Doctor Lisa Ryan

Started by Blake.H, 09-04-2010

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Age: 31
Gender: Female
Homeplanet: "Ctherian" XA-142, Delta Quadrant.
Faction: Colonist
Position: General Practitioner

Biography: Born in 2034 on the completely terra-formed Dwarf planet the colonist had named Ctherian, It was a beautiful but violent planet on the edge of the Delta Quadrant. It orbited a Duel-Star Center, its orbit was never true and never could be predicted, the same goes for its Seasons. Ctherian had not moon, meaning the axis of the planet was unstable, days and nights where artificially enhanced by a large station orbiting the planet. She lived her life on Ctherian well, learing medicine as her trade.

At the age of 27 Lisa, along with 50 other colonist where offered "Pioneering Positions" into the colonising of a planet named Desertia. All accepted - How wrong could they be?. They arrived in a small dusty city named Juriah soon to be quickly split up and sent seperate ways.  Lisa was made to stay and work in one of the only real hospitals on Desertia, She worked there for Four years in the disgusting slums and working conditions, she could not wait to be moved. Eventually she was, she was sent to a small settlement named Gerian about 600 Miles away from Juriah. She got on well there, made some good friends, met some of the more unsavoury characters, she found it surprising the amount of armed people around. She's still in Gerian, offering -Some- medical help.

Categorization: "Colonisation was a bad move-"
Favored Enemy: Sand crabs.
Favoured Weapon: Kriss super v
Rivalling: N/A
Current Task: Applying to Close Endevours

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