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Other Forums => Server Dumps => Scrapyard => Crussaria Dump => Topic started by: MattyK on 04-01-2009

Title: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
If we are to have Magic, in a way... We will have to have a backstory to it.... (Requested by Zaki)
I believe that the Wizards are an old line of "gifted" people who have been trained time on to time on, from the time of Merlin...

But I want people to add onto the story if you will, as I am currently digging through my own Country's history. (Gits don't teach this stuff in English Schools /facepalm)
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
I say that people have to be actually born with the gift. You will take them to the crystal of merlin or some shit to see if they have the gift in them. If they do, you decide whether they are apprentices or something.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Zaki I say that people have to be actually born with the gift. You will take them to the crystal of merlin or some shit to see if they have the gift in them. If they do, you decide whether they are apprentices or something.

:3 here we go...

And to cast spells you must get Power from Ley Line Nodes? In other words you only have soo much power, before you just go "OOM!". And any spellcasting after that will be listed as "life-draining".
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009

When they get too much power, they get reversed in abilities, and they gain NEGETIVE POWERS! BECOMING NECROMANCERS!
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Zaki No! I HAVE AN IDEA!

When they get too much power, they get reversed in abilities, and they gain NEGETIVE POWERS! BECOMING NECROMANCERS!

And they degrade into Skeletal necromancers? (Search Skeleton on Garrysmod.org, pretty epic Dark Messiah playermodel there.)
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
Good idea. But then, what if they become too powerful as necromancers?.. Do they become Demonists?. Summoning demons or frayed corpses to help them in battle through demonology.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
How about this, Along time ago when the world was young there were crystals known as Magicite. These crystals had intense power in them and shaped the lands. When man was born they began to harness this power for their own gain. In turn this corupted the crystals destroying them, but not before man had harnessed this power calling it magic. The magic was used to make life easier, in wars, and for other such stuff. Later the magic would begin vanishing from bloodlines as the high ones, People infused with magic, began bredding with the low ones, non-magic humans, the world became decensitized leaving the births up to chance. Some are born with magic now others are not. The crystals of their linage control the magic they use.

Fire - Forges blades and singes foes.
Water - Drowns your enemies and creats rivers.
Air - Glides through the air.
Earth - Controls anything from plants to death.

Each person would choose one crystal to be their lineage for their magic role-play. This will determine their magic style.

Theres much more to the lore. I just want to test it with you guys.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
I would prefer a mixed backstory, as only a mix of the three Gmod9 Mage sweps can be useful.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
How about your idea, Plunger. But there is one Magicite crystal left, known as the world crystal!
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
Okay, I'm adding to my idea now. The demonist your speaking of can be a decendant of a fire and earth mage and a lich would be a ice and earth mage. I have an idea for holy and shadow.

Three more crystals.

Light - This crystal controls all the light in the world. (Not being only for good characters.)

Dark - This crystals controls the shadows in the world. (Not being only for bad charcters.)

World Crystal - This crystal controls everything in world. The men who tried to control this one were absorbed into it. (Cannot be controlled.)
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
Yeah, and how you said the world crystal cannot be controlled, I say that if anyone gets near it, their essence immidiatly gets absorbed into it unless they have a completely pure and neutral soul.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009

I prefer my idea of Crysals, seems soo more attuned, remember, wer want to keep Wizard to like one person with two apprentices maybe, not an entire cult or guild.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
Ranks of Mages-

Top ranks-

Head Mage

Arch Mage

Master Mage

Lower Ranks-

Hierarch mage


Master Apprentice

Intermediate Apprentice


Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
That would be unfair if only two people had the power to kill entire armies. Also, I mean like if your the head wizard, you pick the people to train and once their finished after maybe a week or longer they get to pick their magic decendance.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Akira on 04-01-2009
I just can referrer you to my post in this thread.
http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php/topic,901.0.html (http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php/topic,901.0.html)

I like that thing with the evil magic. >:D
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger That would be unfair if only two people had the power to kill entire armies. Also, I mean like if your the head wizard, you pick the people to train and once their finished after maybe a week or longer they get to pick their magic decendance.

Well firstly the sweps I posted are massivley nerfed. (Excluding the Lightning Swep)
It takes about ten shots to kill anything with any of them.

And secondly... Who would you rather give Godlike powers to? Every person ahnd his forefather, or just two select individuals?
I hate the idea of everybody running around going "LOL MAGIC IS COMMON! I HAS TWO WIZZY CHARS IN DIS ACC!" so I seriously do not like the idea of Guilds. Wizards are something to be rare and feared, not your average spellcaster, instead a seemingly old frail man with a big backstory, who ends up saving the Kingdom, fighting off baddies, and getting an apprentice.
Tl;dr "No Guilds. We have enough Powergamers and Asshats in this community without giving every goddamn person the power to uberpwn."
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
Just make it impossible to get into the guild without epic RP.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
No, You didn't understand what I'm saying.

You take on an apprentice, He is trained, He is mastered, You can then take another apprentice, but only you can take on the apprentices, so you control who is a mage.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Zaki on 04-01-2009
Good idea.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger No, You didn't understand what I'm saying.

You take on an apprentice, He is trained, He is mastered, You can then take another apprentice, but only you can take on the apprentices, so you control who is a mage.

That is more acceptable.
Maybe make a small council, but we ain't going "Mage's Guild" no matter what.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
Yes, I agree with the no mages guilds, I'm getting pissed at all the topics poping up about it.

Magic is supposed to be close to extinction and few not have. Not everyman and his dog.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Mmkay, but back to other things at hand...

Ley Lines and such... should they be added too?
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
Yes, The Ley Line's would fit with Magicite perfectly, Like the MAgicite grows near Ley Lines out of some cosmic power?
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Akira on 04-01-2009
Quote from: MattyK Mmkay, but back to other things at hand...

Ley Lines and such... should they be added too?

I think Ley Lines are a very good thing, but how do you want to use them ingame? Everybody could create a character with the name of the ley line and say "HAI I HAS NAME LIEK LINE! GIMMEH MAH POWARZ!" (Sorry for that leet-speach.. I need that sometimes. ._.)
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger Yes, The Ley Line's would fit with Magicite perfectly, Like the MAgicite grows near Ley Lines out of some cosmic power?

Actually, I was thinking more along the "line" haha, of Magicite being the CENTER of a Ley Line...
Or something along that line rofl
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Akira
Quote from: MattyK Mmkay, but back to other things at hand...

Ley Lines and such... should they be added too?

I think Ley Lines are a very good thing, but how do you want to use them ingame? Everybody could create a character with the name of the ley line and say "HAI I HAS NAME LIEK LINE! GIMMEH MAH POWARZ!" (Sorry for that leet-speach.. I need that sometimes. ._.)

I didn't consider that, although the thought should be clarified as Mingery and just blatant Metagame.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
Ley Lines would be weird to map though.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Akira on 04-01-2009
Uhm, sorry. <_>
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger Ley Lines would be weird to map though.

Who says we have to "map" em?
I could just spawn a few good props, and assemble them in a matter that resembles one!
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
Yes, That good work, Also, When you make a new apprentice have their elemental magicite spring up on a ley line signaling to people that a mage was given his full power.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Actually, maybe have the Apprentice harvest a sample of his Elemental Magicite for his stave...
Wow, alot of possibilities, and it's looking easier to understand than Olden.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
The stave idea is really good.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 04-01-2009
Going to bed, continue the discussion, but don't get into any big descisions.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Nines on 04-01-2009
Kinda off topic from this, But I agree with most of the others, no damn Mage's Guild. A small council is a better idea, with some of the most powerful ones in it. And for Necromancers, support, build up your mage power, and turn to the dark side if ya want.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Nines on 04-01-2009
Also, (sorry if this was already posted, didnt read it all)

MAGIC SPECIALIZATION YAAAAY. Let's say an Ice mage takes you under his wing, he's not gunna teach you Earth magic, he's gunna teach you Ice!
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 04-01-2009
Nine read the whole topic, It's got that covered.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Nines on 04-01-2009
Will later, but good.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 05-01-2009
http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php?topic=929.0 (http://www.hypergamer.net/board/index.php?topic=929.0)
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 05-01-2009
But otherwise, Discuss!
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Dom on 05-01-2009
Me, Nikolaz and Akira are working on something..
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 09-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger That would be unfair if only two people had the power to kill entire armies. Also, I mean like if your the head wizard, you pick the people to train and once their finished after maybe a week or longer they get to pick their magic decendance.

Well which would you rather have?
2 people with the Power to kill armies, plus the Apprentice System.
Or 30 or so "LOLMAGE" abusers, who just play for the sake of killing people with Magic?
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Dom on 10-01-2009
I prefer the idea of giant stones (magicite) throughout different continents, these stones grant great powers to people but are sadly gone due to overuse (they corroded away or something).. This would tie into the backstory im doing for the Order of Merlin. (It will also tie into the tale of the holy grail).
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 10-01-2009
Quote from: Dom I prefer the idea of giant stones (magicite) throughout different continents, these stones grant great powers to people but are sadly gone due to overuse (they corroded away or something).. This would tie into the backstory im doing for the Order of Merlin. (It will also tie into the tale of the holy grail).

They are not Overused, just corrupted with the self-destructive Zealotry of "Kira's Sacrifice", which means if any Magic users other than the Daern attempt to apporach em, Killed + Kaboom.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 10-01-2009
I'm not even picking a faction. Waiting for the server to be up so I can try to apply IC'ly to be MattyK's apprentice.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 10-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger I'm not even picking a faction. Waiting for the server to be up so I can try to apply IC'ly to be MattyK's apprentice.

It may be easy for one of my kind to make a great Backstory, but it takes months of Fantasy Novels to make something truly epic.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 10-01-2009
Then me reading books like, The Samerilion, Lord of the Rings, Dragon Blood, and others.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Nikolaz72 on 10-01-2009
Does Discworld count?
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 10-01-2009
Matty, I thought you weren't making a faction on the forum which is why I said that. I'll applying for yours when your done.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Krieg on 11-01-2009



Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 11-01-2009
Krieg I recommend you stop being a douche that you weren't chosen for the so called, "OP'ed" classes and grow up....
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Krieg on 11-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger Krieg I recommend you stop being a douche that you weren't chosen for the so called, "OP'ed" classes and grow up....

What the hell? I entered today and I don't want to be in any "OP" class, I'm simply giving out my opinions :D

Unfortunately for you, you won't look good by trying to say lies about me.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 11-01-2009
Seriously though, Thats fucking spam, Your not helping, your helping.

If you don't like it leave.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Krieg on 11-01-2009
Quote from: Plunger Seriously though, Thats fucking spam, Your not helping, your helping.

If you don't like it leave.

Sorry, but you won't decide my fate
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Plunger on 11-01-2009
I find that ironic.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 11-01-2009



Krieg has been banned. Reason. "Overuse of Magic, and generally fucking the Canon over."

I can just imagine that in the weeks to come.
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Krieg on 11-01-2009
Quote from: MattyK



Krieg has been banned. Reason. "Overuse of Magic, and generally fucking the Canon over."

I can just imagine that in the weeks to come.

Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Moss on 14-01-2009
 HEY guys i thought a way better idea
Lets say that the magic crystals were to used and each one of them corrupted and exploded. Pieces of the crystals went all over the world. Then people use staffs to harness the power from a certain type of wood , maybe like a special type of tree , like the golden oak from fable 2. and then when you make the staff out of the golden oak ( or whatever tree) it harnesses the power of the type of shard that the crystal was. but the problem is if you use to mcuh of the tree's wood it will wither and die and there will only be the amount of staffs there is ( witch is small amount). And crussaria has a certain type of fertile land , so its the only place in the world to grow an < Tree name here> . and then as it is like in Fable 2 , the tree gets old and die's leaving a golden acorn or some other style of seed and you plant it again and it regrows

Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: Judas on 14-01-2009
to Gembock: Your idea has novelty value, but is too complicated,

To Krieg: Holy shit that first post was funny. but it was also a troll. Bad kreig!
Title: Re: Magic Backstory
Post by: MattyK on 16-01-2009
Quote from: Gembock4 HEY guys i thought a way better idea
Lets say that the magic crystals were to used and each one of them corrupted and exploded. Pieces of the crystals went all over the world. Then people use staffs to harness the power from a certain type of wood , maybe like a special type of tree , like the golden oak from fable 2. and then when you make the staff out of the golden oak ( or whatever tree) it harnesses the power of the type of shard that the crystal was. but the problem is if you use to mcuh of the tree's wood it will wither and die and there will only be the amount of staffs there is ( witch is small amount). And crussaria has a certain type of fertile land , so its the only place in the world to grow an < Tree name here> . and then as it is like in Fable 2 , the tree gets old and die's leaving a golden acorn or some other style of seed and you plant it again and it regrows


Canon's been done for the last month, too late to alter now.