Exusia Part II: Pharos (GO if you want to join in PM me)

Started by Paintcheck, 01-09-2010

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"Does it matter? And you guys need to really chill. They want them alive, but we can get them dead, It would be more beneficial if you get him alive, win favor with people this and that. . ."  Eros and Phoebe get up and start slowdancing to some slow tune, as Chloe and Achilies follows suit. Chloe is still sort of in shock and Awe. Achilies thinks Jesus they make em so tense these days, no sort of fluid thought process just 'Bam Bam kill kill' and fucking concrete thinking patterns. Did they give em steriods and now they are on roid rage? Achillies smiles Nah, I used to be like that at one time. . .

The music picks up with a sort of spanishy pop tune, Eros says something to Phoebe and darts for the restroom, Achilies thinks Jackpot
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Tank grins, and starts to put on his newer armor "Oh....that's not even half of it..."


Ares starts to say something and then keys his mic off for a moment. He's one of the most legendary Gunslingers still alive, he knows what's best. Ares clenches and unclenches his offhand, then relaxes. Favor...does he realize I couldn't care less about that? Except that wasn't entirely true. Although if we pull this off the other Slingers might tolerate me...fucking stop whining Ares and focus on this you can worry about all that if you live to get back home. Like Athena he also even thinks of himself as "Ares" in his mind.

He watches Eros head to the back and sees something flip on in Achilles. Alright he's going to make his move soon. Once Eros leaves his line of sight he shifts over to Phoebe and centers the reticule on her head.

Down the block Athena sets her rifle down on its bipod and rolls over onto her back, looking at the stars since she knows she won't have a shot anytime soon. She remembers doing this with Ares a few weeks after they had met, his fascination with the twinkling lights was amusing to her. It seemed that ever since that night though she'd find herself looking up when she was alone and watching the sky. It occurred to her again that Ares had never told her his real name.


She is not amused. Typically Tank's antics in this workshop led to fires. Or explosions. Or that one time where he lit himself on fire and managed to cook off a box of grenades which then exploded.

"Do I even want to know what the other half is?" she says half-mockingly (but only half) as she steps towards him and starts to rub his shoulders.


Tank smiles at her, as he puts the newer metal gloves on. "I'm sure you don't..."


He says to Chloe "Wait at the bar and work on Eros, I've got a plan."
Chloe stands there as Achilies extracts himself from her and then she suddenly snaps back into reality and walks fastly to the bar.
Achilies makes his way to Phoebe, she is sort of shyly standing on the dance floor with a nervous exspression on her face trying to find Eros, Achilies walks up to her and simply says "Hello there ma'am"
She looks at him for a second then back at the ground "Uhhh- Hi?"
Achilies laughs Heh A shy type, this will be fun
She stares at Achilies then at where Eros disappeared to hearing the music continueing to blare. She asks "Do you need something?"
He appears to have started to dance by himself. He remarks in a lowbornish accent "Oh yeah, I fucking LOVE this song, and well Mt gal' was all. . . Well. . . She wanted to sit it out, its unfortunate because I love this song so much. . . So Uhh. . .
She remarks at him "Hmmm. . . Well continue-"
He says in a friendly voice "Well you look bored. . . and it appears as though your man had to use the facilities so. . . Wanna Dance?
She nervously stutters while scratching her head "Well -I, I don, I don't know how to dance
Awesome, this will be easier than I thought
"Its easy just follow my lead" He offers her a hand.
She looks at him with uncertainty, not sure what to do, She takes his hand and they begin to dance, It is a very intericate and elaborate dance with twirls, and various moves where he has to pick her up and spin with her, She looks as though she is having a great time and he is looking the same.He speaks "So. . . Whats your name? Im Ryan." She replies with "Im Phoebe" He says "Phoebe? Thats a beutiful name." She giggles and says "Thanks." The next move is one where she tips her keeping her at an angle to the ground, he keeps one arm behind her and the other on her leg, She has an expression of "Wooooow" on her face, she looks like she is just amazed by all of this, he slowly moves his leg hand up thinking Damn she has smooth legs. Heh, Its great to see that I still have a way with women, then again she is a 'Project' sooo. . . He also thinks on how this is one step closer to Eros which is one step closer to society. He does a few more elaborate moves. Phoebe and Achilies stop dancing, she was laughing the whole time while he was smiling, she holds her stomach. Achilies remarks "Had fun?" She replies excitedly with "Yes!" He smiles at her, "Drink? You look like your tired." She looks around "Im sorta waiting on someone" She looks for Eros again, Eros is at the bar and has been talking with Chloe the entire time, Eros however has been watching Achilies and Poebe this entire time, He has a HUGE smile on his face seeing Phoebe so happy. Phoebe looks at Achilies "I got to go, Thank you for the dance" Achilies thinks Well looks like I got to follow her. . .   She runs upto Eros and Achilies follows.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


"Did you get the tracker on her? By the way is Ryan your real name?" Ares checks his PDA to see if it shows up. He certainly had enough opportunity to plant it.

"Athena get ready to move."

He doesn't pack his rifle up just yet. There's still a chance he might need it.


She continues to rub his back. "I'm bored Tank, let's do something tonight. All you've done since coming here is work on your stupid armor. I need some attention too." She laughs as she says the last line and kisses him.


Tank sighs, as he  fastens his bracers "So what do you want to go do....", he smiles, kissing her again.


"Anything that doesn't involve you hurting yourself or others. Or destroying something. I know that's hard for you but..." she laughs and punches his arm playfully. She starts to head back up to her room.
"Let me know when you think of something."


Tank stops her, finishing with his armor "Let's go into town....there's plenty of good clubs...", he stands, trying to lead her to the door. He cradles his helmet under his other arm.


"Sounds better than sitting around here all night." She looks at her clothes. "Bit under dressed though, let me go change."

She heads up to her room and pulls her street clothes off and selects a short cocktail dress from her closet. She pulls it on and zips it up then heads back downstairs to find Tank still wearing his armor.

"You are so attached that it's funny," she says, grabbing his arm and leaning on him.


Tank laughs "Well, I'll take it off in the car,  I'm just cautious with that Ares freak around...." He leads her out of the shack, and hops in  one of the buggies.


"Who?" she asks as she follows him into the car and they drive towards the club.


Athena notes the new car arriving, "We got another car pulling up."

Ares follows it in with his scope and watches the occupants get out. Oh hello, Tank. He radios to Achilles

"We got more company, don't think they will be a problem but you got Eros' buddy Tank walking in with an unknown female. She's in a blue dress he's in a gray shirt, looks like he might be carrying too but I wouldn't worry too much about that. Advise you plant the tracker on either SOT or SOM quickly though because it might be hard to do it with him near them."


The two make it to Eros, Achilies says "Your woman, She is a remarkable dancer."
"I know I saw."
"I havn't seen you around here before, Im ryan a frequent customer and you are?"
"Tom, Im the new security contractor."
"Riiiight. . . What hapened to the last guy?"
"Shot in the face. Sniper."
"Oh yeah right." Its funny cause I shot that guy
"So, Can I get you a drink Ryan?"
"Suuure. . ." Chloe comes up behind Achilies and wraps her arms around him. Shit, I dun goofed now.
"So Tom, What if I where to tell you I have infor regarding the sniper?"
"Then I'd tell you you where full of shit."
Achilies lays the PDA on the table. "This is my PDA it has info leading to various stashes and common areas where the sniper hits, Im a freelance detective."
"Bullshit, your lieing!"
"See for yours self" Achilies pops open the PDA and goes to the map of the city. It has various locations marked, and areas Highlighted.
Eros is speachless.
"Just doing my part to keep the rebelion safe"
Phoebe says aloud as she kisses him on the neck "Babe, we should go hooooome. . ."
Achilies nods and chuckles "Yes we should. . ." Oh good. . . She is acting. . . I think. . .
Eros looks up "Well Uh. . . have fun you two?"
Achilies nods and Leads Chloe to the car, Eros shoves the PDA in his pocket and shrugs looking at Phoebe "Ill check this later. for now lets dance."
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Ares observes the transaction and checks his own PDA. Brilliant.

"Alright looks like everything is working here. They are going to stay for a while it seems. You guys are heading home?"

Athena chimes in, confirming she has he PDA signal herself.

And now comes the best part: watching people who I want to kill enjoy themselves all night. He sighs and gets off his rifle, rolling over onto his pack in the same way Athena did earlier. He looks at the stars and tries to find the constellations that are visible from Olympus in this world's sky.


Tank, not knowing Achilles yet, walks by him, he and his girlfriend push into the bar, sitting at one of the tables.


Lizzie takes a seat opposite him. "Is Ares that Gunslinger you've been fighting?" She orders a drink and looks around the club and spots Eros and Phoebe. "Looks like your boss is here as well."


Ares  rolls back over behind his rifle and scopes back in.  He centers the reticule on Tank's head this time. Nothing says I can't.... he thinks almost wistfully, then realizes that spattering Tank's brains all over his- girlfriend's?- dress would probably create a scene best avoided. At least until the other two are dealt with.


Achilies and Chloe leave, Phoebe and Eros don't notice Tank or His gal and just keep dancing
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Tank says "Yeah he is...", he turns , spotting them. "Ha...what an ass-horrible dancer..."


"You want to show him up?" she asks, smiling at him as she starts to head towards the dance floor.


Ares yawns behind his scope as he continues to watch. Patience may be a virtue but for fuck's sake it would be nice if something happened before the sun comes up. Go HOME dammit so I can kidnap your ass.

Athena stands up and stretches, cracking her back. She lies back down behind her rifle and also waits for something to happen.


Tank sighs, following her, but tries to avoid his boss.


Eros and Pheobe continue to dance, not noticing the two.

Achilies Radios after getting in the car "PDA Planted Ill be waiting around the coner or something"
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Lizzie starts to bust moves and shit and laughs at her boyfriend's reluctance. She grabs his hand and tugs him towards her. "Come on you complain too much"


Ares is about ready to shoot them all out of boredom.


Eros and Pheobe simply yawn and decide its time to go home, The get into there Vulture looking Vehicle and Hall ass to home


Achilies remarks into the Radio "Tonight we get the bounty no?"
Chloe laughs into the Radio even though that wasn't so funny.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22



"Yeah they are on the move, start giving chase."

Ares slings his rifle and his back pack and starts to follow the car, jumping across the roofs to keep it in sight. He catches glimpses of Athena's lithe form darting in front of the moons as she follows suit.

"Chloe, Achilles you still with us? We're probably going to need a vehicle to transport them...or we can use theirs. Just let us know if you are coming."

The car pulls up to a large manor-looking building. The irony of lowborns commandeering such a huge house amuses Athena greatly when she spots it. Ares is too practical to think like that.

"Fuck it's a CASTLE I think our best bet is to wait for them to go inside and figure out which room they are going to spend the night in instead of chasing them through the house. Quieter that way."

"Looks kind of like where I grew up," Athena says almost-smugly. Ares rolls his eyes. He climbs down from the roof he is on quietly and waits for them to enter the house. He stealthily slides up to the side of the house, looking for an entrance that isn't the front door. Finding one, he removes his multitool and sets to work on the lock, muttering curses as he manipulates it. He finally gets it open only to hear Athena whisper into his radio "I'm inside, they went upstairs." He did she... Ares thinks as he quietly steps into the house, revolver up. He hears their voices upstairs, talking and later followed by other noises that make Ares feel very jealous of the 2 of them. Well at least it makes them easy to find...

He slides up the stairs, hugging the wall and finds Athena already at the top with her rifle drawn. For some reason he wonders where her revolver might be. Wonder if Eros took it...probably not. He nods to her and she turns the door knob slowly and peeks into the room carefully.


Eros and Pheobe are about to kiss on the bed, Eros snaps up and grabs Pheobes shoulder and flies behind the bed Rolling Pheobe with him, He crouches and Pheobe reaches under Eroses Pillow and draws out a Pistol and aims for the door. Eros stares to see if anyone emerges. I hope to god this is not that fucking idiot gustav. . .


Achilies and Chloe follow the signal, Chloe goes to kiss Achilies, he ignores her and walks out, She feels slightly upset by this, They make there way to an area under the window of where Eros and Pheobe are sleeping
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22