C.E. Application - Shawn "Krill" Sidwell

Started by WeaponfChoice, 08-04-2010

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Steam Name: XWeaponOfChoice
Character Name: Shawn "Krill" Sidwell

Reason: I would like to be part of C.E. because- I have been with HGN for quite some time now, and on the Stalker RP server I am currently in the military, I like being in a military based faction. I have a really good RP in my mind anyways and I hope to learn much more about the Desertia server from being in this faction.

     Born on Space Station R-491, it was only a small ship that his parents lived on, but at the time of his birth his dad was being hunted down by a small group of mercenaries of whom he owed them a large sum of money. Only a few days after his birth their ship was shot down with him, and his family in it, his dad died in the crash but yet, somehow he survived. (He thinks his mom may still be alive somewhere but her existence is still unknown).

     A few hours after the crash he was spotted and picked up by a mysterious traveler who he called Trudge, he was an old, very dirty man that had never gotten to have his own family. He took Shawn with him as his son and for most of Shawn's life he believed that "Trudge" was his real father. After many years of living with his so called father Trudge finally told Shawn the truth about his life and he could not believe that he did not tell him sooner. Many fights arose between the two from that moment on and he grew tired of looking at the old mans face, and therefore he left to start a new life away from everything that has ever happened to him...Shawn went to Desertia, to the town of Gerian hoping to forget everything else.

When Shawn landed in Gerian he was told by a citizen about all the miners in the area and how mining was such a big thing. He explored the city trying to find a job to keep him busy for the time being, he came across two young men also exploring the area and introduced himself to them. He asked to follow them and with a little bit of chatter and some kind words they let him come along, they walked for hours along the roads and saw a bunch of miners along the way. He branched off from the two men and thought about becoming a miner to keep his mind off of his past, but he heard of the C.E and he could not turn the chance down to apply.


Make a proper Character backstory in the Character database, and link it to your applicaion.

DENIED- Please re-apply when you have a proper character page submitted to the character database