Desertia Megathread

Started by Sniper3124, 09-03-2010

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For those who are wondering what Desertia is:
(Note: This is an EARLY alpha of the Desertia universe. Expect things to be added and removed)

- What is Desertia RP? -

Desertia as a Garrysmod Roleplay Gamemode, based on a vast desert planet where the future is, but its technology isn't. Bringing together an environment of danger and intrigue, characters from all backgrounds meet, unite, fight, and survive on this unforgiving planet; how you interact with others is wholly up to you.
Desertia offers plenty of factions to join, a variety weapons to buy and use, a unique and immersing feel from other Role-Plays, and brings the Cops and Robbers formula to a whole new level. On Desertia, riches are vast, but the risk is endless.

- What is Desertia? -

Desertia: a large desert planet in the remote reaches of the Xenon System, approximately 5,000 Light Years away from the Sol system. One of the most dangerous, yet mysterious places known to man, Desertia is known as the one place where riches are made, and lives are lost. Abundant in natural resources and natural dangers, corporations and individuals alike run to the sandy planet, ready to endure the torments that await them, with the chance to find what they've always wanted: wealth, power, stability, or something more.

- The Desertian Universe Background -

Desertia takes place in 2365 A.D. during a space war between strong forces of the vast reaches of the universe. Alien forces unknown to mankind have been found on some of the farthest systems that Earth has ever known. Desertia is the largest planet in the Xenon System, and one of the few that can support life. It has 2 moons, Glavik and Dryndoc. There is a single Sun in the system, named Brivian. Desertia is a Non-Developing colony, meaning, it cannot develop anymore than it already is. Though it has vast amounts of rare minerals, they're locked deep beneath the sands, difficult to access by miners. In some cases, water is also found under the sandy deserts.

QuoteEvents in History -

2020 A.D. - World War 3

With a new era of technology came a new era of wholesale destruction. The weapons of war became too powerful, and WMDs were commonplace. The kinds of weapons you're never supposed to fire, were fired. World War 3 was hailed as "the end of the world" as we know it. Cities and countries around the globe were annhilated by nuclear blasts and radiation. No one knows who started it, but the major powers of Earth (Russia, China, and the US) finished it.

2112 A.D. - "The Great Rapture"

Nearly a hundred years passed. The survivors of WW3 had slowly rebuilt civilization, trying to forget the horrors of the past. The nations of the world put aside their petty differences, realizing conflict only led to mutual destruction. A shining era of peace and prosperity marked this time period, and the first true reaches into space by mankind happened during this time. The earth was for the most part, a barren, irradiated wasteland. Rising populations soon suffered food shortages. The invention of Vertical Agriculture (putting farms into multi-levelled skyscrapers instead of flat fields) greatly helped this problem, and would ensure man's survival on the harsh planet Earth.

2120 A.D. - The Asteroid Conflict

Civiliation had advanced much since World War 3. The earth was still barely capable of supporting life, so man turned their attention to the planets of the solar system. Asteroids became a major source of raw minerals needed for constructing ships, colonies, and whatever else. As a result, corporations staged covert assaults on other corporations' mining operations, taking what they could. The technology of space travel and warfare accelerated, fueling the growing conflict.

2166 A.D. - Lightspeed Barrier Broken

The Asteroid Conflict became a massive war, costing hundreds of thousands of lives and ships. But the technology and research that came of it benefited society greatly. Not long after the end of the War, on December 12th, 2165, when the Shared Asteroid Mining Treaty was signed, humanity saw the invention of the FTL (Faster-Than-Light) drive. The first models destroyed the ships using them in the process, but forcefield technology was eventually adapted to keep things safe.

2167 A.D. - The Revolution of Mankind

Soon, the FTL drive became easy to manufacture and use. When that happened, humanity began moving out of the solar system in massive waves. Dozens of planets were terraformed, colonized, and developed. Populations exploded, and interplanetary trade flourished. Mining, too, became an extremely successful venture. This era became known as the Great Revolution, and had a lasting effect on man's journey through space. A Russian scientist named Alberto Grunivich found a derelict alien vessel floating outside an undiscovered solar system. He named the system Xenon, containing the star Brivian as the solar heart. The planets Desertia, Graliche, Nurendo, Quitlan, and Trunive. Gas giants filled with toxic chemicals impossible to survive even with current technology.

2218 A.D. - The Colonial Wars

The peace did not last long. Each colony had formed their own independent government. Some colonies represented entire countries on Earth, such as Britain or China. There were many conflicts of ideas and how to govern the people. Some thought the colonies should all unite under one government, and others thought each colony should govern itself. Eventually, these disagreements escalated into war.

2250 A.D. - The Formation of the GSAF

The year 2249 saw the bitter struggle of the Colonial Wars rage on, consuming lives, resources, money, and even entire colonies themselves. Finally, out of the ashes rose the Galactic Space Allied Federation. With advanced technology, military strength, and negotiations, the GSAF united all of the colonies under a single banner. However, several various colonies also dropped off the grid, with no viable explanation...

2277 A.D. - The Reconstruction of Earth

In this year, the GSAF began a project known as Project Green Earth. Its goal was to restore the scorched, dead earth to its former glory, for its historic and sentimental value to humanity. About 70% of the surface is now habitable thanks to top-of-the-line GSAF terraforming techniques. The other 30% has been nicknamed the "Dead Zone" for the deadly levels of residual radiation and toxins still in the area. Many major cities have been developed and rebuilt since the project began. The restoration of Earth, humanity's once-great homeworld, to its former glory and beauty serves as a manifestation of what unification and progress can achieve.

2297 A.D. - The Colonization of Desertia

The Xenon Entities Management saw its beginnings not long after the initial discovery of Xenon. The planet Desertia drew attention, for is unique environmental conditions, rare and useful minerals, and exotic fauna. Because of this, it became hotly contested by corporations and military groups alike. The X.E.M. was formed to mediate the conflict and keep tensions from rising too high. They were not entirely successful...

Juriah, an X.E.M. Settlement, was the first to be colonized on Desertia. It supported soldiers, civilians and prisoners. It was also a home-base for research of the barren planet. In the late 2359 A.R. a small town about 600 miles from Juriah named Gerian was developed. It was essential for all the civilians on Desertia. It formed its own protective militia system, research proprietors, and traders to keep Desertia running at full.

2300 A.D. - Restlessness Among Miners

Miners led dangerous lives. Some were born onto mining colonies and forced to work. The conditions were terrible, and the pay was minimal. Over time, bitterness stewed amongst the miners.

2322 A.D. - The Formation of Close Endeavors

A military organization known as Close Endeavors was formed by Erikson Charvel and Lucas Foreman, and was instrumental in providing security and protection to various corporations. CE became prestigious and well-known throughout mankind's territory in space.

2354 A.D. - Mining Fever

Thanks to the expansive nature and abundance of minerals in space, mining became a gigantic industry. Moons, planets, and asteroids were all colonized to be made into money-makers, and these mining expeditions and their fearless crews were the main pioneers and colonizers of space after the revolution.

Angered by years of unsanitary, unsafe, inefficient, and ultimately terrible working conditions, the workers from the various mining companies protested, demanding better equipment, better wages, and safety procedures. After the company owners blatantly ignored their pleas, the angered miners began violent revolts, lashing out against anyone in their way. Even though the rebellions were usually self-started by individual colonies, countless colonies were destroyed or razed, and tens of millions of innocent civilians died. As time slowly but surely heals the wounds set in by Mining Fever, its importance in history cannot be ignored.

2359 A.D. - Desertian Uprise

The prisoners and colonists dropped off on Desertia made certain "factions" or, groups containing of a number of people depending on recruit rate and skill. X.E.M. made an attempt to control these outbreaks of faction wars but failed in the attempt.

2360 A.D. - The Edge of the Galaxy is Reached

It was to be the summit of mankind's exploration of space: Passing out of the Milky Way. Ships equipped with modified experimental FTL drives approached the edge of the galaxy, and jumped out. Radio transmissions went from clear to static, with strange and unidentifiable background noises, and then dead silence. What has become of these ships remains a mystery. Since then, no one has dared try to launch an expedition beyond the Rim.

2362 - Nuclear Explosion detonates XEM Facility

An old XEM Facility experienced an accident of human error, reported by XEM to have been from a resulting overload and meltdown of a nuclear device within the facility itself. XEM's investigation suggests that the blast, caused by negligent maintenance, killed everyone in the immediate area: the resulting disruption summoned a wave of formians as well, killing any remaining survivors.
XEM suggests that any talk of "The Watcher" is merely superstition and should be disregarded immediately.

2362 - The Destruction of Sector 16

Sector 16, a human-modification project founded on Earth and continuing on Desertia, was the cause of a series of terrible mutant attacks. Bent on perfecting the human form, S16's research left a series of imperfected monstrosities loose on the planet. They roamed and destroyed anything and everything they could, using their superstrength and mobility to their advantage. As problems mounted, the main facility of S16's experiments was destroyed, and all the specimens were destroyed. It is hoped that S16 never arises again.

2363 - The Veratic Invasion

The Veratic Empire was an imperial force from a small cluster of stars outside of the milkyway galaxy. These fascistic aliens worshiped their emperor like a god, and would willingly martyr themselves in his name and cause. Their first attack was met with surprising lethality, and the GSAF and CE Level 3 had to react. As the casualties tolled, it pitted the human resistance against the Veratic Empire, with the planet Desertia as the beachhead for the war.

2365 - The Veratic Empire Crumbles

After fighting a war, which was guaranteed to be a victory by the emperor, for 2 years and losing their ground, the Veratic Empire was thrown into chaos. Domestic upheaval and rioting wrought the government to its knees. The Emperor is rumored to have killed himself, along with his highest council. The war-weary and disallusioned veratic staff on Desertia willingly signed a treaty with the humans, ending the invasion and the war.

2365 A.D. - Now

What happens next?

- Desertian Economy -

The used Desertia currency is called Mesi. To calculate compared to all modern day money:

100 U.S. dollars = 1 Desertian Mesi
50 British Pounds = 1 Desertian Mesi
3929 Indian Rupees = 1 Desertian Mesi
2444.15115 Russian Rubles = 1 Desertian Mesi
472.62 Danish Kroner = 1 Desertian Mesi
106.60 Australian Dollars = 1 Desertian Mesi

1 Mesi (Marble)

50 Mesi (Hybrid Metal [gold + platinum])

100 Mesi (quantanium)

Not mentioned here are the paper forms of Mesi, which are beginning to replace the coins. There are 10, 100, and 1,000 Mesi bills.
- Groups and Factions -
Civilian Groups are comprised of citizens of Desertia who work towards the same goals, essentially doing the same job in a small community or network. They are primarily citizen-run, not very large, and only moderately known. Unless the group requires, none of them require applications: you can join that group immediately, just by being a citizen.

Factions are Groups that were large and important enough to merit full-on Factional significance. They are comprised of specialized and often trained persons. They have official applications and training process, and are usually more difficult to enter into. The defining differences between Civilian Groups and Factions is size, significance in society, and application process.

=Citizen Groups=

-In-Classified's [Neutral] - The regular citizens of Desertia who have decided not to, or have not yet, joined a faction. All new players start as In-Classifieds and are not limited to their faction.

- Desertian Enrichment Trading Society [Neutral] - DETS are the legitimate traders on Desertia. Selling Equipment, Supplies, Clothes, Armor, and Weapons, these traders are fully XEM licensed to sell their goods to citizens.

-Darkened Skyline [Neutral] - DS are illegal arms dealers on Desertia, selling their sometimes stolen goods to bandits, rebels, and other criminals. These guys fuel the flames of war between good and bad, but sometimes they offer deals that DETS cannot allow.

- Miners [Neutral] - Miners have always been an essential part of Desertia: the planet has always revolved around mining for precious metals. While they are never the best paid, nor the most active in terms of domestic affairs that do not concern their operations, miners are known to be strong and resourceful when called upon.

- Mercenaries [Neutral] - With such rampant lawlessness, self-employed mercenaries are often called upon to do the jobs others either can't or won't. Whether used offensively or defensively, a good mercenary is a powerful and wealthy figure. Several try to fulfill this occupation, but only a few live up to a true mercenary's reputation.

=Political and Police Factions=

- Xenon Entities Management [Friendly] -
Xenon Entities Management is the primary governing body on Desertia. First founding and colonizing the planet for scientific purposes, their sphere of influence soon grew over the new colonists. Taking on a governmental function in addition to scientific research, XEM officials are rarely seen outside of their offices beyond minor duties such as handling new transportation agreements or discussing political matters.

- Close Endeavors [Friendly] -
CE is a Private Military Corporation who is under contract to help XEM in security matters for their inhabitants. These professional soldiers help provide protection civilians from threats and enforce the law.

=Bandits, Rebels, and Worse Factions=

-Bandits [Hostile] - Bandits are the troublesome citizens that scourge the wastelands. They are bad people with bad reputations in society, but some manage to succeed in profitting off of others. Money and personal profit are their only motives. While not always well armed nor well trained, there are more than enough willing bandits to hassle the public.

- Entanglement [EXTREMELY HOSTILE] - Entanglement hates XEM to their bitter core, and will result to any means necessary. These fanatical lunatics are dedicated to widespread death and destruction, and have gained the notoriety as "the one true force of evil". Some speculation states that Entanglement may be inline with "supernatural" forces.