[Scrapped/Inactive] Guild of The Gilded Spider

Started by Ragolution, 08-11-2011

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The Gilded Spider

Old George sat by the tavern hearth and drank in the atmosphere. He turned to his mug and quaffed until it ran dry, then stared down at the fluid splattered down on his cloth-of-gold tabard. A spider with emerald eyes, embroidered with once-golden thread and red silks stared back up at him from his chest. It hissed at him and his eyes widened, reaching for his cup.

Old George sighed sadly as the madness faded, reminiscing about the days long passed; He could remember back when he and Wood had shoved two unsuspecting town guards into a hay cart and pushed it down a hill. He looked into the bottom of his cup and saw the murky reflections of a man with a lined face, black-gray hair and a beard that he'd forgotten he had.

He remembered he had tried to make his son a warrior, but although he was a good lad he was always distracted- flirting with the ladies about town or fooling around with his friends. No matter what, he was lost to martial practice though he had a good head on his shoulders. He could read, write, and do more than Old George ever could.

He sighed again, sadly, looking over at his other son on the other side of the tavern. Another Lequever boy of the hardiest stock, but dumber than dumb and even clumsier than that. Old George realized he missed his wife, Elise, but didn't know why... 

Edan smiled weakly when he entered the tavern, immediately seeing his sleeping father slumped over the small lacquered table he always sat at. He was a great bear of a man and Edan was by no means muscle-bound. With serious effort, he hauled him to his feet and guided him out of doors, his father mumbling as his feet took purchase of very little.

The walk back home was painfully tiring and slow- up steps and around the town square, down past the squire's corner and under the bridge (But not in that order) - until, finally, they arrived home. Edan laid his father in the straw bed by the fireplace and found his eyes lingering on the pristine tabards that hung from the mantle.

He knew there were three in all: one for him, and two for Kellan and Galvin, his two dead brothers.

Two spiders stared at him accusingly, while the other wept with its blue eyes. All of the tabards had been sewn by their mother, just before they were born, but when his mother had become pregnant with Edan they had no green dye for the arachnid's eyes.

His father had tried to make them both into warriors, but Kellan was more interested in women than fighting and Galvin had been born a simpleton. Edan was the middle child of the family, birthed after his brother Kellan and before Galvin, who had killed their mother when he was born.

His father had told him that the Spiders were everywhere. Hiding in gutters, and in trenches where no one could find them. He said that their gold was hidden under a cloak of black until they saw reason to emerge. He hoped his father was right as he walked out the door, clutching the banner-cloth as he tied it to his back.

And swore that if he was wrong, he'd make it so that one day he was right once again.

The Gilded Spider is a name that still has a place in the hearts of the elderly of Crussaria.

Countless years ago, The Gilded Spider was a vigilante organization, dedicated to the good of the realm and the welfare of its citizens. They were the shadow hiding in the night, but few ever knew this shadow was one that fought for them, and not against them. Their reputation grew poorer and poorer as corrupt officials debased their reputation; they were repeatedly run out of towns and cities. Over time, the realm became more peaceable through its own accords and the Spiders began to retire, seeing it a fool's errand to be both hated and pointless.

Their name is still remembered by the older members of other organizations. Spiders can be recognized by their burnished bronze armor under a cloak of black or an emblazoned spider on their shoulder. Their ties to numerous other factions include a bevy of the less savory elements of the world (Assassins, spies, thieves) and a small group of seers that have likely stopped existing in the meantime.

Now, all these years later, the last few Spiders try to drum up a new band of the same strength they once had and maybe actually make a difference this time.


Ragolution/Portkins - Edan Lequever - "Leader"


Used this as a base: http://www.chaoticshiny.com/factiongen.php


Name: The Gilded Spider
Type: warriors
Motivation: religion
Influence: limited
Reputation: mediocre
Age: well-established
Leadership: individual
Size: only a handful of members
Stability: highly stable
Resources: somewhat limited
Resources Include: a rather small amount of important manuscripts, a rather small amount of gold and gems,  Other: suspected in the disappearance of a well-known person, in favor of the current political situation, rumored to dabble in forbidden/dangerous magics, rumored to be under investigation
Current Leadership
Qualifications: most charismatic in the group
Bribes: will usually be rejected

Gender: male
Noticeable Trait: angsty
Can be Found: by asking the right people

Quality: expensive
Location: just outside the city
Interior: well-decorated
Guards: terrifying
Base: poorly hidden
Traps: permeate the lair

Requirement: none
Initiation: involves secret rites

Identifiable By: colors of clothing
