
Started by deluxulous, 10-04-2010

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Discuss the economy here.

At the moment, it's kind of communist. A very selective group has almost ALL of the money in the server. This leaves the rest of the players with very little money, because a: Paychecks are disabled, so the server can't generate more money, and b: Because there aren't many jobs.

A is pretty self explanatory, so let's discuss B.

B is a big old Catch-22. When there ARE jobs, the employers run out of money to give people jobs. Then, there are no jobs to be made. When there AREN'T jobs, the money stays with that group of players with lots of money, and the rest of the populace stays poor.

At least, this is what I think. The last time I ever got any money is when Zstan and I sold that boat on the first day.


A. The paychecks are 1000 mesi, which would lead to people camping, the solution to that is probably making the paychecks around 50 mesi and have them go out every hour or so.

B. My solution is to just give (trusted) trader characters a shit-load of mesi so they can actually make missions.

And I hate to say it but I'm pretty tired of seeing Chaos fall from the atmosphere everyday.


I know that the paychecks that are set are really high. I never really explained my thoughts on it.

It depends what the admins think is best for paychecks. 50 would be good, but if you save your money, you could probably get a lot of money over a week.


I think people should be rewarded mesi for making missions, the better more RP oriented/awesome the event is, the more money they make. This money should be admin'd, not passed aruond. (Also, missions should benefit whoever gives them out for this to work)

This encourages people give out mesi more freely for missions as they loose nothing, and may potentially get more.

Obviously you'de only get rewarded for an event that's monitored, as to keep some one with TT from LOL MISSIONERE'ING with their best buddy and spawning Mesi out of no where.

Frankly, that's my standpoint on it. People need money to pass around before they make it.

Truest people should start with more Mesi, and then make paychecks. You may say this is unfair, but it's for the benefit of the server as a whole. Obviously said individuals would need to spend the money and not hoarde it.

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Col. StaR

On the note of the economy, our current economy has hit a definite recession. We're waiting for our GSAF multitrillion mesi bailout.

The reason I hate paychecks was for the lack of RP they generated, and their total absurdity: if I got payed $50 every 30 minutes, I'd just lounge around and not do crap except accumulate it all. It's that sort of laziness mentality that pervades things like welfare and unemployment in real life, and also shows itself around here as well. Yes, you could also do missions on the side, but then the need for missions is greatly reduced since it becomes a secondary mode of income.
Plus, not getting paid by your respective faction will/should have IC responses...

Essentially the basic economy is there. It starts with the DETS, who have money and are responsible for giving missions and rewards out as well. Freelance mercs can pick that up, and get money which they'll spend with traders. Factions would operate in much the same way, except their income would come from their employers.
The problems with this that we've experienced thus far are a few things:
- A shortage of DETS means that no money is going either up or down.
- Missions are a hassle to set up, especially good ones with some depth. They take up time and some commitment, as well as tooltrust/admin. Hopefully we can get some simpler ones up soon enough.
- Not enough OTHER WAYS to get income. Either because of lack of creativity or script roadblocks, we have a lot of mercenaries who are without jobs, which adds to the problem. Maybe if we could get people on some passivejobs, it'd pan things out a little more. Perhaps the criminal element, i.e. bandits, should appear more...

I think that some XEM involvement should be necessary as well, mainly as admin characters who can deal with some money woes the DETS might be feeling. They can probably buy back items as well.
I'd suggest that others as well look into maybe odd jobs, teaming up and creating a business/syndicate, or anything else out there.


Quote- Not enough OTHER WAYS to get income. Either because of lack of creativity or script roadblocks, we have a lot of mercenaries who are without jobs, which adds to the problem. Maybe if we could get people on some passivejobs

My mercenary group offers protection and supplies, to all citizens or traders that need it.

I also try to keep my group active. E.G. I do small missions for members of my group, they get paid for completing it, etc..


Quote from: Col. StaR on 11-04-2010
- A shortage of DETS means that no money is going either up or down.

People need money to become DETS though, which means that it's almost impossible to become one in the current state of the economy.

And if paychecks were included, they should be every HOUR not half-hour. And they don't have to be 50, you could set them to 25. (which would be a way better amount.)


Quote from: PistolKid on 10-04-2010

At the moment, it's kind of communist. A very selective group has almost ALL

I'm part of said group yes.. So let me say something for the rest of the people in said group, i'm sure they will all agree with this so here it goes.
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Quote from: Col. StaR on 11-04-2010Perhaps the criminal element, i.e. bandits, should appear more...

This. Not enough bad guys, everyone wants to just do odd jobs and get money so they can't get what they want or join a faction for money.

I'm a terrible bad guy though, i'de more be like, Chaotic Neutral, just get myself some money and a bit of infamy.
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Quote from: Lucidius on 11-04-2010
Quote from: Col. StaR on 11-04-2010Perhaps the criminal element, i.e. bandits, should appear more...

This. Not enough bad guys, everyone wants to just do odd jobs and get money so they can't get what they want or join a faction for money.

I'm a terrible bad guy though, i'de more be like, Chaotic Neutral, just get myself some money and a bit of infamy.

Again, but then the other players run out of money and we go back to square one.

Plus a lot of people are running out of money. And they don't want to cough up what little they have. Zstan and I, plus Plunger and Welek, robbed and only got 435 credits out of 5 people to split between the four of us.


What I don't get is why all these servers (STALKER included) hate giving players money. Shouldn't players be rewarded for being loyal and active on the server? Yes paychecks lead to people getting money for essentially doing nothing but at least it gives them incentive to keep coming back. The more players on the server, the more likely someone will have something to do.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-04-2010
What I don't get is why all these servers (STALKER included) hate giving players money. Shouldn't players be rewarded for being loyal and active on the server? Yes paychecks lead to people getting money for essentially doing nothing but at least it gives them incentive to keep coming back. The more players on the server, the more likely someone will have something to do.

Exactly. I've been on the server for a full week, and somehow people are buying shotguns and sniper rifles, and the MOST i've ever had was 250 Mesi. Oh, but I got robbed, so now I have 150. It makes everything seem unbalanced.

And the paychecks don't have to be super high either, but at least it gives us SOME income.
Oh, and being a merc doesn't help when the C.E. keep on trying to kill us.

Col. StaR

I think that there's a serious problem when I hear a lot of, "Oh, I don't have any money and there's no missions wha wha wha",
And yet I'm seeing people who have nothing short of 3 assault rifles, 1 SETU, and 1 Barrett running around.

I think that a wholly broken economy would have everyone broke or filthy rich: I think that there's an even bigger problem when there's practically no economy, and yet there are still filthy rich people.


Quote from: Col. StaR on 11-04-2010
I think that there's a serious problem when I hear a lot of, "Oh, I don't have any money and there's no missions wha wha wha",
And yet I'm seeing people who have nothing short of 3 assault rifles, 1 SETU, and 1 Barrett running around.

I think that a wholly broken economy would have everyone broke or filthy rich: I think that there's an even bigger problem when there's practically no economy, and yet there are still filthy rich people.
The only reason people can afford that shit, is because admins do events that single out one player and somehow earn them 10,000 mesi.


The only logical solution is to give paychecks, its the only way for there to be a stable economy. Even 20-50 Mesi would be fine. It has to be done to fix the problem though whether we like the realism of it or not.

Characters - Stalker RP
Diederik 'Ghost' Sigmund - Mercenary - Alive
Archibald 'Joker' Jung - Freedom Trader - Alive
Characters - Crussaria RP
Durinos Rahl - First Wizard - Alive


Let's see now there is plenty of work out there.. You have miners who mine shit and then you have transporters or truckers who transport the rocks and or equipment and then you have bandits who want to rob this so the only form of protection this trucker will have is if he hires mercs.

Basically you want to have it so everything revolves around in a balance where one thing is dependent on another for it to work. Long story short it creates work when you do it that way. (Traders sell guns but someone has to make them right? Not all of it can just be simply imported. You would have some small factory's and refinery's.) You want Supply and demand, say CE needs to increase something such as fuel or someone is out to get more of a certain material.

This will make people work more and have more things to do and get paid pretty well. Now, you are thinking to your self THAT SHITS BORING, well mining is pretty dangerous and so is drilling for oil or other things.

Enjoy my poorly revised wall of words :D.


Cobra, if you read the thread, you would know why most of your statement is void.

There's no money to CREATE the jobs in the first place. Nobody can get paid, because nobody has money. Except for Plunger, who has a Barrett. >:C


The problem is, The traders do earn money, but most of the time uses them to buy equipment from them selves. And paychecks should be turned on, with 1000 for.. I don't know, some time. Then when the Economy is stable, the paychecks can be lowered to 100-50.


Quote from: Aresty on 13-04-2010
The problem is, The traders do earn money, but most of the time uses them to buy equipment from them selves. And paychecks should be turned on, with 1000 for.. I don't know, some time. Then when the Economy is stable, the paychecks can be lowered to 100-50.
Negatory. We don't want people buying the highest priced stuff right out of the gate.  Paychecks should be low to prevent AFKing for money etc, and to promote RP. Like Col. Star said. I'm not making this thread so people can go out and buy F2000s and Barretts. We just need some sort of non-player controlled income, so we can actually set up missions and jobs for eachother.


Just finished an interesting job today, mined some strange resources from (you guessed it) the mine. The paychecks were actually pretty good, despite having to split part of my pay to another individual who'd been subjected to...well...the differences of being alien.

We should probably keep more work like this going, reward people with money based on how well they do in an RP, and let it move on from there. Problem is establishing positions of power that can dish out the appropriate paychecks, and monitoring everything correctly so that the correct paychecks are delivered to the right people.

Col. StaR


After an admin meeting, a few things were discussed and agreed upon:

The DETS Prerequisite system is now altered greatly. Wanted to become a DETS? Now's your best chance.
DETS1 groups now do not have a cash prerequisite. DETS2 will have a 1.5 cash prerequisite.
In addition, XEM will front a beginning capital sum of 1.5k mesi to get the business going.
HOWEVER, XEM will also be working to collect a tax from each DETS trader. Values are to be decided.

Admins will now have a mandatory XEM character, with whom they'll conduct an overall IC business with, such as buying back items, paying mining foremen, giving licenses, ect.

DETS Shipments:
Essentially a DETS will no longer be people with entire stockpiles in their back pocket. Little missions will be made where players can escort or ambush an oncoming convoy from threats as the truck goes from one side of the map to the other. Mercenaries can chip in to defend and make a paycheck, while bandits can try and steal themselves some weapons and equipment. If the shipment makes it to safety, the DETS will have 1.5k to use and pay off people as well as they'll continue to operate; should they fail, the bandit party will get dibs on a random assortment of weapons and equipment to use.

Small, odd jobs will attempt to be made more often. They'll be small, simple jobs that anyone could do for a price. Think of them like the CCC (If you're too young to know what that was, Google it).

Smaller inter-factional jobs will attempt to be made as well. This might include a lot of work with the miners, mercs, or DETS.

Miners may soon be more consistant(ly paid) by mining foremen. These men are the people who oversee mining operations and pay to each miner for their work.

Maybe no automatic paychecks, but with more odd jobs to do, they're the next best thing.


Nice to see the some of my suggestions in there :P The truck transports and mercenary guards.