Flynn Brooks

Started by Genesis, 07-04-2010

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Eagles Hotel California (Acoustic)

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Earth
Faction: In-Classified
Position: None

March 15th -- Prison
Drake and I just arrived at prison. We were surprised they only moved us to the local one. We were arrested for acts of 'terrorism' and 'treason', but we knew exactly what was going on. The god damned government is so corrupt these days, they need to find people to blame their mistakes on. Unfortunatly, it was me, Drake, and a small group of other men. None of us did shit, and we all knew this perfectly well, yet we were taking the punishment. We were being sent to our deaths. Punishment for treason was death by lethal injection. No one was going to have this shit. Non-violent protest wouldn't work this time, the only cure for this corrupt government is death. In our constitution, it states that it is the citizen's responsiblity to throw off the opressors. They're time will come.

March 20th -- Prison
We've gathered as a group. Our entire group has been planning a revolt for days. We've been making weapons, such as socks filled with batteries from our radios....or the radios themselves. We planned to start the revolt during the next recess, or outside time we get. As the guards opened our cell doors, Drake was the first on the attack. He grabbed the first guard, choking him out, while I swung a sock filled with batteries at the other's head. We took them down pretty quickly, took their gear, and began to move quickly for the exit. The other men that arrived with us were on the other side of the prison, so all we could do was wish them luck. When we reached the exiting doors of the compound, I tried to hide my face as much as possible from the cameras. I took out the keys I found on the guard, and fiddeled with them at the lock. "Excuse me" a voice called. I turned to my right to see a short-old woman staring at us through a glass window. We nearly shit our pants. "Are you the new guards?" she asked. I sighed with relief, and said "Yes, I'm sorry. I can't figure out which key opens the lock." "Well its this one, sweety," she replied, pointing at the smallest key. "Oh, thanks" I said, as I opened the door and walked out with Drake. I thought it was way too easy, and I started to get cocky, when I heard the alarms go off. Guard's surronded the permitters, aiming at us with their sidearms and yelling at us to get on the ground. It was over, our plan had failed.
March 25th -- Back at Prison
After the breakout, they decided that we needed a better punishment then just death. They decided to send Drake and I to a prison on a planet called 'Desertia'. I heard rumors about the planet, saying that almost everyone who has gone there has gone insane. Honestly, we were scared. When our ship arrived, we had been greated by about three hundred our so other prisoners going to the same place. The guards pushed us on hostily, and one of the prisoners made the mistake at spitting at them. The guard shot him in the foot twice. This is not where it ends, though. I'm not giving up. This corruption needs to be cured.
April 10th -- Arrival
Upon arriving at the new prison on the new planet, we immediatly rallyed almost every prisoner in the compound. Drake and I convinced them all it was the time to rebel within an hour of talk, and we planned the rebellion for next week. Again, we armed ourselves, hoping for the best. This time, I believed we would succeed. The prisoner population outnumbered the guard population, four-hundred to two-hundred.
April 19th -- Revolt
My revolt was a success. We wiped out a majority of the staff, and completely took over the compound. We took all of the guards supplies and guns, and we are now in full control. We'd lost about two-hundred fifty of our men in the battle. We were prepared to hold this compound until they gave us our rightful freedom. Unfortunatly, we did not hold it very long. A group of helicopters flew over the compound. We thought they were just scouting us, but we were so wrong. Bombs fell from the helicopters. They were going to destroy the compound. As the bombs hit the Earth, the ground shook, and the compound completely exploded. Some of us escaped by running, including Drake and I. They did not waste their fuel hunting us down, for they knew we would die in the desert.
April 22nd -- Survival
After days of walking, we've finally spotted a town in the distance. We're not sure if its a mirage, or an actual town. It's about five or so miles away, and we can only hope for the best.

Categorization: Chaotic Neutral
Favored Enemy: None
Favored Weapon: Anything that hurts or kills
Rivaling: None
1.) Torn up prison jumpsuit
2.) White T-Shirt
3.) Jeans
Current Task:
1.) Make shit loads of money
2.) Get to town


Love the song mate. Nice story too.


I Included that i found your Kriss in my Biography if that isnt to much :D