Sareth The Chivalrous

Started by Romka, 02-12-2011

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Sareth the Chivalrous

Age: 31
Race: Human
God: Palethon
Equipment: Holy Sword (It engulfs in flames when need-be), a sturdy shield, that has clamps that can be attached to the arm and a crossbow.
Sareth wears holy armor, which is white with gold trimming, it may glow from time to time, when a fierce battle approaches, it's just the enchanted protection kicking in.

Chapter 1: Childhood
Sareth was born in the poor district of a large city in the Ma'Rhan region, although he still looks like he is of Crussarian descent, he thinks his parents must have been traders, he doesn't know much about his parents and quite frankly, he doesn't bother with it anymore. At a young age Sareth was an orphan already, he was abandoned by his parents, due to them not being able to raise him in a proper enviornment for a child. So he took to the streets, living as a common thief and 'entrepreneur'. This lifestyle was rough on a young child, but he pulled through, making himself known around the city. After his 18th birthday, he had saved up quite a lot of crowns and wanted to pursue his lifelong dream to adventure around the World, finding all the treasures that man has yet to find, living the life his parents and past life would never allow.

Chapter 2: The adventure
   At first he was very eager and bold to take on his adventure, but as time passed by, he began seeing the World more clearly and got a bit of insight into the struggles of this land and ofcourse the evil that lurks within, although he was a thief the evil he would face would not just rob him of his fortune but of his life aswell.
   Well, to begin with the adventure, he needed a horse ofcourse and faithful companions. Luckily the companions he trusted were already with him, his childhood friends Lybon and Salban. They were like Sareth's brothers that he never had, they would follow him anywhere, even on this adventure. A few days passed and they travelled across the hot gleaming deserts, with nothing but the scolding hot days and the ice cold nights to acompany them. They were passing by a small village, built by a magnificent and beautiful oasis, as they stopped and rested they set up a campfire just outside the village and began telling stories of their youth, as the golden sun set on the horizon. They then fell asleep, but as they woke up the next morning they were shocked to find that all their posessions, including their provisions had been stolen. Enraged about not being able to continue, Sareth marched into town with his two comrades and began asking around for any thieves. But they already had experience in this line of work and quickly picked up the trail of the bandit who robbed them. Not far from town there was another camp setup, just in the cover a small sand cliff. They approached with caution and noticed three filthy men laughing and fiddling through their posessions, they waited until nightfall and snuk into camp. Whilst trying to retrieve what was their's one of the men woke up, he was startled and pulled out his sword, trying to attack the young men. Sareth didn't hesitate and in a blink of an eye it was over, Sareth had thrown his trusty little dagger into the man's throat. This was the first time he had killed a man, as he stood there, watching the man grab his throat and bleed to death, he fully understood how fragile a human could really be. They then quickly grabbed their posessions and ran, they got some crowns from the dead bandit and bought horses from a local date farmer. Soon after they rode away.
    A few weeks after this encounter they finally made it through the scorthing sands and into the lush green forests of Crussaria. They were happy and satisfied, this was the first milestone of their adventure. They rode on, until they stopped at a local inn, where they stayed quite some time, but soon after Sareth's money was running out and he needed more to continue his adventure, the thought this would be the best time to start finding some of that treasure. He asked around town for local myths and legends and finally got a lead on some old tomb just outside of town up a mountainous road and past a river, the locals called The River of Souls. As Sareth crossed the trecherous paths and obstacles that were in his way, he finally made it to the tomb, known as Far'Gothin, an ancient warrior burial tomb that was rumored to possess the mighty weapons and armor of ancient warriors and their wealth.
    Chills came down the three men's spines as they entered the dark catacombs, musty air and cobwebs were the only thing that welcomed them and ofcourse the bones of the dead. They progressed deeper into the tombs when they reached a gateway to the noble section, where all the more known and wealthy were buried. There they heard humming and chanting, they were not alone, as they snuk through the hallways they saw a luminous blue light coming from the main crypt, they were scared, but young as they were, curiosity got the best of them. Sareth went on ahead and snuk into the main crypt, he saw men in black robes, chanting something to the bodies, blue light eminating from their hands, their skin as white as snow, they had black eyes, as if you were staring into a void, 'Necromancers' he silently whispered to his friends, when he came back from the crypt. As they were slowly backing out, Lybon bumped into a rattling steel chain and notified the necromancers of their presence. They began running as fast as they could, but they were ambushed by strange walking corpses of the dead, they began slashing and stabbing them, but to no avail, they were already dead. The three were pinned down and the necromancers called off their undead monsters. One of them walked up to them, snickering 'Well well.. what do we have here? A trio of ripe souls, just for us...'. The three were begging for their lives, but it was too late, his friends were stabbed to death infront of Sareth's eyes, their souls absorbed and the lifeless bodies of Lybon and Salban fell to the floor, cold, lifeless. But Sareth was not killed then and there.. The necromancer from before looked at him and smiled, he told him this 'I have killed your friends, your loved ones, hate me as if you had no other purpose in life, desire revenge and get retribution for what I have done here this day.' After this Sareth was knocked unconciouns and dragged somewhere.

Chapter 3: A new beginning
   As soon as Sareth opened his eyes he was sorrounded by men in plate armor, that were 'glowing', the man that seemed to be in charge walked up to the young man and told him what had happened. A faction of necromancers had left him to die in the main crypt, but they had arrived just in time to save him. He said they were paladins, of a holy order and that they had been tracking the very same group of necromancers in these parts. Sareth acompanied the paladins and requested to be trained by the paladin captain, to be able to protect the ones he holds dear and become stronger, the captain saw potential in the boy and accepted. This is where Sareth began making his turn to paladinhood and towards holy magic.
    They had ridden a few weeks, until they reached a magnificent palace of the order. As they stepped in they were greeted by scholars walking about, mumbling to themselves and soldiers in white and golden armor, training, with swords and magic. Sareth's eyes grew wide, his face filled with anticipation for what lies ahead, for he had never seen such a beautiful place. He was then handed over to the head of the palace Sir Richard Falck, the lord incharge of this extension of the order. He would become Sareth's new mentor. He got along with the other recruits that were there aswell, he began forming his morality, spending most of his time in a strict yet loving community he began growing as a person, his motivations grew clear as a quiet lake early in the morning mist, he wanted to slay those who brought injustice and pain to those around him, he wanted to be the tool of justice and good. Sareth devoted his life to the god Palethon and continued studying and training as much as he could in the palace, until it was time...

Chapter 4: The first assignment
   Our hero was just teaching the younger children in the courtyard when a messenger bird flew in, it was an assignment. Specifically requesting the new apprentice of the order, Sareth. Someone had found a lead on the group of necromancers. Sareth's eyes grew empty, he remembred that faithful day, anger began growing inside of him, he felt as though he was going to explode. Sareth took the assignment and rode out, to a small mountain village, Pinesgrove.
   After many days of exhausting travel along the rigid and steep edges of the cruel terrain around him, he made it to the village and rented a room in the local inn, The Golden Barley. The first day he only stayed in his room, resting and writing in his journal, the day passed quickly and he was determined and ready the next day. As the sun rose, he was already walking around the village, looking for the contact that had sent the request. After hours of searching he finally found the woman, her name was Gabriella, a beautiful blonde haired miss. She told Sareth that she had seen a group of necromancers lurking around the old cemetery outside of town, it was abandoned and dead were no longer buried there due to looting. Sareth took the lead and headed out, the woman waving him off as he rode on his steed. At nightfall Sareth made it to the cemetery, he saw a hunched black figure stumbling around the graveyard, he pulled out his sword and began sneaking closer. He then grabbed the figure, which was one of the necromancers from before, but he was different, his power drained, his figure disgusting and boney, he pulled his sword to the necromancers throat and began interrogating him. The necromancer pleaded for his life and said that the other necromancers had abandoned him, due to him not being able to handle the dark magic and that he would soon die anyway. He also said that the main necromancer had grown stronger than anything he had ever seen before, especially with the aid of the souls of Sareth's friends. Sareth was furious and left the old coot to die in misery. Sareth's lust for blood and vengeance grew, he began losing sight of his position and regulations. He rode after the necromancers.
    Five days passed, but Sareth hadn't seen any sight of the fiends, but he still continued looking. When finally he found another abandoned elven tomb, this was well hidden from plain sight and obviously abandoned. He entered, he sensed the evil presence in the bowels of this vermented place. He progressed deeper into the tombs to yet again hear chanting acompanied by a luminous blue light. Sareth readied his sword and walked into the chamber where the sound was coming from. He saw the necromancer, who turned and laughed, 'So you have come to seek vengeance at last? Good good, come here and kill me, as I did your brothers, your comrades, your only family.' Sareth screamed at the top of his lungs and charged at the necromancer, in his rage, he did not notice the trap on the floor, a beartrap bit deep into his left leg and he fell to the floor writhing in pain, as blood poured from his leg. The necromancer approached and with a quick spell he disarmed Sareth. He then took a small goblet and filled it with Sareth's blood, that was dripping from his leg. The necromancer turned and walked to an altar in the middle of the room. The fiend began chanting, Sareth felt weak and vulnerable, as if his life was being drained from him, well he was right to think so, because the necromancer was draining his soul. But as Sareth was laying there dying for a second time, he saw the error of his ways, the clouded judgement, that had led to his now sudden demise. He closed his eyes and said farewell to the god Palethon and hoped to see his friends in the afterlife, but as this happened, the necromancer led out a pitiful scream. He turned and his black void eyes were staring in amazement as light began eminating from Sareth, his wound had sealed up and his sword was glowing aswell. Sareth did not waste time and took the blade and dashed at the necromancer, his spells seemed to have just bounced off of Sareth's body and ricochet into the walls, but it was already too late, Sareth reached the necromancer and plunged his sword through his heart, the necromancer then evaporated into black dust. Sareth glared at his sword, knowing this was the work of Palethon. Sareth had retributed his friends and was finally at peace with the World. He rode back to the palace and told Richard of his accomplishment and handed him a beaker filled with the dust remains of the necromancer, that had killed his friends. The lord was amazed at what had happened and assigned Sareth to a course of more rigurous training, that this time included magic.

Chapter 5: The path to Palethon
   Two years had passed since he was assigned to the new training, Sareth had done wonderously. His skills had increased tenfold when he was just an apprentice and with the aid of a holy priest he managed to learn white magic, ofcourse this was only possible due to the blessing and protection of Palethon. One night, when Sareth was tired and wanted to rest he went to his chambers and climbed into his bed and began sleeping. In his sleep he saw visions of Palethon and the path that would unfold in his future, he heard Palethon speak with him, 'I have chosen you and you alone to take on the role as my represenative in the mortal world and I want you to stay true to your beliefs and keep to your passionate determination, you will be my hand of justice.' These are the words Sareth swore he heard. He has never gone off course with himself ever again. Sareth began studying Palethon more deeply to get an understanding of what he represents. Richard Falck noticed Sareth's progress and promoted him to an equal level as himself, a master paladin, since he had nothing left to teach him. Sareth was overjoyed that years of work and devotion had finally payed off. As a master the lord told him it was time he started his own chapter, and that it was time he taught other's of the way of Palethon aswell. After a month or so, Sareth got a  budget from the order to set up his new chapter of the order. He was assigned to the region around Ravendale, this area was almost devoid of good magic and necromancers were running around rampart, demons and creatures killing people, this land needed to feel the flaming blade of justice. He was also told to keep his chapter unseen and secret for the time being, due to the  Inquisition in the area, although the order was powerful, they only did what was just and needed and didn't start unnecessary fights, but eventually the time will come when they will stand in the way of justice and Palethon, as were the order's words. Sareth got the name 'Lion' for his chapter, due to the passion and courage he had, he was also given the title Sareth The Chivalrous as a master.

Sareth then rode to Ravendale (this is where the story continues in the current time...)

Chapter 6: A humble community
   As Sareth rode on his steed, he noticed lush green flora, which would be perfect for creating magical potions and elixirs, alchemy was an art Sareth recently started. He also heard rumors of a natoli alchemy master, so his first mission was to seek him out and also, maybe learn of the local fauna, flora, beasitary, rumors and ofcourse the people and the undead menace. But later on he was unable to find him and left this mission for later accomplishment, as he had more important matters to attend to. After he was done admiring the local wildlife and nature, he hadn't even noticed he was already at the town gates, small and humble, there were many bruises and gashes in the gates, showing Sareth that there had been a siege or a battle here. He however did not ride in, for he did not want to be seen due to his very high profile look, his armor. He then turned around and crossed a river, where his horse could finally drink. Sareth then noticed an old destroyed tower in the distance, he approached it and found it as a suitable place to set up camp, or a temporary base of operations for now.
   Many days passed and Sareth was a bit irritated by the amount of people that visited him, wanting nothing more than to stare at him and his equipment. He then thought that his presence here was already known and that it wouldn't matter if he walked into town, as he needed essencials such as food and other supplies, since he was not a good fisherman, he could not catch his own food and he didn't like hunting, he preferred the meat already sliced and red, not knowing the backstory of the animal it was from. His determination for good knew no bounds, he also looked around town, admiring the local guard force and the 'Adventurer's guild' although they all gave him weird stares and Sareth believed that in their minds he was some form of magical freak, so he didn't really go to town much after that time, but only to run an errand or few.
   Few weeks after the initial arrival Sareth went exploring the local area, he had also heard that 'Taren's Point' had been taken over by necromancers and alike, he then decided to go scout the area and take note of the enemy. He travelled through the forest, but as he was passing a cavern, a spider next to it had set up a nest in a nearby cave. He went to investigate only to find it sucking it's victims web dolls dry. They were in the shape of a human. So Sareth pulled his sword and engaged in a fearsome battle with the creature, barely killing it, due to the unorthodox environment. As he healed his wounds with a spell and continued on, he noticed another cave, he was ready this time and pulled out his sword. He walked in only to find a horde of undead waiting for him, but without hesitation Sareth began cutting them down one by one, until none were left, these were possibly sentries by the necromancers. As Sareth finally founds his way out of the cave, he managed to find a path to Taren't Point, the entire area was filled with dark aura and energy, the air stale with rotten flesh and death. Sareth knew now that it was no ordinary necromancer, as he came closer to the town he hid behind a large hill and observed from afar, he saw a banshee and a lich, he knew these creatures would be the only ones capable of such magic, he also knew that he could not take them on alone, although he could slay the lich, he would probably not have the energy to defeat the banshee and amongst them were necromancers, walking around, large in numbers. Sareth then returned to his camp.
   For the last few days Sareth had been planning to start recruiting and begin training a small army to take down the scourge, that plagued these lands. He also knew that the locals didn't like the Divines or any new god and that they worshipped the 'Old' gods. This was going to be a tough assignment for this new master paladin. He then realized that he had resources that were inbound if he needed any, the budget. So he decided to look into real-estate in town, so that he may form a proper base of operations and a church. There, perhaps people won't notice or take badly to white magic. Only time will tell...

Chapter 7: Journal of Sareth

I have seen this land for what it really is, it's a volcano ready to erupt. This land is filled with thieves, monsters and necromancers alike. Evil leaks out everywhere here, hellgates opening, werewolves eating people, jelly creatures digesting people alive, this land is going to be a true challenge. You can't see it right away, but behind the 'lovely' community, lush green forests, there lies a powerful evil, people fearing for their lives as the lich menace grows ever larger, town guards are swamped with murders and thievery, forests are filled with bandits, killers, monsters. The sooner I manage to form a solid standing in this land, the better, the foreign cultures and religions here are all smashed together, for now I must keep my religion a secret. Since tension is rising and people are dying, I have no choice but to seek apprentices, people I can trust, to train. These undead soulsucking dogs will regret the day they turned to evil!

Silver Knight

To note we don't have arabs. It has a culture loosely based around arabic culture however they are tanned, not fugly and are not imbreds.

The term you are looking for is Ambertoli.

AS for Patheon, don't you mean Palethon? The God of Light.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Fixed it, should be ok now.


Unaffiliated: Mikhal 'Sabre' Tokerov -:- Alive
Ex-Military/Spetsnaz: Andrei 'War' Mirkov -:- Alive
Military Observer: Victor Tokerov -:- Alive
Unaffiliated: 'Siege' -:- Deceased
Leoyid 'Rat Tail' Olinsky -:- Alive
The Tar Man -:- No Data


I thought we had like two types of Amertoli, more of the italian type folk then the major middle eastern types, also you told me about this before in TS romka looking good.


I believe Zombiehunta stated the Ambertoli look Spanish in one of the convos I had to him. Same with the Ma'Rhanian people, they are closer to a Mediterranean sort of look than full-on Arabic.


Tweaked it.. hopefully now it explains it better. Also something I forgot to mention earlier, I will be updating this regularly, as a journal, noting all my recent and important achievements and activities, good way to keep track of my char.

Also edited the part about my armor, it was quite inconvenient with it glowing all the time.


<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


Seems somewhat over powered, but other than that it's okay.... I guess.


This has got to be one of the most blatantly retarded characters I've seen, and if you cannot see the reasons it only confirms that you are the same.

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


Instead of calling it a retarded character, make up a proper critique about it, not blatantly just shout out 'He's retarded!'.
Quite frankly your ability to handle things with a discretion is quite appalling, perhaps your poor skill in expressing your opinion shows your own lower intelligence? As a 'highly regarded' member of HGN, is it not your duty to act professionally, at least a little, on the forums, to show other people aswell of your capabilities and make a better impression of HGN, than to cause constant rage and drama, which I know HGN is already known for? Performing this all outside the GVC ofcourse. Am I wrong?

I also realise this has nothing to do with my character backstory, but I don't mind. This character was made for a reason, which I cannot disclose at this time, in this public thread, however Rov and Mad might tell you more. Don't comment, unless you've read the whole thing, understand the reasons behind this char IC/OOC and then post your opinion, which shouldn't be utterly slanderous.


Quote from: Romka on 03-12-2011
Instead of calling it a retarded character, make up a proper critique about it, not blatantly just shout out 'He's retarded!'.
Quite frankly your ability to handle things with a discretion is quite appalling, perhaps your poor skill in expressing your opinion shows your own lower intelligence? As a 'highly regarded' member of HGN, is it not your duty to act professionally, at least a little, on the forums, to show other people aswell of your capabilities and make a better impression of HGN, than to cause constant rage and drama, which I know HGN is already known for? Performing this all outside the GVC ofcourse. Am I wrong?

I also realise this has nothing to do with my character backstory, but I don't mind. This character was made for a reason, which I cannot disclose at this time, in this public thread, however Rov and Mad might tell you more. Don't comment, unless you've read the whole thing, understand the reasons behind this char IC/OOC and then post your opinion, which shouldn't be utterly slanderous.
You mean that your paladin was going to kill Madcombats demon thrall?


Could all you atleast be a bit gentle, I'm sure there's a lot more to it. And instead of trolling this thread, give actually usual critisism.
I know it's difficult because this is HGN, and we are known for our more "aggresive" behavior towards others, but there's no need to be like this against our own members.
And if Ravanger authorized this character, deal with it. He got his SV for a reason.

Let's all just wait and see what this characters IC effect is.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: Recreas on 04-12-2011
I know it's difficult because this is HGN, and we are known for our more "aggresive" behavior towards others, but there's no need to be like this against our own members.

Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Recreas on 04-12-2011
Could all you atleast be a bit gentle, I'm sure there's a lot more to it. And instead of trolling this thread, give actually usual critisism.
I know it's difficult because this is HGN, and we are known for our more "aggresive" behavior towards others, but there's no need to be like this against our own members.
And if Ravanger authorized this character, deal with it. He got his SV for a reason.

Let's all just wait and see what this characters IC effect is.
Ravanger just had to talk to him about cutting back on all the OP gear.


Actually, he told me I was OP yes, but he didn't cut back on the gear, please don't put words in either of our mouths. I am simply changing my strategy a bit, don't interfere with things, that you don't fully understand.


Quote from: Romka on 04-12-2011
Actually, he told me I was OP yes, but he didn't cut back on the gear, please don't put words in either of our mouths. I am simply changing my strategy a bit, don't interfere with things, that you don't fully understand.
Rav was in teamspeak the entire time telling me what he was telling you.

He told you to not go overboard like you have been, making him some uber character.


Aye, try get some progression into it rather then going straight head on into it.


Quote from: Plunger on 04-12-2011
Quote from: Romka on 04-12-2011
Actually, he told me I was OP yes, but he didn't cut back on the gear, please don't put words in either of our mouths. I am simply changing my strategy a bit, don't interfere with things, that you don't fully understand.
Rav was in teamspeak the entire time telling me what he was telling you.

He told you to not go overboard like you have been, making him some uber character.
He told me, in his exact words last night, "He is making it ridiculously overpowered and has had trouble with powergaming"

"Stop living life so that you can do a job with out pay"
-Blake/Last Exile


I must start clarifying at some point, so it may as well be now. Ambertol is not the desert continent, that is Ma'Rhan. Neither Ambertol nor Ma'Rhan worship these gods. In fact, neither worship any gods. Ambertol is the country southeast of Crussaria, and it is mainly based on Italian and Spanish cultures (in terms of names, architecture and clothing). It is also moderate (north, bordering Crussaria), sub-tropical (mid-southern), and tropical (absolute south, where the Spanish-influenced culture takes more root) climates. They worship no god, as they never developed a creation myth, however that is nothing to get into here. For all I know, your character is a convert. I assume he would be from Ma'Rhan, though, the desert continent occupied by Ambertoli forces. This continent is south of the land mass encompassing Crussaria and Ambertol (and many other countries/nations/kingdoms), and goes as far south as connecting with the southern pole. This culture had no gods, but had a creation myth. However, their culture is being slowly (but surely) wiped out by the Ambertoli occupying force, so getting into their culture (on this topic specifically) would just be getting off topic, as your character would likely only have known Ambertoli rule. If you're interested enough, Romka, you can ask me about modern Ma'Rhanian naming conventions, as I would be happy to answer the request.
"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." Hunter S. Thompson, A.K.A. Gonzo.


Quote from: Cutch on 04-12-2011
Quote from: Plunger on 04-12-2011
Quote from: Romka on 04-12-2011
Actually, he told me I was OP yes, but he didn't cut back on the gear, please don't put words in either of our mouths. I am simply changing my strategy a bit, don't interfere with things, that you don't fully understand.
Rav was in teamspeak the entire time telling me what he was telling you.

He told you to not go overboard like you have been, making him some uber character.
He told me, in his exact words last night, "He is making it ridiculously overpowered and has had trouble with powergaming"

When you get a OP character, power gaming occures alot.  Thats why OP characters defiantly need a hell lot of moderation.