Creating A Character, Correct Formats and Procedures

Started by Sniper3124, 11-03-2010

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 This is for all the newbies here, or those who are too lazy to compare the proper formats (Damn Yee lazy bastages)

Alright, so you've got a character in-game. Good for you.
Then, you were an In-classified, a nobody on Desertia. Creating a Character in this Database enables people to know who your character is, where they're from, and a little general information about them.

Now, before we begin, it is generally advisable that you read this over for a general background on The Desertian Universe, and how things work in this time period.
If your biography conflicts with our universe, you will be asked to change it.

Alright, the general format is as follows. If you do not follow this simple guideline, you will be asked to correct the errors before you will be accepted into anything. Copy and Paste for an Easy Fill-out:



Favored Enemy:
Favored Weapon:
Current Task:

QuoteExplanations of Fields:

Age is how old your character is, DURRR. Please make it something believable and mature: we'd rather not have tons of 12 year olds on a harsh planet running around with guns. It is generally advisable that your character be of an adult age.

Gender: Are you Male or Female? Guy or Girl?

Homeplanet: You can be creative with this one. It doesn't have to be a planet either: it could be a moon, space station, or a planet outside of our solarsystem. Just don't do something stupid, like, "My Bawls".

Faction: Which faction do you belong, or what job do you currently work as? If you have not been accepted into a Faction, you are an Inclassified.

Position: What position or profession are you in that Faction? Are you a captain in CE? A Barkeeper in Gerian? Geologist with SSEU? What?

Biography: Your character's life story. Make it anything you wish, but make it too demented, and you'll be hearing from us. (And yes, we've seen our fair share of weird ones before)

**Ideally, a biography should be more than just 2 sentences, answering Who they are, How they got to Desertia, and Why they came there. **

If you really wanted to get into it, you can explain how their childhood went, important specific events in their life, a taste of their personality, and even go deeper and have your character's life stories intertwine with others'. I offer my services in Authoring Biographies, with your permission.

If you want yours spiced up and expanded, PM me, Col. StaR, on forums or in SF Chat.

Categorization: Your status as percieved by society. Are you bad? Are you good? In-between? None? Read below for types.

Favored Enemy: Who/What do you like to kill? The Why is optional.
If not applicable, or your character hates fighting, this section is wholly optional.

Favored Weapon: What do you like to shoot? Find Weapons in the Items section of the forums.
If not applicable, this section is wholly optional.

Current Task: What is your character doing now, at the time you're writing this?

Any additional information that can be supplied is gladly welcomed (as long as it's appropriate, right?)

Popular Examples:
- Picture of Character
- Themesongs
- Skills and Specialities
- Current Inventory
- Current Agendas
- Ongoing journals about stuff.
- Lengthened and augmented prerequisite information.

For experienced players who want to show off their character more, we do allow for formatting augmentation and such. This allows you to do whatever you want with your character page, format it however, put any information you want to include, and add anything you feel would go well.
As long as it contains all of the necessary sections, as mentioned above, there is no problem.

Categorization :

There are 4 types of Status for the Categorization of your characters.
Status Types are relating your character to the PUBLIC.

Blank Initiative

Blank Initiative means your character stays anonymous... and never gets included in anything.

Known Initiative

Known Initiative means that your character always does the right thing. This is the opposite of Failed.

Rogue Initiative

Rogue Initiative means you are in-between Failed and Known. Your character does a bit of everything... and stays in the middle.

Failed Initiative

Failed Initiative means that that person is known to always do the wrong thing. Villian and evil-ish characters should have this.

Do Note that Alignments, such as Lawful Chaotic, are Not the Same as Categorization. Alignments will not be accepted, so be sure to use the above options.

What We Will Not Allow:
Our Server Rules state:
Cyborg, Robot, AI, Alien, and other non-human/modified humans/superhuman characters are prohibited from being created without Administrative consent. The reason for this is the risk of powergaming or misuse.

In addition, we will not allow for things in the biography to be able to be asspulled ingame. For instance, saying that your character is the OMFG leader of Desertia's biggest motorcycle gang will not allow you to instantly spawn allied bikers; if you use the excuse, "BUT IT'S IN MY CHARACTER BIO", we will say, "That's too bad." and ask to modify or remove your character. Everyone starts of even on Desertia unless allowed otherwise.