I don't get it..

Started by crusader :D, 14-04-2012

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crusader :D

Everybody sits on the forums, complaining about the lack of population on Crussaria. Shut up about it, and actually join the server. When other users see two or three people on the Crussaria, they'll join, and so forth. It is very simple..


"Everyone" is like 3 ppeople crusader one of whom is a FO SV who has never touched CRP in his life and wants to sound important.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
"Everyone" is like 3 ppeople crusader one of whom is a FO SV who has never touched CRP in his life and wants to sound important.

So you say, and yet I have not seen the SV's on since some time now.  And you guys still reject player opinions for revivals for the server, hell you even try to demoralise the player.  Sounds to me like its you who wants to seem important.

TLDR because you cant be asked to read.

You get on the forums arguing about revivals failing but dont actually contribute to the server itself.


Quote from: Madcombat on 14-04-2012
Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
"Everyone" is like 3 ppeople crusader one of whom is a FO SV who has never touched CRP in his life and wants to sound important.

So you say, and yet I have not seen the SV's on since some time now.  And you guys still reject player opinions for revivals for the server, hell you even try to demoralise the player.  Sounds to me like its you who wants to seem important.

TLDR because you cant be asked to read.

You get on the forums arguing about revivals failing but dont actually contribute to the server itself.


For fuck's sake, at least try to be optimistic Paintcheck. You get this stupid idea that I'm trying to sound important. That is so hilarious and so incorrect. No, I'm trying to make it sound like there's some damn hope since no one else can be arsed to do so. You're even posting in the fucking shoutbox that Crussaria is dead. ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT. DEAD SERVER STAYS DEAD. BRAVO.

Step 1: Stop telling everyone the server is dead and you might have at least a small chance in hell of restarting it. If you think it's impossible, then give up and let someone else take over. Right now Crussaria is just a play pen for admins to screw off in.

P.S. I want to know how the hell I'm supposed to gain something by sounding important in a dead server. It's illogical to me. Before making such assumptions, consider whether or not I have anything to gain from it.


Where have you seen a player opinion posted? All I see is "server is dead, fix it" which isn't useful and "Why is no one on the server?" which also isn't a revival strategy. A good half the complaints in my topic asking why no one plays is "I don't want to learn canon and lore" (the other half being: "I don't like the setting") so if you can't see why that is demoralizing I don't know what ot tell you other than lrn2intelligence please.

I would like nothing more for it to come back up but people bitching about how it's empty all the time and then not joining when people do sit in the server and wait (which I admit I haven't done since last month or so because unlike 99% of HGN I am in college and have real life to attend to in the form of finals and school work). So if you have some great idea, post it but single events aren't going to fix the problem. People join for the event, stay for an hour, and then the second the event is over they don't come back. That isn't helpful. The root cause seems to be lack of interest over anything else and there's no way to fix that. If people want to be 12 years old and gear whoring no amount of asking them to try Crussaria will result in any activity because their feeble 12 year old minds can't process lore and passive. 

And Spades stop fucking posting. You see any other admins working on this right now? Plunger's gone on vacation this weeked, King's working on his event map (which I fear will go to waste because no one in this community wants to play on this server), Xin's working and I'm sure Ravanger has his own shit to deal with. Your advice has been noted and maybe we will attempt to bring in more outside players after exhausting the playerbase we already have (which seems to be likely happening in about 2 minutes since every post save for Khorn's in my thread asking why no one plays is "I'm too lazy/stupid to learn the lore" or "I don't like medieval as a setting" neither of which is fixable) but currently I am trying to figure out why no one in HGN wants to do this. And it sees my asking was a waste of time because I seem to recall telling you "I am pretty sure the reason is there's no interest within HGN for Crussaria because there's no gear to whore nor is it post apoc (Read: shit) nor is it based on a canon people can half ass" but I posted the thread anyway. And lo and behold, given the answers I have received, I was right in those assumptions. 


Ever consider the lore just isn't interesting enough? Maybe inaccessible except to those who know it? I don't see a post anywhere explaining a summary of the lore. The reason I don't get into Crussaria myself is the same reason a lot of people don't: No one understands the lore and no one else is willing to explain it. All I understand is swords, shields, necromancers, and peasants.

Again, get off your high horse and see the real problems. The only one trying to sound important/superior here is you.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 14-04-2012
Ever consider the lore just isn't interesting enough? Maybe inaccessible except to those who know it? I don't see a post anywhere explaining a summary of the lore. The reason I don't get into Crussaria myself is the same reason a lot of people don't: No one understands the lore and no one else is willing to explain it. All I understand is swords, shields, necromancers, and peasants.

Again, get off your high horse and see the real problems. The only one trying to sound important/superior here is you.

There is quite a lot of lore posted. People are posting that THEY WON'T BOTHER TO READ IT AT ALL LET ALONE LEARN IT
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Then I don't know. Change the lore or ... simplify it.

To be honest I didn't actually GET the lore and here I am, part of a faction and enjoying it.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 14-04-2012
Ever consider the lore just isn't interesting enough? Maybe inaccessible except to those who know it? I don't see a post anywhere explaining a summary of the lore. The reason I don't get into Crussaria myself is the same reason a lot of people don't: No one understands the lore and no one else is willing to explain it. All I understand is swords, shields, necromancers, and peasants.

Again, get off your high horse and see the real problems. The only one trying to sound important/superior here is you.

There is plenty of lore broken up into convenient topics. There is an ENTIRE BOARD for it with a very nicely summarized topic by KingArthur (http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/crussaria-lore-(official)/) in it that has all sorts of easy links. If that is too fucking hard for you then I don't know what to tell you.

If people aren't interested in the lore then what WOULD they be interested in? Zombiehunta, myself, and many other people spent a long time coming up with detailed lore regarding magic, religion, politics and all that. Simplifying it to appeal to fucking idiots who think FO is complicated and deep might increase activity but unlike SRP and FORP I don't want activity if the players are all 13 running around screaming "FUS RO DAH" at everything.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 14-04-2012
No one understands the lore and no one else is willing to explain it. All I understand is swords, shields, necromancers, and peasants.


Do you know how many people have said to me "I'd apply for admin if I knew the lore." and "I'd play if I knew the lore."  The reason people dont play as much is because they dont understand how they can fit in, in the server itself.  They want a role.  They want to know the history, they want to know where they stand in the server.  All we've done is thrown out there that "We're in a city and here are some monsters and races."  but hell thats even a mess. Why?  Remember the long period event with the noble and rebels.  Where the fuck did that go?  You guys wasnt even around to guide it into direction, you just dropped it and went off the radar leaving our plot/canon in a state of confusion.  You speak about players rather playing Apocolyptic genre's and Halflife instead of Medieval settings.  Your wrong, theres tons of people willing to play but they are directionless.  They dont know when people want to get on.  They dont even believe the server will get active on said day because there has been given too many damn loose promises.  First a canon change to a deadly winter, then a canon change to a rebelion against a lord.  Damn right I bet the players are confused.   I even said "We need to make a official post, not a idea post." but that went down the drain and instead I got called "Stupid" for saying somthing that should've been done. 

Lets not forget the advertisements for face punch, all you guys did was cry moan about how people was trolling.  If you actually read some of the comments you'd had found people said "I got on today, was on for 2 hours, no admin joined." and comments like "I like/love the concept, shame its inactive."  God damn it, its facepunch.  Of course people are going to troll, but theres going to be a nice majority who are willing to join.  And hell even when I contributed to the creation of the thread one of us tried to annoy me about a earlier post.  Says alot about how cooperative we are as a admin team doesnt it?

Oh and heres a final thing, when Spades give us advise you guys dont disagree with his posts, but him in person.  Dont bloody deny it because its true, and its clouding your judgement.  Hell, Spades here even offered assistance as a regular player for events, I still only heard bitching about it.  Wow, you guys really know how to accept help when we need it.

It seems the general logic from you Paintcheck along with some others is "If others are joining/doing anything, I dont need to do anything."   Hell, it sounds to me like you just make excuses each time and fight against peoples arguements on the forums because you want to retain a admin position or for some sort of status in the community.  Yet you dont even show your willing/enthusiastic about the position because your not wearing your tag on steam.  As I said, shows alot doesnt it?


You're a SV for a reason, pull it together.

After these few weeks, my tolerance meter has decreased dramatically.


It's hard to take you seriously when your little event you tried to create a few weeks ago caused you to leave after 10 minutes to go play Fallout for an hour after 3 people joined. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If you notice I have never said anything about admin inactivity because I haven't been around either.

Like I have said about 50000 times (and posted in the Admin "LOA" thread) I have FINALS AND SCHOOLWORK TO DO. Why the fuck do I care about admin status on a dead server? I have shit in REAL LIFE to worry about. I would LIKE Crussaria to come back but I'm not going to spend hours and hours and hours redoing everything from scratch. If people have ideas for factions they should post the ideas instead of bitching about how the admins don't do anything when most of us spent hours and hours sitting in the empty server last month to no avail, obviously demoralizing everyone/causing them to move on. I would like Crussaria to come back but I'm not going to spend hours and hours and hours trying to make a server appeal to people who don't really have an interest in it to begin with.

As for disagreeing with Spades no it's not him on principle. I talked to him last night and his suggestions were: "Fire the whole admin team, lock the server and advertise for outside players". The first two make no sense at all. Who would replace the admins, not like there's anyone else on Crussaria to promote. What would locking an empty server do? The ONLY useful advice there was "Look outside of HGN" because quite obviously the current player base of HGN doesn't want to play medieval RP.

And the Facepunch advertisements were not "I joined an no admins came on" it was "I joined and NO ONE came on."



I joined and I had no clue what the fuck was going on, even read the history thread or whatever. Make a damned backstory and make us understand what's going on, you're an SV how about you figure out what the issue is by asking us instead of getting upset?

the permaban queen.


Because NONE OF YOU did anything when the server was up and now you're bitching about shit you know nothing about. If you can't create your own story then stick to FO or SRP or DarkRP. We tried noble houses and that didn't work because no one cared about the canon then. We tried mages vs. inquisitors and that worked for a bit until people whined about magic characters being too important. The frozen wastes never happened for reasons I don't know and the current succession wars aren't going to happen either because it's just not going to work with Plunger in Australia.

So I ask again instead of bitching at me because that's easy, let's see some great faction ideas that WOULD appeal to you. Obviously the current ideas we've come up with haven't appealed so why are you demanding we come up with more? I'm tired of throwing stuff out (and I'd imagine the other admins are too) only for it to be ignored and then bitched about. Every one of our major story arcs has had that happen. People say "I don't like this" and don't state what they WOULD like. And you all still AREN'T DOING THAT. You are just whining about how I'm not doing anything which also isn't true because I'm trying to figure out why you all don't play. But if you're just going to bitch at me for trying to solicit player ideas (mostly from players who have NEVER expressed any interest in the server before and seem to just be here to suck on Spades' dick) then I'll start handing out bans and remove all these boards.


Reading over the Canon for the first time, I dont see why any of you have a problem with it. Unless you are some kid who cant fathem it out because you are too dumb then there is no problem with any of this.

Conclusion: If you cant understand the lore then you are dumb.

But if you would like a quick guide on how to Roleplay on Crussaria then let me give you some neat steps! OHOHOHO

1 ) Goto the Crussaria Lore page. ( http://www.forums.hypergamer.net/crussaria-lore-history/crussaria-lore-(official)/ )

2 ) Read it over, make sure to read the basic overview and currency section.

3) Skip the Gods bit for now and move onto the "Races." Section, observe the race; There origin and religion.

4 ) Scroll up to the Religion section and find said "God." and read about him.

5 ) Hop onto the server and make yourself a character of said race and religion.

6 ) Roleplay said religion!

7 ) ?


EDIT: I could see this coming so, before any of you say it... This is only an example of how to roleplay if you are really retarded; Of course there are other ways but the secret is........



Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
It's hard to take you seriously when your little event you tried to create a few weeks ago caused you to leave after 10 minutes to go play Fallout for an hour after 3 people joined. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. If you notice I have never said anything about admin inactivity because I haven't been around either.

Yes, that must make my point completely irelievent since I rejoined straight after 10 minutes and continued to contribute to the attempt at activity raise.  But did it work?  Did we get people on?  YES, WE DID.  Where did we go wrong?  The admin team didnt continue to keep active.  We can blame shit like SRP, FORP and ArmA all we want.  It doesnt deter the fact that the admin team NEEDS to entertain.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012

Like I have said about 50000 times (and posted in the Admin "LOA" thread) I have FINALS AND SCHOOLWORK TO DO. Why the fuck do I care about admin status on a dead server?

Ugh, maybe because your job is to manage the administration team on Crussaria and guide it?  You make this assumption we all dont have lives but you do.  *Clap*  Just like you I have exams to pass, just like you I have some work to do.  You seem to think your the only admin here who has a life?  Yet how do I manage to find time to play on Crussaria and entertain people?  Hell, I recently got ArmA but I've still contributed and advertised.  Why cant you, hell Spades doesnt even play yet hes trying to contribute.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
I would like Crussaria to come back but I'm not going to spend hours and hours and hours trying to make a server appeal to people who don't really have an interest in it to begin with.

How about spending 10 minutes of orginising something on the forums that you cant attend to, AKA: People join on Saturday at 9PM GMT.  Result: Responces and orginisation.  And please, dont give me the "Why cant you do it if its so easy." because then your just proving my point "You cant be asked."  And hell, again.  Its your JOB to make the server appeal, just like its mine.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
Because NONE OF YOU did anything when the server was up and now you're bitching about shit you know nothing about.

Well, thats funny since the same "NONE OF YOU" continuously get on the server in small pockets advertising to admins to join.  But I guess your right, I mean we must all be bloody lazy as fuck if we're on the server advertising.


I said NOTHING about people being lazy. The FIRST LINE of my damn post was "I have not said anything about activity because I have been busy as well".

And I'm still not seeing anyone posting anything useful. Again since no one has liked our previous faction attempts so why don't they come up with something they DO like? Probably because they are all Fallout players who don't have any intention of playing and are just sucking Spades' dick.



Looks like factions to me


Look at all dat lore there is even a MAP

We even got a. . . Wait a minute. . . Is that a. . .



Perhaps you all can contribute?

NAH. Lets just continue to attack admins, thats better.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
As for disagreeing with Spades no it's not him on principle.

Quote from: Paintcheck on 14-04-2012
Probably because they are all Fallout players who don't have any intention of playing and are just sucking Spades' dick.

I thought you had nothing against Spades?

Again your wrong, Ketchup has a intention of playing.  Crusader has a intention of playing (Look at the first post), Spades and Caso has a intention of playing, hell she even joined the Damned Cult. 
So much for sucking dick and sharing no intrest.


Hey guys, I don't want to mention anything about the issues at hand (sorry.)

- But, I'd like to remind everyone that you are all HGN members and should represent HGN with more discussion, and less name calling and accusations. It's easy to believe nothing gets done when alot of the time you just point fingers around, telling eachover who is on a "high horse" and who "sucks spades dick". Everyone just try keep cool while discussing please?


Oh I hate Spades with a passion and he doesn't like me much either but discounting his ideas has nothing to do with personal dislike. Unless you can explain to me how firing all the admins and locking the server will increase activity when we have no one else we can make admin and the server is already empty that is.

But again if you guys know everything about good factions then let's see them posted.


I agree with ThY here. We all understand the situation and that a means to a resolution is being sought, but it does not need to degenerate as it has.

And as Paint posted again as I was reading, yes it may prove well to post some ideas here that the CRP team can look over.
Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


Quote from: irondeity on 14-04-2012

And as Paint posted again as I was reading, yes it may prove well to post some ideas here that the CRP team can look over.

I have been posting that for a good hour now. Still waiting for a response that isn't "Zomg Paint you suck" or from some Fallout "RPer" who has never touched the server in his/her/its life.


I believe that all people trying to blame the playerbase for their apparent lack of IQ or intelligence seem to think that their system is 'perfect' and fail to see that their lore and canon has just as many flaws as these so called generic post-apocs. Just because a lot of effort was spent creating it doesn't mean it will be favored by everyone. I'm not going to read all of Crussaria's canon to judge it and I don't have to, all what is important to me is the general look of it -- which in conclusion is very unattractive and messed up. I was told to try Crussaria for a long time and I did attempt to forgive Crussaria and all its flaws, but the selfish system that is being endorsed by the administration doesn't support any consumer entertainment unless you're part of a faction or administration team itself. I've been to Crussaria more than just once and to be honest I feel sorry for Silver, who developed a project of this scale for only to be stomped into the ground by lazyness, lack of organization and inability to provide any sort of roleplay to your average player.


if people say crp is boring then it is, don't argue with the customer.

ps. if you want to improve it then don't tell other people to do something, because it only makes you look unprofessional.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Goddamn I can't take this any more. Maybe all caps will get it through your stupidly thick skulls:



If you are not going to do that then we aren't going to get anywhere. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And for some reason that is the only thing I am getting from this topic: you all don't like what currently exists but won't tell us what's wrong to fix it.


If you want something ELSE then post it somewhere as well. You're welcome to ask for a new SV and maybe they will have better luck than I will. I can count the number of people I genuinely enjoy talking to in HGN on 1 hand and really don't know why I still post here so often. If I get usable suggestions I will try to make them work. if you are just going to bitch at me for soliciting suggestions then have fun with your dead server.

crusader :D

I don't like to read caps because it confuses me. I don't like it when somebody repeatedly uses foul language. I don't like the fact that everybody is arguing. Just hush and get on the server. If somebody needs to know something, they can ask another player. If they need some information upon Crussaria, they can visit the Crussaria threads. It isn't even close to rocket science, so I don't understand why you are all taking it as if the hardest task to complete in the entire universe.

EDIT: OH, yeah! I've applied for a position as a Crussaria administrator, to aid those who need help, those who require information, or just to simply stir up some action to get the roleplayers pumped up, and more involved. I've not received a reply. I mean hell, I'm on half the day, as the administrators are on the forums wasting their precious time arguing about how nobody is on the server, and how bad one another is doing at their assigned job(s).