So is this dead or what

Started by OjManchow, 18-04-2010

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because if it isnt, where is everyone
I was half expecting to see all these " Desertia veterans " whos dicks we must suck because theyre so awsum cuzz dey dun lot of sheet befor all u nu hgn fags joind

Cmon people, join already

EDIT: Also, inb4flame


Everyone was on SRP yesterday.
Desertia is slowly dying.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway



No further comment on this.


Probaly because nobody bothers even thinking about joining except if there are 10+ players on it.
Ive noticed if I dont nag people to join, nothing happens.
When I did it today, we got a good while of people.

Summary, people are too lazy to join without people nagging them to death.


It's not dead! I've got a ride from Gates today in his new shiny bus. Epic!


People are just whining about how their guns keep disappearing. It's an old glitch you have to get used to. I'm not even sure if it's ever going to be fixed. Before people stopped coming, when I came on the server, just about every time someone was like "New gun please." Guys, you don't need guns to RP. If you need a gun, go play counter-strike.


Quote from: Jones815 on 18-04-2010
People are just whining about how their guns keep disappearing. It's an old glitch you have to get used to. I'm not even sure if it's ever going to be fixed. Before people stopped coming, when I came on the server, just about every time someone was like "New gun please." Guys, you don't need guns to RP. If you need a gun, go play counter-strike.

Just an excuse for you to be lazy, amirite?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but 90% of the trade that goes on in the server is with guns.

You want to be a merc? You'd better have a gun.
You want to be a Militia? You'd better have a gun.
Want to be a bandit? You'd better have a gun.

Almost all of the populace has a firearm, and it doesn't help that half of the time there's some event where the CE start shooting at people.


also, inb4 you don't need guns to be a merc/bandit, that's total bullshit and you know it.


That, and it's not admins jobs to have super god characters like some do..., but instead to help players with things like refunds, flags, and general admin business. Because all admins should know that Players Needs > RP


1. Take screenshot of inventory before you get off.
2. ??
3. PROFIT!!!


You don't need a gun to RP, unless you're planning to shoot someone. For the record, we're not lazy. You're just lazy to come to the server to get your gun. And if you need a gun to RP go back to CSS.


It's not that people NEED guns to RP, it's that they typically spend a lot of time working for one and to have it disappear is very frustrating. Before SRP's inventory got fixed I would have to deal with 15+ people asking for refunds of gear every day, and that's assuming there wasn't a server crash while I was handing out refunds causing more people to need stuff refunded.

I agree passive can be more fun (and often is more fun) than gunfighting. On my character all the RPs I've been in have been me fixing stuff. And it's awesome. But lots of people like faster-paced entertainment. Begrudging them that with you "You don't need a gun to RP" is not going to help player numbers.


Quote from: Jones815 on 18-04-2010
You don't need a gun to RP, unless you're planning to shoot someone. For the record, we're not lazy. You're just lazy to come to the server to get your gun. And if you need a gun to RP go back to CSS.

Hahahahahhaa. Oh wow.

Sure, you don't need a gun to RP. But you need one if you don't plan on getting PK'd every time you join the server, or if you don't want to get robbed. I bet if we took the CE's weapons away, they wouldn't do shit.

Statement two. Oh fucking wow, that was dumb. I haven't been on the server for at least three or four days, because I've been gone. When did I join the server, get a refund, and then immediately disconnect? Never. Think before you speak. At least get some god damn facts.

And I would much rather play CSS than get raided by C.E. over and over again, getting completely raped because you guys can't STM.


Just as well I Inb4flame'd


Hey guize,

look at your little Amerkkka incursion in the middle east All im gonnna say.
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

My Profile[/b][/size]


You guys should stop whining, I have a fucking terminator after me for no apparent reason then ooc hate. And yea, on this server you need a gun to rp..
Almost everyjob that exists needs a gun to be able to do and the once that dont Lets say.. Mining, Get attacked by formanians all the time, so they still need a gun to be able to do a job that shouldent require one in the first place.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


I have tried to make this point before and I kinda gave up really early but yeah, guns are kinda needed for this RP or the majority of it. And people do join a server and loose something the spent a few good hours to earn and then loose. I will have to agree with some of the HGN admins here.


Quote from: Cobra on 19-04-2010
I will have to agree with some of the HGN admins here.

It's almost like they havn't dealt with this situation before and vastle decreased the whining on the server by just fixing it.
Please check out my other suggestions for PS2. Click 'Like' if you agree!

!IMPORTANT! Empire Specific Fighters and the Empire Specific Weapons. Overview, tweeks and nerfs! BIG POST

My Profile[/b][/size]


Get a screenshot, show it to admin, get refund.


It'd be great if you'd all stop bitching and whining like 13 year old girls on their first period. Try making intelligent statements and offering idea's, not talking shit about the current system. If you don't have one to make then stfu and don't post anything.

Characters - Stalker RP
Diederik 'Ghost' Sigmund - Mercenary - Alive
Archibald 'Joker' Jung - Freedom Trader - Alive
Characters - Crussaria RP
Durinos Rahl - First Wizard - Alive

Silver Knight

This is most likely going to be discontinued, i have not talked to STAR in awhile and Afromana has left the project entirely. That is, assuming STAR wants to let the project go.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 28-04-2010
This is most likely going to be discontinued, i have not talked to STAR in awhile and Afromana has left the project entirely. That is, assuming STAR wants to let the project go.
Well, there is still Jones, Col is having computer issues at the moment, so Jones is temporary in-charge, you should try talking to him about it


I can name pretty much every reason why no one is on. A large part of it is the lack of admins and activity and something to do on the server.(Meaning there is nothing to do in the server :\ nothing ever happens)


Quote from: Cobra on 28-04-2010
I can name pretty much every reason why no one is on. A large part of it is the lack of admins and activity and something to do on the server.(Meaning there is nothing to do in the server :\ nothing ever happens)
Unless this roleplay gets some new admins, I guess its done for.


StaR's computer broke.


Quote from: Jones815 on 29-04-2010
StaR's computer broke.
Damn'd Planetary porn.