Crussaria Debate/Discussion Thread

Started by Ragolution, 15-07-2011

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If there's something you do/don't like about Crussaria, I'd like if we discussed it here.

My biggest gripes are that:

1) The house I propsed, which is, to date, the only House with a COMPLETE profile was utterly ignored and will likely be expunged from existance.

2) The fact that we have fucking Argonians advertised as something entirely different (Courtesy of fucking Recreas)

3) Werewolves, Vampires, what the fuck is this shit? I can understand Vampires, to a point, but I am sick of fucking Werewolves.

4) There is a TON of grammatical and spelling issues, holy god give me these transcripts so I can spell check them.

5) As Paintcheck said before, this looks a hell of a lot like LOTR. It's not the Lore of LOTR but it's got a big enough amount of familiar faces to make me think it could one day overlap.

If you are looking at this thread and taking away "OH MY GOD PORTAKINS DOESN'T LIEK CURSASISA, STAB HIM WITH LAZERZS WAHT A FUCKIN TROL" go fuck yourself and realise I'm not trolling. Crussaria isn't and likely wont be perfect and Silver will benefit (in the end) from a strong critique if he really wants to make something with original lore and a dynamic event timeline. The mere fact that I insert all of my points with a taste of anger is something that I try to prevent.

Silver Knight

1. Recreas has not finished putting up all the houses yet.

2. They are called the Napoli, it's just a model, get over it.

3. Cry Moar, they will be donator only and lesser vampires\werewolves, nothing overly powerful.

4. Shrug, it's called a alpha, expect bugs, spelling mistakes and other bullshit.

5. It's nothing to do with lotr, it uses some models from it but Crussaria is purely orginal, some idea's are similar to things like the witcher, dragon age, lotr etc. At the end of the day there's alot group covered by medieval fantasy worlds already but this idea is mine and mine alone and i can shape it however i want.

I understand your concern and i am trying to avoid those same flaws however alot of lore\story will be wrote during play.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I'm going to address everything I don't think was appropriately covered.

Quote from: Last.Exile on 15-07-2011
2. They are called the Napoli, it's just a model, get over it.
It's definitely NOT just the model.
Can breathe underwater
Poison Resistance
Magically Inept

Don't live in a swamp?

4. Shrug, it's called a alpha, expect bugs, spelling mistakes and other bullshit.
This grammar nazi is basically volunteering but isn't allowed.

Silver Knight

What he posted was mostly based from argonian, as i said before things are subject to change. That's not final infact i have not edited it myself.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


I'd suggest you stop being so aggresive towards me ragolution, I just did what I was asked.
If you don't agree on that fine but don't start being a fucking childish dick about it, go be a retarded nazi somewhere else.
Maybe TRI wants you, I'd sure find that a good riddance because the only thing I've seen you doing with this community is dragging it right down to shit.

Next to that all your complaints are damn invalid,
You're now also suggesting that Oblivion looks like LOTR, or any other medieval based (MMO)RPG. Which is obviously not true, just because it has elfs and orks in it doesn't mean we also added an evil lord with magical powers or other things like that. And it happens that you find similarities. But welcome to the year 2011 where being orginal is not required anymore. Look at Apple and Windows they're all making the same stuff. The only thing Apple does it change some little things here and there and you got a "new" and "better" computer.

Now people also complain about that, and I don't mind you complaining about it but next time don't start blaming me for everything next time.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: Recreas on 15-07-2011
I'd suggest you stop being so aggresive towards me ragolution, I just did what I was asked.
If you don't agree on that fine but don't start being a fucking childish dick about it, go be a retarded nazi somewhere else.
Maybe TRI wants you, I'd sure find that a good riddance because the only thing I've seen you doing with this community is dragging it right down to shit.

Next to that all your complaints are damn invalid,
You're now also suggesting that Oblivion looks like LOTR, or any other medieval based (MMO)RPG. Which is obviously not true, just because it has elfs and orks in it doesn't mean we also added an evil lord with magical powers or other things like that. And it happens that you find similarities. But welcome to the year 2011 where being orginal is not required anymore. Look at Apple and Windows they're all making the same stuff. The only thing Apple does it change some little things here and there and you got a "new" and "better" computer.

Now people also complain about that, and I don't mind you complaining about it but next time don't start blaming me for everything next time.


Stop thinking it's all about you.


Quote from: Ragolution on 15-07-2011
Quote from: Recreas on 15-07-2011
I'd suggest you stop being so aggresive towards me ragolution, I just did what I was asked.
If you don't agree on that fine but don't start being a fucking childish dick about it, go be a retarded nazi somewhere else.
Maybe TRI wants you, I'd sure find that a good riddance because the only thing I've seen you doing with this community is dragging it right down to shit.

Next to that all your complaints are damn invalid,
You're now also suggesting that Oblivion looks like LOTR, or any other medieval based (MMO)RPG. Which is obviously not true, just because it has elfs and orks in it doesn't mean we also added an evil lord with magical powers or other things like that. And it happens that you find similarities. But welcome to the year 2011 where being orginal is not required anymore. Look at Apple and Windows they're all making the same stuff. The only thing Apple does it change some little things here and there and you got a "new" and "better" computer.

Now people also complain about that, and I don't mind you complaining about it but next time don't start blaming me for everything next time.


Stop thinking it's all about you.

I'm not thinking it's all about me, you're making it look like you're blaming it all on me.
By saying things like courtesy of fucking Recreas and etc. I know that not this whole post is about me. But you're sure trying to get me involved as one of the major problem causers.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


What a nice debate you're having here in this thread. On a more serious note...
How is magic regulated? With "augments" or is it IC only?
Can we RP lesser creatures/vampires without having to donate?
Is someone going to moderate the number of lone wanderers/champions of cyrodiil?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Silver Knight

Quote from: Jake on 15-07-2011
What a nice debate you're having here in this thread. On a more serious note...
How is magic regulated? With "augments" or is it IC only?
Can we RP lesser creatures/vampires without having to donate?
Is someone going to moderate the number of lone wanderers/champions of cyrodiil?

1. Magic is regulated as one of the few official factions called the citadel, there are illegal magic users outside of the citadel which are generally hunted down and given a choice. Passive roleplay of magic will be allowed however combat will be purely script done otherwise it would ultimately lead to power gaming. Magic wont be allowed in the alpha.

2. No, most things will be donation only or played as events.

3. Perhaps, fear roleplay should be a huge factor in this and anyone who tries to get too "heroic" will probably end up with a pk. I will personally go around as the grim reaper and scythe and eat their souls.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Last.Exile on 15-07-2011
3. Perhaps, fear roleplay should be a huge factor in this and anyone who tries to get too "heroic" will probably end up with a pk. I will personally go around as the grim reaper and scythe and eat their souls.

I'm not going to double-guess you, Silver, but if people are brave you shouldn't punish them for that.
Yeah I can understand EVERYONE isn't brave but if you kill every single person that stands up against something they normally wouldn't, I'd argue that it's dumb.

Kinda the same issue with STALKER. Yeah people should be afraid of Bloodsuckers but not people've seen them before.

The same can be said about villagers who are oppressed, living in a hamlet. Eventually they'll be tired of the oppression and do something drastic.

Just examples and I know you'll be good with moderation on that end but I feel this community's slogan is "Don't be a hero."


Quote from: Ragolution on 15-07-2011
Kinda the same issue with STALKER. Yeah people should be afraid of Bloodsuckers but not people've seen them before.

Don't bring stalker in here. In SRP you have to kill and risk to get somewhere while in CRP you're not forced to fight with the environment. I also did not mean common actions such as self-defense, but rather for example when you risk your character's life to hunt and scavenge.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


The only strikingly unoriginal canon piece is the "citadel" magic scheme. And Dragon Age wasn't even the creator of that concept.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


I like the lore, but I think you could add more details, because there is very little for the orcs, goblins, vampires, and Outlands.

If you want, I could work on the lore for them, just give me a general idea of what you want, and I can work something up, I rather enjoy writing lore.


I don't recall saying anything about lotr, I have never seen the films or read the books. That being said, Rag has a point. Cutch and zombiehunta's canon was/is better than the new. And O' Brian's first order magic faction I think was the better way to control the number of magic users, was more fugitive and secretive than "magic licenses/registration". Plus it has good canon behind it already from OBrian and Zombiehunta.


Its Last Exile's server. If he wants to use zombiehunta's and my canon he can at any time. But, if he so wishes, he can use his own. Its his decision, and his it will remain.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Quote from: Cutch on 07-06-2011
The whole reason of Crussaria is to make original canon. Not to have it basically ripped from another franchise.
Its basically LOTRO with no rings.

Sorry, my mistake.


Quote from: Ragolution on 15-07-2011
Quote from: Cutch on 07-06-2011
The whole reason of Crussaria is to make original canon. Not to have it basically ripped from another franchise.
Its basically LOTRO with no rings.

Sorry, my mistake.
That was directed towards Das_Uberman's idea.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Y'all need to chill, and just role play.


Seriously. Server hasn't even been put in alpha for the second time yet, and already tempers were being flared. Shit is still being made. Let it run its course and things will be updated and changed over time.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 15-07-2011
Seriously. Server hasn't even been put in alpha for the second time yet, and already tempers were being flared. Shit is still being made. Let it run its course and things will be updated and changed over time.



Quote from: Rebel6609 on 15-07-2011
Seriously. Server hasn't even been put in alpha for the second time yet, and already tempers were being flared. Shit is still being made. Let it run its course and things will be updated and changed over time.

What people are afraid of is that change won't happen. They'd rather start right. And so would I. Changing established canon, even unpopular canon, is harder than starting out with good canon to begin with. Plus much of the g good canon already exists in old topics and in the minds of others.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 16-07-2011
Quote from: Rebel6609 on 15-07-2011
Seriously. Server hasn't even been put in alpha for the second time yet, and already tempers were being flared. Shit is still being made. Let it run its course and things will be updated and changed over time.

What people are afraid of is that change won't happen. They'd rather start right. And so would I. Changing established canon, even unpopular canon, is harder than starting out with good canon to begin with. Plus much of the g good canon already exists in old topics and in the minds of others.

Thanks paint. Seconded.


Woo Crussaria! I can finally use my Necroma- wait a minute...


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 16-07-2011
Woo Crussaria! I can finally use my Necroma- wait a minute...
no magic trooolloloololololololollololololollll


Quote3) Werewolves, Vampires, what the fuck is this shit? I can understand Vampires, to a point, but I am sick of fucking Werewolves.

Just worry about yourself; yeah? You dont go need to ruin other peoples fun. The idea of roleplay is to play something you are not, and enjoy it.