Clayton Jones

Started by Jones815, 16-03-2010

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Name: Clayton Jones

Age: 28

Date of Birth: August 19th, 2336

Gender: Male

Home Planet: Earth (Virginia)

Faction: Close Endeavors

Rank: Captain O-3


Callsign: Eagle 06

Position: Echo Company Commanding Officer (Gerian Infantry Detachment)

Biography: Clayton Jones was born in Virginia, USA, Earth. His father was a D.C. Metro PD officer for the GPF, while his mother was a nurse at a local hospital, his grand father before his father was a Master Sergeant in the Colonial Marine Corps before retiring. He was a middle class student in high school. After graduating from High School, he had joined the GSAF Colonial Marine Corps in spite of his father who wanted him to become a cop and because he wanted to follow in his grand father's foot steps. He was honorably discharged as a Sergeant at the end of his eight year contract. He never re-enlisted. His last tour was in a colony known as Ganymede, where an attempted Coup D'etat took place orchestrated by Ganymede Colonial Army commanders. Most of the loyalist forces were overrun before the GSAF Colonial Marines showed up.

Jones was with the 28th Marine Expeditionary Unit and his squad were part of the first MAGTF (Marine Air Ground Task Force) ordered to destroy SAM sites and orbital radars that guided the SAMs. Jones' unit wasn't the only one securing a landing zone. The Marines needed more space to launch an effective counter-offensive against the rebels. His squad received three casualties in orbit during the drop. To keep his remaining marines from getting wiped out, he ordered them to evade like hell and scatter. But the time they got to the ground however, they were already separated. Jones was alone behind enemy lines. Their mission was eventually changed, but the other teams were successful however, and the Marines made their landing but at the loss of 12 marines in total.

The Marines made their landing, and as CMC forces consolidated to attack the next position, they began to take artillery fire destroying one of first platoon's LAV-85 (futuristic version of the LAV-25). A mech was hit as well, it's left leg was crippled and was out of commission. The infantry had to neutralize the enemy spotters calling in the artillery strikes. One fire team went to do that job while the others maintained their direction. Soon air support gunships arrived, the AV-28A Viper II (a cross breed between an attack chopper, and a harrier basically)
One of the Vipers were shot down, and the other had to take cover in a low altitude behind a mountain near by to avoid SAM strikes from the ground. As Fire team Bravo took out the spotters, the rest of the task force from first platoon were cleared to move on to the objective.

As first platoon from the 28th MEU were headed to their objective, they took enemy fire which is normal for any operation, but as soon as they took it, the Ganymede Militia sent a counter attack which is expected from anyone who loses a position to the enemy force. So the Marines of First Platoon took defensive positions around the town to get ready for the counter attack. The second Viper was later called back in, but was shot down by enemy fire. The ground forces were on their own. Two fire teams were lost, and another LAV was lost as well. The infantry were on their own, they held their ground until reinforcements could arrive. Later, the enemy were seen falling back, the marines were victorious but at the cost of two fire teams, three gunships, two IFVs, and one mech.

As Jones' unit was progressing, they got new orders. Find a target, codenamed Apache, was a high value individual they needed to find and escort back to friendly lines.The mission was not easy, the special ops team first had to link up with C.E. units that have been in the area since the Coup D'etat began in the first place. They would have to
take the marines to Apache, bring him back to friendly lines and do all this while they are behind enemy lines. The mission took two to three days. Longer than expected. Jones' unit lost contact with the Close Endeavors units.

As Jones' unit went to look for the missing CEs, they were spotted by an enemy patrol and had to evade. One marine was wounded by a Colonial Guardsman. They had to evade the rebels, after doing so they went back on their operation but they ran into something they didn't want to find. They found the Close Endeavors soldiers, and Apache as well. They were as they were expecting them to be. Both the CEs and Apache were dead. They had to abort the mission.

After Jones' tour in Ganymede was up, his unit was later deactivated and Jones decided not to re-enlist five months later, after his contract was up. Jones instead joined a PMC (Private Military Company/Corporation/Contractor) known as Close Endeavors. He went through a short refresher of Basic Combat Training and was promoted to Private First Class at his graduation. He was later sent to Desertia after Basic Combat Training. While Jones was an NCO, he was promoted to Second Lieutenant, however the promotion was short lived after a dispute between Jones and a Staff Sergeant. Jones later resigned his commission and went back to being an NCO. Later after being promoted to Staff Sergeant, Jones was offered a promotion to First Lieutenant by COL Johnathan Winters. Jones decided to give a commission a second chance and accepted the promotion. He currently holds the rank of Captain.

Categorization: Known Initiative

Favored Enemy: Undetermined

Rivaling: Undetermined

Current Task(s):

Survive the Marines - Complete

Join a PMC - Complete

Become an NCO - Complete

Become a Commissioned Officer - Complete

Become a Commissioned Officer.... again - Complete



Yet another important character, every last local knows the guy. And do I see me in the back ground? :P
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)

Col. StaR

I loved Hurt Locker. Beat out Avatar in every way except for computer graphics.

Welcome back, Jones. I'm surprised to see you here, especially with your computer OOA. Still, glad to see you back.


Good to be back. I hear a lot of shit with the story line is changing, so I changed some stuff on Jones' background. I also need to discuss some stuff with you regarding stuff in C.E.