[Faction War] Bluegrass Slavers vs. The New Boones Borough

Started by jaik, 24-05-2011

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I thought that to spice things up we could use something interesting and dangerous. These two factions are conveniently hostile to each other so I asked permission from the leaders and they agreed to this.

Strategic Information About Factions

NBR - New Boones Borough
WM - Windmill
WT - Water Tanks

TS - Trailer Settlement
SHIP - The closest ship to Lindfirth

S* - Strategic Location
*R*(W) - Very Important Resource Location (Water)
R*(S) - Useful Resource Location (Scrap)

Advantages - NBR

  • Official Major Faction
  • Admin Supported - Free gear on join guaranteed.
  • Law Enforcement
  • Trading Town
  • The leader has been with Fallout RP since the beginning
  • Inactive Members

Advantages - Bluegrass Slavers

  • New Group
  • More members

  • Doesn't have official trading
  • PBG

The reason why Lindfirth is poor in resources is because it's a new settlement made only out of slavers and slaves. It relies on traders or members of the community to get resources. Its military power is stronger because the members of the community are relying only on fighting and slaving to survive.

NBR is an old trading town and it owns the most vital location on the map. Their strength is hindered because of the inactivity of the members.This should inspire the current ones to get active or more players to join this faction.

Campaign Map

How it works?
You can attack enemy territories when:
-I authorized it.
-The sides are balanced
Both sides will be notified if there's a -POSSIBLE- attack.
I will do random /event(s) to give patrolling/guarding troops something to RP/Talk about.

If a battle is started:
-You can't leave the territory unless you notify me/ the leader of your retreat OOCly

1) All enemy's territories must be captured before attacking the capital.
2) You get a reward after capturing a territory.
-"RANDOM' marker on the map means that you can get a random set of items related to the building - I'll make sure they're fair and balanced.
-"ALL" means that there's all kinds of junk, items and so on. (Random ammo, junk, misc items, parts, scrap)
3) If the faction war is WON, then:
- You can do whatever you want with the acquired territory, items and such.
- You get a "special" reward if you win. It's marked near the capital.
- By armor of choice I mean you can choose any armor from Vault suit to Salvaged Power Armor
- "Unique Tech" is a secret.
- You can continue to hunt/chase/mutilate/rape the retreating forces.

4) If the faction war is LOST, then:
- You will not be able to control any of the territories on the campaign map for a certain time revealed later. You can't retreat to ECR base.
- You can't "counter-attack" or do any other actions against the other faction UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY ME.


Interested in NBR?
Apply NOW!
Talk to Wolf before applying!


Interested in joining the side of slavers?
Talk to Poopship before applying!


Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Interested in hiring some mercenaries for this fight!?

Hire from the best around!

((Click the icon below to goto the merc page))

Either sides can hire. Talk to any of the mercenaries IC or OOC if you wish to hire them.

Look below. Robbing our guys the past view days didn't help you much. Again, Boones can only hire us now(For this faction war, unless someone else decides to get involved.)

Prepare to bring out your caps if you wish to pay them, though.
funny gifs


War Were Declared
(This post is in-character!)

Due to the state of our territorial and economic neutrality, any and all combat in our area will be met with retaliation regardless of the instigators responsible. In addition, there are the following terms that certain factions must comply with:

- Kira's Karbines and immediately neighboring lands are and always have been a NO-FIRE ZONE! Violators will be shot, and survivors will be shot again--regardless of faction affiliations or there lack-of. This includes (but is not limited to) Slavers, Boones militia, Underside, Pavilion, ECR, and all wastelanders. Only Brotherhood of Steel members and mercenaries hired by Kira are currently exempt from this rule, and may engage in combat as they deem fit.

- In the absence of troop presence in the water tank yard, Kira's Karbines will consider this territory part of the no-fire zone. If Boones troops are present and guarding the territory at any time, it is considered Boones territory until their departure and thus void to the no-fire rule until the troops depart. After a better survey of the local landscape, this rule is now void. The water towers are no longer neutral territory part of the no-fire zone.

- Due to repeat offenses by Slavers to the law of Kira's neutral territory, any slavers carrying visible firearms will be shot on sight by Kira's mercenaries. Melee weapons do not apply to this rule and are thus permitted for the time being. Slavers are once again permitted to carry firearms in this region in light of the extermination of some problematic members. However, firearms are and always have been disallowed within Kira's shop.

- Kira's Karbines being neutral territory may be used a ground of diplomacy between Boones and Slaver leadership at any point. However, if either of the two factions start shooting at each other--they will ALL be fired upon. This is not up for negotiation, and you would be wise not to piss off a powerful and wealthy arms dealer.


Kira Alekhin
Maria Volpe



Fallout roleplay
Name: Trevor West
Occupation: None
Age: 28
Status: Alive

Name: Pvt. Richard McKay
Occupation: Enclave
Age: 33
Status: Alive


Quote from: Poopship on 25-05-2011
Alright, due to OOC flame, bullshit and more. Slavers, no longer exist. I am sick of all the flame and stupidity going on, fuck them, and fuck Boones.

You can quit but good luck getting your former fellow slavers to do so.


Quote from: Poopship on 25-05-2011
Quote from: TrevorWest on 25-05-2011
Well there goes my excitement.
I was pumped for it too. I feel shitty for it aswell, I just can't handle it when we killed Rachmuel, he complained and now there is a war between Slavers and Kira for something that should have been NLR'd. We can't get guns, we can't get ammo, we can't win. I am sick of this bullshit and want it to all go away.
It's OK.
Boones will continue (I think). I will take some people as event chars for the battles, they will be replacing you. This is actually much easier for me now that I don't have to deal with two factions at the same time.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Thread lock? I THINK we're switching to New England so I don't think we'll ever reach the end of the war D:
funny gifs


Quote from: R3BooT on 28-05-2011
Thread lock? I THINK we're switching to New England so I don't think we'll ever reach the end of the war D:

War ICly goes for 15 years if Exile says "ok" to the timeline shift.