Recor the Relevant

Started by Recreas, 05-12-2011

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Recor the Relevant

Real Name: Recor Ralfundus Arbitar Rellevantus or in short Recor Rellevant

Nickname: Recor the Relevant.

Age: Somewhere in his late 40's.

Race: Human

Religion: The Old Gods, especially The Shadow.

Equipment: He's dressed in dark red robes, a small dagger is attached to his belt together with some holy water and a small pouch. He always carries his Book of Sul Iluóv Seldarine with him.

Appearance: An avarage sized man, his hair is greying both on the hair on his head and his beard. His voice is deep and low and you can see confidence in his eyes.


Twenty years ago....

It's curious, atleast I thought it was. The fire spreading through the town, men getting excuted right in front of their family and screams of pain coming from the distance. And this all on the day of days, the day when Crussaria was given its mountains and rivers, why did this awfull event happen on this day, that is where my curiousity went to. But soon this thought was broken, I got called. It was Sir Helvar, a tall and strong man in heavy plated armor, he said to me "Priest, come here, I want you to give our men your blessings, they're not willing to continue without your blessing". His voice was like a burden on my shoulders, I did not want to follow his commands, but our the gods demand it so it must have some purpose. I didn't reply, I had no choice so I walked upto the square. The fighting had stopped for a moment and every soldier was waiting for their blessings, I opened the book, the book of prayers, the book of gods or the book of Sul Iluóv Seldarine.

And so I began to say my prayers, to give them the blessings of the gods, the blessing of Dathius to give them strength. It was only a pair of seconds after I blessed them when the fighting restarted. You could hear steel clashing on steel, the sound of flames, eating wood like it was nothing. It was a horrible day, but I knew that my future would exist of only this.

(WIP, I'll be adding chapters and etc.. tell me what you think so far and be free to correct my spelling. I'm no native englishman.)
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves