John 'Xenon' Edwards

Started by Sniper3124, 16-03-2010

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Name: John 'Xenon' Edwards
Age: 42
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Sub-Orbital Station S27
Faction: XEM
Position: XEM Executive
Callsign: Xeon
Height: 5'10
Hair Colour: Bald
Eye Colour: Blue
Reference Photo:


Biography: Xeon was born on the Sub-Orbital Space Station S27, to a father who was an XEM executive manager, and a mother who was a nurse on the station. He showed particular interest in his fathers line of work, when Xeon was 19 his father had offered him a job shadowing opportunity to see if he wanted to follow in his fathers footsteps at XEM. However, after only one year of job shadowing, his father committed suicide, and being the next most qualified man for the job he replaced his father for the position of "Director of Off-Station Finance & Commerce" Within his first week, he came across a file on his fathers laptop labeled "CLASSIFIED" Upon opening of the file he had discovered a place called "Desertia" which was rich in minerals and other precious metals. Xeon knew he had hit the jackpot, and quickly packed his things and gathered his entire life savings (And some of his fathers inheritance) and took the next possible shuttle for his next "Entrepreneurial Venture" Upon his arrival, he immediately took interest in the Miners, and after some long talks with both his XEM bosses and the Mining union he set up a relitavely small contract (500,000 Mesi)


After a few short months of being on Desertia, Xenon has becoming more and more interested in the business of funding conflicts. He thinks to himself: "War Is Profitable", and begins to start, and fuel conflicts through weapons and slave trafficking. Xenon has a hand in almost all of Gerians illegal activities, and even some legal ones. He has numerous people under his control through the use of Money to hire out Mercenary groups, to legal contracts binding others to him. Although nobody knows his true identity, he is quite well known among the Gerian populous as "That guy in the suit" He also has access to XEM paperwork and can wave his Diplomatic Immunity whenever he feels like it. Xenon is a truly powerful man, Those who are on his bad side, should watch their backs.

Where will this path take him? Who knows, it can be very profitable, however if he is ever caught it would be the death of him.
Chrome .357 Colt Python

Leather cloves
Pinstripe suit
Rolex watch
Red tie

Categorization: ChaoticNeutral
Favored Enemy: None
Favored Weapon: Colt Python
Rivaling: None
Current Task:
Strike a contract with the Miners: Completed
Successfully frame another group and make a profit off of it:Completed
Strike a contract with CE: In-Progress
Fuel the flames of war:In-Progress
Gain contacts:In-Progress
Make 1,000,000 Mesi: In-Progress

Col. StaR

Here's another reference photo for you to use for John Edwards:


Except im 300+ years after him :/


Not to mention you're both politicians XD


Politicians with guns and a shitload of cash.

Oh and this one's corrupt.... Wait, i guess i really am a politician lol :V