Lupus Hominum(Werewolf)

Started by Cutch, 30-12-2011

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LupusHominum (Werewolf)
Type: Cursed
Species: Werewolf
Origin: Human transformation

Information: Stub

Starting off as a werewolf:

Characters contract the disease and turn into a werewolf slowly, you don't instantly become a werewolf, roleplay showing these signs first, maybe when they happen, avoid contact, maybe seek a doctor since your character is most likely unsure\unaware what is happening to them. You cannot instantly roleplay as a werewolf. It normally takes a week or so to turn.

Roleplaying as a werewolf:

Number one priority to avoid getting killed\hunted\pk'd. Do not show other people your identity, turn when theres no one around. You should note that werewolves dont wear clothes either. Turning inside the town, a heavily populated area is pretty much a sin and if caught will earn yourself a pk\bounty by the guards.

Werewolf Rules
#1. DO NOT TRY TO BE A FRIENDLY WEREWOLF! Especially if you have just been turned, you will not be able to control yourself around people.
#2. NO PACKS! Packs would be difficult to be form due to werewolf's uncontrollable hunger.
#3. POWERGAMING! Being a werewolf does not make you super strong. Granted, you would be stronger than a human being, but you cannot pick up a steel plate armored person with one hand and throw them away with ease. Nor are you super fast and can dodge several crossbow bolts.
#4. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE SECRET! Changing into your wolf form in the middle of town is a good way to get your rights removed.
#5. RESPECT THE ADMINS! This is a rule to be honored whether you are a werewolf or not. An admin's word is final. Comply with his ruling and if you have a complaint you can direct it at me or an SV at another time.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Hey I was doing this shit. Whats going on?


Quote from: ThY on 31-12-2011
Hey I was doing this shit. Whats going on?

Impatient players that want to know more about them werewolves.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: Recreas on 31-12-2011
Quote from: ThY on 31-12-2011
Hey I was doing this shit. Whats going on?

Impatient players that want to know more about them werewolves.

Theres little material to even "know more" about as of yet, it's being debated. Just because someone doesn't like my ideas doesn't call for a thread deletion and replacal behind my back.


Silverknight asked me to write the werewolf rules. *shrug*

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period