James "Krueger" Proden

Started by Blake.H, 10-04-2010

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Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Desertia
Faction: Ex-Miner
Position: N/A

Biography: James was born and raised into a Miners Family, that's alls he knew. He Mined from age 16 up to age 23. He was a hard worker but rather careless. He was in the mine a few weeks after his 23rd Birthday, he and his team were about to blast a new Hole in the rocks everyone went for cover, James thought he'd be cocky and just get in a crevasse closer to the explosives. "Fire in the hole" The rocks blew, it revealed a flammable gas Pocket behind the rocks. it soon exploded sending a fireball down the mine. James, being so close got burnt. His face was melted and warped. He received no medical attention. Xenon didn't help at all, didn't even pay him for his work. People began calling him Krueger, as in Freddie Krueger. James couldn't go on working for such imbeciles he quit the mine and started doing anything in his power to disrupt the Xenon mining corporation and Close Endeavours, the ones  he wrongly holds blame for his misfortune.

Categorization: Unstable
Favored Enemy: Close Endeavours
Favored Weapon: Anything that can do harm.
Rivaling: N/A
Current Task: N/A

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"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"