutral to each other.

Also Poopship, I already know your gonna respond and bitch about what I am gonna say. As far as I see it I dont give a flying lizard about what your gonna say.

I'm alright with that. I am an egotistical douchebag. I know. Jake knows, this community knows.


Quote from: Poopship on 17-07-2011
Ya' know what?


I am with R3Boot on this one. Good bye Fallout Roleplay. Crussaria will be the bee's knees anyways.

You explained your reasoning for this on Steam. It made me smile. Like I said, my respect for you skyrocketed as a result.

I don't know if Frozenfire will be unbanned or not unfortunately, but at least someone is learning.

The future looks bright. If Frozenfire does return though you guys need to kiss and make up. :P And if either of you start shit, I'll give you the same advice I gave him, or same advice I give anyone. Don't feed the trolls. It just makes it harder to decide who to blame and wastes our time as admins.

Quote from: Duranblackraven on 17-07-2011
I don't know what the hell is going on FRP server side, but what I will point out is my disappointment at how Spades is acting. I'm not seeing a 'professional HGN administrator', I'm seeing someone stooping down to the level that they should be working to abolish from the server. You're talking so much about how immature Poopship is, but I'm seeing you mirror that right back at him, it's the kettle calling the pot black and if I were you I'd put a stop to it about now. Being an administrator means you put your personal feelings on the sideline when you look at something, and you're obviously not doing that at this time, Spades.

Perhaps I am being a bit more blunt than necessary, but mind you Poopship's comments in this thread (prior to his change of heart) pissed off both Jake and I.

Now provided, at this point I don't think this thread makes a difference. After witnessing the conversation between Jake and Frozenfire over Steam (because this thread started turning into a hell hole) I don't think it matters anymore how much we support/disapprove of Frozenfire's return. Jake doesn't seem very keen on it. It saddens me to see a decent roleplayer getting kicked out, but there's little I can do. Maybe it's for the best. Despite my claimed experience as admin, HGN has been an incredibly new experience for me. It's probably because it's the first time I've dealt with such a large community.

What I wanted to make clear is I don't want anyone fighting like this anymore. My biggest concern with Poopship up until his epiphany was, "He's just going to start the same shit with someone else, and we'll be right back here again." With that in mind I just wanted him gone before he could do additional harm.

I can tell you, I'm more happy than anyone to know that isn't likely going to be the case. There's a silver lining to this.


I had a blast on HGN despite my negatives with Jake, and all of the rdmers and failrp. I just hope you guys have the same...

Also tell me what crussria is like please...

"When in doubt, mumble."


Quote from: mxh24 on 18-07-2011
I had a blast on HGN despite my negatives with Jake, and all of the rdmers and failrp. I just hope you guys have the same...

Also tell me what crussria is like please...

:'( I'll tell you all about it bro. Sorry.



Although Frozen and I have had our differences, I'll admit he is an all around good guy and a really good roleplayer. Recently I'd like to say we've been getting along a lot more than we used to and right when we were starting to be nice to each other he gets permabanned. Don't know if it's too late as I have only skimmed through the thread, but I'll just leave my support here anyway.

Fallout roleplay
Name: Trevor West
Occupation: None
Age: 28
Status: Alive

Name: Pvt. Richard McKay
Occupation: Enclave
Age: 33
Status: Alive


-support, now because he went all asshole on me for no reason.