Exusia Part I: Isis

Started by Paintcheck, 26-08-2010

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 Tank can be seen bounding up the hill , unknowingly going in the mercs' general direction. A few gun shots ping off his shields from various places.


The jeep turns heading towards the run away mercenary. Firing at him, The bullets smashing near his feet


Ares frowns. "Alright then." He sets off upstairs and exits the building. If she doesn't know where the new base is she'll have nowhere to go. He shakes his head Not my problem...

Stepping into the night he tries to orient himself. I need a vehicle. After a few seconds of looking around he sets off in the direction of the motor pool, keeping to the shadows as much as possible although it seems the rebels are more concerned with evacuating. He arrives at the motorpool to find that every functioning vehicle has been taken. "Shit." He takes a seat against a rusted hulk and sets up a communications line to the Colonel.

"Ares here. SOT-U746-L1456-14 is indeed here, have made contact although was unable to apprehend. Calls himself 'Eros' apparently. The girl, SOM-U755-L1456-183 is also here, guess she was not KIA like originally assumed. Alias unknown but her and SOT seem romantically involved. Unable to apprehend her as well. It is quite a clusterfuck here, Colonel. Won't bore you with the details but I discovered a major rebel staging area. Was about to call it in for you guys to handle but the local garrison somehow found out about it and just launched a sloppy attack. Seems both sides got beat to hell, the local boys withdrew and the rebels are planning to bug out to a secondary base, location unknown but referred to as 'The Old Grove'. Do not know where that is, only that it is within driving distance as they took land vehicles to get there. Am currently stranded in the attacked base, am searching for an exfil method.
Ares out"


The mercenary opens up his pouch while running, Holding up a ignited red flare.
He keeps moving while he holds it up
I'm Gay!


The jeep slides across the terrain (( is this a desert planet?)).

The machine guns ceases firing, Red hot, Overheated. The jeep accelerates fast in the mercenary's Direction


Tank rushes through the smoke, seeing the merc and the friendly jeep shooting at it, he quickly starts to gain ground on the merc. He makes sure to keep his sheilds raised as he runs.


The mercenary drops a large sack that was on his back, He has  -not- fired at tank yet. He says over the radio "BACK OFF!"
I'm Gay!


The jeep is coming right up behind Tank, Closing in fast.


Tank starts laughing, and crouches down, still going a reasonable speed, but comepletely behind his sheilds, he is within 20 feet.


A helicopter flys over the horizon, The same helicopter mentioned before, It lands A quarter of a mile from the Merc
I'm Gay!


The jeep pulls up near tank staying close, Not engaging him


Tank charges fast as two large cleaversslide out of his wristguard, he riases both of his arms and attempts to maul the merc.


The merc is slashed, He falls down, His back bleeding.

The helicopter spins its guns, Opening fire.
I'm Gay!


Tank raises his Sheilds again, backing up using the jeep as cover.


// Turk is controlling the jeep....


//He asked me to post that, But I removed it if it matters that much
I'm Gay!


The jeep stops, The drive hops out reaching into the back taking his RPG, hiding,. THe bullets riddle the jeep.


The helicopter lowers a rope, Firing still. The merc crawls towards it.
I'm Gay!


Tank stays covered behind his angled sheilds, waiting for the rpg to fire.


The rebel loads his RPG, Pops out of cover aiming for the helicopter, He fires.


The helicopter explodes in mid air, Falling down into a burning heap of ruble. The mercenary not close enough to be hurt from it.
I'm Gay!


Landan turns to tank, " I want him alive, IF you don't mind"


Tank vaults the jeep and slowly makes his way closer, sheilds still in front. "I;ll try."


The helicopter rotors and the roar of the vehicles reaches Ares back at the motorpool. Well that could be an alternate extraction. And then the helo blew up Or not...

He starts to walk back to the brig. Maybe she has an idea. If nothing else at least I won't have to wait by myself. Ares scoffs at the thought but keeps heading that way anyway, he has no better ideas and needs to wait a day for the Colonel to send someone back here to pick him up anyway. Assuming she doesn't shoot me in the face when I stick my head back in.

He arrives at the cinderblock building and pokes his head through the hole , gun in his hand but not threatening.



She is up against the wall, still really shaken up by the events that just occured, she see's him and then looks at her weapon that is laying a few feet away from her, then back at him, not sure what to do now.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22