Drake Brooks

Started by Yzooo, 07-04-2010

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Age: 28
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Earth
Faction: In-Classified
Position: None

April 22nd
My name is Drake Brooks, and I am one of the survivors from the prison compound on the planet called Desertia.
My brother Flynn, also a survivor is with me as we're heading towards a city in the far distant.

Categorization: Chaotic - Neutral
Favored Enemy: If it pokes me, I kill it.
Favored Weapon: Fists, meele or just any gun. Practicly anything that hurts.

1.) Prison Jumpsuit
2.) White T-Shirt
3.) Will to survive

Current Task:
1.) Find a pack of cigarettes and some beer.



Phew, first I'd thought someone else had taken that picture before me, but then I realised I posted mine first....

Picture stealer....
LOL SEKRIT TEXT- Just kiddin, coincidence probably, unless you did steal it :D


Quote from: ISPYUDIE on 10-04-2010
Phew, first I'd thought someone else had taken that picture before me, but then I realised I posted mine first....

Picture stealer....
LOL SEKRIT TEXT- Just kiddin, coincidence probably, unless you did steal it :D

Don't even see that pic in your char page lol.