C.E. Application - Mikhail Rouiee

Started by Jones815, 06-04-2010

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Steam Name: |HGN| Rebel [Lemming]
Character Name: Mikhail Rouiee

Reason: I would like to be part of C.E. because I believe im a good RPer and i love playing any military positions. Almost every RP i've done a military faction and i've succeeded in most. I hope to create great RP and play with my fellow members. Im very loyal to whatever faction and..*slips you a 5$* You know..

Bio:       Mikhail was a honest and hard worker. He doesn't have to many military skills or talents, and isn't the best shot. However he has taken medical school back on earth, but dropped out the year before his graduation. The reason being personal issues. He came to Desteria at the age of 23 for opportunity's to make money, and help the colonists there. He did odd jobs around the town, doing deliveries or helping people around.
           One day, Mikhail was running a errand for a traveling trader. Collecting this and that. The ground started shaking, and a small group of formians, about 4 to 5 appeared. Dropping what he was carrying, he dashed for the town as fast as he could. The formians were getting to close, and as one jumped up to pounce Mikhail, he exploded. He turned around and the rest of the formians were being lit up by gunfire. He turned towards the town to see a small squad of heavily armed men reloading. He walked up to them, great-fully shaking the CO's hand. 2 days past, and it couldn't get out of his head. Mikhail, after seeing this had the urge to join the C.E. Seeing how they protected him he had to return the debt.


Please make a character page, submit it to the Character Database section and link it back to this application.