Professor Isaac Church

Started by Genesis, 13-03-2010

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Metal Gear Solid - The Best Is Yet To Come [OST]

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: SATURN Incorporated Space Station
Faction: Currently None
Position: None

Biography: Date Unknown -- Before Desertia
Isaac was born inside the SATURN Weapons, Inc. Space Station. Little is known of his past life, except that he was taken in by a scientist named 'Doctor Johnathan' after his mother passed away giving birth. Isaac being born on a weapon-developing companies' space station lead to his future.
Isaac went to a school aboard the ship in his young years, where he was taught everything he needed to know. Isaac went on to spend most of his time working with Doctor Johnathan, who was working with other scientists to develope prototype weapons.
A few years later, Doctor Johnathan and the Professor passed away. Isaac was given the Professor's position, and has been working on prototype weapons ever since.

Date Unknown -- Before Desertia
On a normal day aboard the SATURN Station, a large bang was heard. When an announcement came on saying that 'Subject X288 has escaped!' everyone set into immediate panic. Isaac had no idea what was going on. A scientist ran up to Isaac, and tried to explain to him that SATURN was using test subjects to test their weapons. The next thing Isaac knew, he heard ear-piercing gunshots from across the room. A large gray figure had appeared in the room, and was mauling the scientists and guards one by one. With a loud bang, it smashed its arm into one of the ships walls, and the airlocks were slowly opening. Grabbing an oxygen mask, Isaac ran for the escape pods.
Upon finding the escape pod bay, almost all of the pods were taken. One scientist ran about, shitting his pants, and not taking the last pod. Isaac took this chance to hop into it, shoving a prototype weapon in with him. The scientist tried to throw Isaac out to get in, but it was too late. The escape pods launched, flying outwards in several different directions.
Isaac looked out from his escape pod window, seeing the other escape pods fly off, and watching as the SATURN Space Station was slowly destroyed. The pods screen appeared 'Greetings. If you are in this pod, then there has been an emergency. Please wait while we locate the nearest planet.' A few seconds later, the computer turned back on 'Planet located -- Name unknown. Life detected on planet.' Isaac looked out the window, peering at the large desert planet his pod was heading for, and sighed.

Date Unknown -- Landing on Desertia
The pod smashed into the heavy dunes, a cloud of smoke appearing. Isaac disengaged the door, and stepped out of the pod. He peered across the wasteland, sighing. 'Computer, where is the nearest human life form?'. 'Calculating' said the computer 'Nine miles northeast'. Isaac sighed again, a deep, long sigh. Then, he took the Prototype rifle from his pod and moved northeast.

Date Unknown -- In the wasteland
Isaac walked through the dunes, hoping for a sight of civilization, or just another human. He looked down his binoculars and saw something in the distance. It slowly grew closer, and then he noticed it almost looked bug-like. Backing up, he began to run in the other direction.
The bug chased after him, screeching. He looked back down the binoculars, and saw it gaining on him. The binocular's HUD appeared, identifing the creature as a 'Formian'. Isaac continued running, then finally turned around to face the bug. He armed the prototype weapon, pulling the trigger nerviously. A large round flied towards the bug, and the bug exploded into tiny pieces. Isaac tried to pull the trigger again, still scared, but the gun would not fire. Sighing, Isaac took out a notepad and wrote down 'Prototype E288 -- Fails to work after first shot'. He continued on his way northeast.

Date Unknown -- Desertia. Found civilization
Isaac fell to his knees, thanking god. He saw a town-like civilization through his binoculars, not very far away. He began to walk towards it.

(To be continued)

Categorization: Neutral Good
Favored Enemy: None, at the moment
Favored Weapon: He does not enjoy using weapons, nor killing.
Current Equipment:
1. His lab coat
2. A G.I Commando sweater
3. Broken Prototype Rifle
4. Glasses
5. Everything seen in the picture

Rivaling: None
Current Task: Get to civilization


Col. StaR


I'm not sure about the little robot, though...