
Started by Madcombat, 23-11-2011

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Name: Gregore Dragunsurn
Age: 23

Race: Man of the north (Past) Demon (Now) (Need to reconcider this since he is now part Demon and part Lich, new name in order.  Possibly wont be given a known race apart from the concept of Lich or Demon.)

Equipment: Runed Demon Blade, Black Plate Armour
Description: Bone Grey hair, Bone Pale skin, Runed Demonic Blade coated in a cold blue frosty aura. Large Black Plate Armour.  Around 6'1, mascular and bulky.

Closest Resembling picture:

Story so far:
"He shall be one of demon blood, a prince of hate, yet his soul screams out to those around him, I am no slave.  My will is my own."
Book of the Damned chapter 5, verse 431

This is the story of a man besieged by all evil knocking at his very soul, a man from the North.  A man of the gods now a man of death, a man of demonic being.  They call him Dragunsurn, the hero to defeat the ancients so Galla religion believed.  The man to kill with a common blade and to return blessed by Palethon and warrior of Dathius. 

Could we say after the final demon encounter that Dragunsurn was evil?  We should know, evil is not all sudden, there is always a rise to that evil, A journey.   If we did not believe that, Palethon and Dathius would not have blessed him in the first place, but they did.  Before the incident, Dragunsurn was a warrior from the North coming to Ravendale in seek to create a grand tournament for his entertainment and others, he rose to becoming interested in one god.  Dathius is what he put his trust into, he believed he would keep true to his sword and ability to wage a fight on another.  He spent his time in Ravendale for some time, learning and becoming one of the greatest warriors in Ravendale.

Dragunsurn soon joined the guards in order to gain excitement and a thrill to fight for Ravendale, to show the kindness it had shown him.  But he would not remain there for long, his destiny was out there.  Dragunsurn embarked on a patrol with his fellow brothers and was greeted by the undead and finally a demon.  Out of the confusion Dragunsurn brought forth his shield and charged the beast, blocking most of the attack that the demon conjured at him and with one throw with his Blade, he impaled the source of evil.  From that point, warmth over whelmed him and his companions, he was blessed by Palethon.  But something else drew him, something different.  His Blade, it was changed by the demonic energy and Blood that had infused within' the blade.

He grabbed it, and so he felt complete and so a Churches prophecy became true.  It was discovered that due to Dragunsurn being able to wield both power of good and evil, he was the one foretold in the Galla prophecy.  No one knows what Dragunsurn thought about this belief; he just took it upon himself to carry it out.   Dragunsurn slept a long sleep and awoke in the day, a final patrol, but yet something had changed.  His blessing of Palethon had warn off, and the demonic energy from the blade began to overwhelm him as he wielded it.

No one knows what ran through Dragunsurn mind upon seeing the book, but it is known that he pleaded for his Captain to leave and allow him to handle the situation, claiming of a great plan.  Dragunsurn was trapped, and so a book was signed in blood.   He would stand, without his Blade he once had for it had been robed from him.  The knight of Ravendale believed in its destruction, but the Dragunsurn had different plans, he would steal it before its destruction and set off into the Forest, only to return with an Orc.  It seemed no one cared to listen for what Dragunsurn tried to warn the captain, and so the bond between Ravendale and Dragunsurn was broken.

An army would march upon Ravendale, corrupted by Tioens wish.  But only a slaughter of that army would merge, Crussaria had victory.  But they did not have Dragunsurn and the Demon.  Rumours say Dragunsurn returned to Taren Point.  Others say he went to the crypt leading a group of undead through the forest.   What he does is of mystery.  But the undeniable truth is, Dragunsurn had a plan, and we shall see what comes of that plan.

Side Notes:  This is the story so far what the general public in game would know, so I am keeping it that way until further events unfold.  For those who have not been up to date with playing.  Theres been quite afew events and I advise you to get involved in the roleplay that is surrounding Crussaria.


Part Two - Undeath claiming of Tarren Point
Black clouds stir over tarren Point, frost and snow falls from the mists of the sky coating the once lush green landscape, now a dead forsaken land of decay and loss.  The undead did not care, nor could he?  How could he care?  He lost everything; he gave his life away to keep the evil at bay but yet even when he tried to explain, out of ignorance he was ignored upon and so he has remained on his throne.  Dragunsurn felt nothing anymore, his skin bone white from the cold love from his now unholy spirit, his armour plated with a dark material shrouding his skin.  One could see upon sight the man, snow fall upon him.  But the cold was not like the snow a child could roll upon, it was tough and had a hint of death about it.  Though the snow touched the skin of Dragunsurn, he could not feel the cold reach his bones.  All was in his mind was this obsession, this craze to become greater and more powerful.  They say where an evil lurks, the land will react to that evil, and so it has been turned to fact.

Dragunsurn, his mind coated in horrors of voices of the souls he once cared for now stored within his Demonic Blade, the life of hundreds shroud around him, looking to him to for freedom.  He could only stare forward, ignoring their presence.  No one could feel such a lost presence.  To be there, to feel so much death about the man would bring pity to one's soul, but to be there, that soul would not be yours any longer for he would take it from you, and rise you from the dead to observe as your body betray your soul.  To lose your soul is a great loss, forever remains in you shall remain nothing but the empty cold that lurks within the body you may feel but cannot claim.   Around the mist of souls you'd think to find the Lich lord that Dragunsurn had defeated, but his presence was not in sight, but heard it was.  Three voices in particular cloud the mind of Dragunsurn, the voice of the Demon that had set him upon this path, his own voice and mind and yet finally, the Lich lord.  Mal' Khaitas died to what we know, but its soul and aura lives through Dragunsurn.

At the moment of the destruction of Mal' Khaitas, only one could think Mal' Khaitas was finished and no more.  But there was another fact.  Inside the blade Mal' Khaitas bore his mind and soul and from when Dragunsurn took and wielded the blade his soul travelled to Dragunsurn deep peaks of his mind.  Mal' Khaitas would now remain trapped inside the mind of Dragunsurn, but would bare gifts to Dragunsurn. He cast away the now broken Blade that the Lich Lord once carried, and took it upon himself to reclaim his Demonic Blade of power.  The chill of death for the first time travelled through Dragunsurn heart, it was now nowhere near a heart, but a black frozen ice burg, forever changed by the cold that flowed within his self.  And finally, that damned voice.

'My champion' echoed a voice from within, 'Travel back to the depths of where you came, and begin the cleansing of all that is holy of Tarren Point.  This, I command you.'  And so the rumour that was once predicted by only mere travellers was confirmed, Dragunsurn raised the crypt and travelled there to Tarren point, blocking the way behind him with an army of death and decay.  What has come of Dragunsurn since the claim of Tarren Point is to come to play.  And yet still, the Masters of death speak to each over, the trade of skill and death now Dragunsurn, his champion.  And yet deep within is an ever growing conflict between the Lich and the Demon.


I'm just going to note it subtily here before I start, what you are about to read is IC, however not known to the IC public intrests.  This is purely out of other purposes to show to you that the character is very much still alive with flesh and blood and shows he does feel still and that he DOES regret decisions.  Also, whats not to get mixed up is that theres a diffrence between his soul and his mind, both are seperet entitys.  And yes, I am going to state it here and now, I have taken alot of inspiration from Rise of the Lich King (Book) for this piece of work.
Inside the Blade

A deep chuckle of a voice is echoed across the hall before a clash of a voice, "You really think you have a chance boy?" the hall is dusty; it has not been tended to for years now. It has been long since abandoned since the beginning of this campaign, yet the lights in the hall flicker, they still burn though and remain burning. I looked towards what spoke with such aggression and yet bared a large bulky man; sheathed on him he carried a blade, a witch blade I might take a calling to it. His eyes a bright red, flowing with energy. So much about this man, his hair a bone grey. I could almost see the ice on his chin and yet he stood there with that grin, it was as if he was to tease me with it, the grin which held insanity within it. "You cannot change him. We have been together for so long, he would not stop to abandon me..." a frail voice echoed as I looked over and yet saw a skinny voice, a smaller man. One could at least say that he looked at least the age of thirteen, but his voice, the frailness of his voice I could only imagine such a man was of nine years of age. I continued to inspect the boy from the distance, he was seemed so distant now, so far away and yet the man with the grin that teased me still stepped closer towards me. The boy’s hair was a light brown, yet much like the hall it had been abused, it was defiantly not clean, impure. But what could I say, I placed my hand to my hair and yet the feel of it, I still to this day try to ignore. How could I be the one to judge? This boy was impure, tainted even perhaps? And yet I, I the one to set so many events in motion, I thought I could control it at one point, but I guess we can’t control everything, it is like anger. It comes and it leaves and it normally leaves a hideous scar upon the world. "I've left my scar..." I doubtfully replied.

"It's not too late, you have not even touched the fringes of what could occur!" the young boy replied quickly, light emitting from his body. For a brief moment, I could feel that light too, inside of me and it burned as it conflicted against my very nature. Then that dreadful growl, I turned and looked to the snarling mouth. "You can’t possibly hope to believe there is escape from this life?" so I observed the man who ever became paler. And then I observed as he grasped the boy and began to cast him upon the ground and for it I ever so felt weaker. And so I heard the laugh once again, the sound of a body being struck and the laughter of a crazed fool. "You cannot win; there will always be hope for those who have walked a dreadful path!" I looked over to the child again, amongst all the pain and suffering the child was taking, he endured and glowed ever brighter and yet the child’s glow would only allow me to feel the warmth again, the warmth of what I have not felt in so long. The laughing man looked to me again and he laughed and laughed and yet I could feel that light inside of me burn out slowly. "Do not give up hope!" the 'creature' served and so I could not swallow, I could only take it lightly. I can’t believe in hope, not after what I have been. But there is always a chance and so I reached down and grasped my sheath and then finally the hilt. It felt warm, I could remember the ice from my hand and the hilt alike being one, but now it was different and so I pulled upon it and stared into the core of the blade.

"I can see my face, my long forgotten face. It is not as pale as I could remember. My skin seems warm, it seems quite the opposite to what I remember and my eyes, they are blue. An-" I choked on these words. "No." I spoke out, a dreadful smirk I formed. And then the image of me changed, the hair I had turned to its Bone Grey state and so my eyes returned to the mixture of blue, green and red. All elements I recognised completely and entirely quickly. Unholy, vile green, cold, frozen Blue and finally the bloodiest of all reds I had seen. "This is what I am, there is no chance and I have come too far to fall now." I spoke out with a firm voice to the boy. The boy repeated with what he so stuck by "Do not give up hope!" but I could not believe it, not for me anyhow. I raised my weapon that is now glowing a icy blue, the aura dripping from the core of the blade, the runes illuminating amongst the darkening room.

"Be gone boy, I do not require you anymore, I have no need for you." The boys mouth dropped as he fell against the floor, and so I casted him away from this nightmare. I turned my attention to what was now laughing in the most insane manner I could not comprehend myself, but all was clear in my mind now, his voice and I. "We are together, you and me shall go far my lord!" I continued to observe, but my mouth only opened to reveal my true plan, my masterful strike of fear. "No, you are mine. And I have gained what I have required from you." My blade raised and it struck upon what I could now see as an empty husk, a mere Lich of Undeath.

"Quite bitter, isn’t it?"


Fixed up, I'll write later about some other stuff I guess.  This is alot of work for one character...


Quote from: Madcombat on 05-12-2011
Fixed up, I'll write later about some other stuff I guess.  This is alot of work for one character...
He's a fucking demon Litch hybrid, damn right he needs a lot of work. This to me, as a character, just sounds like a cry/ grab at an OP character, imo, and to be perfectly honest


Mhm, thats exactly why I try not to go on him.  If theres a event to do then I am normally on him, if not then to be perfectly honest I'd rather be on a diffrent character because it really can be dull being on this character.


Quote from: Madcombat on 05-12-2011
Mhm, thats exactly why I try not to go on him.  If theres a event to do then I am normally on him, if not then to be perfectly honest I'd rather be on a diffrent character because it really can be dull being on this character.
He dosnt seem like he can die, he probably can one shot people by looking at them, and probably can come back to life because he is a Litch. I see no downside.


Quote from: KingArthur on 05-12-2011
Quote from: Madcombat on 05-12-2011
Mhm, thats exactly why I try not to go on him.  If theres a event to do then I am normally on him, if not then to be perfectly honest I'd rather be on a diffrent character because it really can be dull being on this character.
He dosnt seem like he can die, he probably can one shot people by looking at them, and probably can come back to life because he is a Litch. I see no downside.

No worries he can die it would just take a decent amount of effort to kill him and a few people, thats why he mainly stays in his base meaning for which you will be makeing the choice of attacking him and mainly its his minions that run out and attack us if they leave Taren's point.


Not to mention every picture people.  Post is like some god or some guy in enough armor to be a wall, or glowing, all all of the above. Typing from my phone e,view the.mistakes


Aye, completely agree.  Thats why I say again "I prefere to not go on him regulary"
Think of him more like a event character, when theres a event thats got somthing to occure then hes likely to be around (Pending if its to do with him.)
Beyond that, I have not really used any major powers of my character apart from yesterdays event which I really dread about what it actually came to...  Either way, you should not fear this character OOC'ly.  I and I am sure Ravanger personally has him completely moderatered so hopefully he doesnt go on what I've seen before in servers which is normally a lolpowerkillspree.
Hell, if you ask me, I am looking forward to the day this character dies and hell if you also ask me, its giving Crussaria a main point of focus for a enermy which we didnt have afew weeks back when we was just lurking around doing things that made no sence at all.
Infact its had so much impact that its gave admins and guards alike to make jobs/events for players such as yesterday when I witnessed the gathering of materials for the on coming war events.
Also, I can most certonally promise you, if one banishes his own soul he most defiantly can not return to the realm of the living or undeath.  All its going to do is leave a hunger for souls.

Also, about the glowing.  Well, he is leading the Undead currently so I am sure theres some sort of exception there.  More on the conversation when I get home I guess, right now I am at collage and I've got to wait one hour for the bus so I'll be happy to have a chat to you when I get home mate.  If anything, I am glad you posted and brought this up.