Lyric D'Aubigne

Started by Ping-Pong, 12-03-2010

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Age: Lyric D'Aubigne
Gender: Female
Homeplanet: Earth
Faction: Entanglement
Position: Rookie

Biography: Lyric was born on March 2, 2344, in Paris, France. She was the day she was born she was left at the steps of a Orphanage to grow up with a life of hardships, she grew up stealing from those more fortunate and beating those who gave her friends any problems. She was close to the other orphans, she would take care of the younger orphans at the age of seven and joined a gang started by other orphans after reading a Robbin Hood story book. Lyric took it too far, she was the exact opposite when she began mugging people in the ally ways of Paris. When Lyric was eighteen she set out to search for her parents, armed with a .44 Revolver. She stowed away on a D.E.T.S. Supply Transport Ship that was on it's way to Juriah, she found her parents together in a hotel, learning who they were, a drug dealer and a whore. Then they told her why they left her there that day, because she was a "Burden." She shot both of them in one shot out of pure rage. Lyric later left Juriah, today she is a 21 year old woman, and a criminal in the Slums of Gerian.

Categorization: Failed Initiative
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Favored Enemy: Close Endeavors, Bandits, and Lost Unsuspecting Traders.
Favored Weapon: Any weapon works, she has no favorite.
Rivaling: N/A
Current Task:
Gain Reputation. - [On-Going]


Dusty Brown Trench Coat
Torn T-Shirt
Torn Blue Jeans

Entanglement Mask (Only worn on Missions with Entanglement)
Old Backpack
Beretta M9
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


Why did Robin Hood inspire her to mug random people? Didn't he only mug the rich and give it to the poor?
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson, A.K.A. Gonzo.


I think Failed Initiative should mean more that what it does... Like... Failure to understand a child's book.
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)