John Andersson

Started by Radek, 14-03-2010

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Age: 23
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Earth
Faction: Inclassified.
Position: None at the moment.


(Just without the gun.. And you know the entire Rebel hero thing.)

He had finnaly done it..
John had suffered under the pressure of his fathers demands for to long and he had finally taken the step and left both his home and planet behind him.
He couldn't stay on the same world as his father did sense he would never stop hunting him.
Everything had started when John had dropped out of school. His father had demanded he returned and finished so he could apply for the officer academy just as he had oh so long ago. His father was a Major General and he had always talked hove e would see John whipped in shape the moment he joined up..
It dident take John long after leaving school to realize that his father was not going to let the subject go. He was getting more and more violent each day and started making threats about drafting him in to the army, in to the lower ranks and after the story's John had heard he wasn't so keen on getting eaten by aliens.
He understood that he had no other option then to run away. So one night he did what he had to do.

He cleansed the house of everything of value, money small tech and anything else that he could sell so he could get enough money to travel as far away as possible.
e quickly went through the large house and ended up in his fathers Office, the good General wasn't home, not even in the country at the moment so John had plenty of time to go through the office. After an hour or two of searching John went for his fathers crown jewel.. The Old safe that he used to store the things he dident even trust his family with (Not that anyone could blame him). The safe was designed to open only for his father using a complex Dna scanning system... Or with a data corruption program and his own DNA. After some fiddling the Safe cracked open. The content of the safe was not much to look at.. His Fathers PDA And a wooden box. John quickly copied the information on the Pda over to his own, making sure to delete all records of the transaction.

John sighs as he looks at his packing. The brown duffel bag held everything he owned, it dident look like much but inside he had the source of his future wealth.
John slowly opens the bag and removes a small PDA.
The PDA had once belonged to his father but he wouldn't need it anymore.
John put's the PDA inside his jacket, making sure it's hidden then goes back to going through his duffel bag. Everything he had in this duffle bag was ironically from his father, not that he had agreed on him taking them but he dident think much at that time. John took up a small object that he had carefully concealed in a blanket. The Blanket had his fathers old revolver in it, a beautiful thing that sadly wasn't functioning. It was the last thing his mother had given his father, A Pistol partially made in silver. Not the most romantic thing in the world but hey.. What do you give an old military Officer. He gently placed the bundle back in to his duffel bag as he started to make his way to the drop pod that was going to take him to his new "home", armed with the information on his Fathers PDA and a broken pistol.

Categorization:Rogue Initiative
Favored Enemy: He as never liked any kind of military Organization.. So he stays away from XEM and CE
Favored Weapon: Revolver
Current Task: Getting connections on the new world..
Current Equipment:
Brown duster.
Old Military Duffel bag.
Broken Revolver.
Military Boots.

Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


/off oh shit you stole my pic :( i nearly made my char (and i thought this pic perfect for my miner )-O )
Hawke (The main character of Dragon Age 2) named after me :D


/off, Beat ya to it :P but this wasn't really what i wanted, but i couldn't find what i was looking for I'll tell ya if i find something else.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


/off DAMNIT Radek, that's My Ecologist's name and I was gonna use that for this too


/off Well.. Beat ya to it biatch :P
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


I knew someone would use this pic. I KNEW IT!



Lol I noticed the Matrix pun as well, Afro. I was wondering who else was going to.


Maybe i should use that pic instead :P
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"