Rebellion Application - Dante Caspian

Started by Welek, 10-04-2010

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1. Steam Name: Welek
2. Character Name: Dante Caspian

3. Reason: I would qualify for the Rebellion because... I would qualify becuase I am a good roleplayer, I've been told I've been in the Resistance on HGN's Hl2RP (Leader probably not the best one tho.) and in the TnB Resistance before a wipe. I'm not going to make a character backstory because all it would be is where my character is from and his childhood. He is a underpaided Miner who is sick of being treated like trash. If you want PM me and I will send you a small Journal of my characters life in the mines. I believe I have some support, I am only doing this because I believe the resistance/rebellion is how Genesis said (I half-created that idea) and thanks to Genesis he really shinned a light on Desertia for me.

4.Link to character Backstory: N/A Read above.


Accepted. Welcome aboard, Welek.