
Started by Poopship, 17-07-2011

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Faith's dagger that she obtained from a dead thief.

Height: Five foot nine.
Weight: 169lbs.

Age: 27.

Religion: Worshiper of Palethon

Eye Color: Baby blue.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Apparel: Ragged brown robe with a hood that shades her face. Not visible but there is a small golden chain around her neck with a golden cross. Her face is pale from the lack of sun reaching her face. She wears ugly pattens (sort of like a sandal), and has a rip in her robe near the upper thigh from a stab wound she suffered months ago from a highway man.

Alignment: Neutral Good.

        'Faith' was the daughter of a rogue witch and wizard who was being hunted by the Citadel. Her mother and father were being hunted for so long. They wanted to just pass on the bloodline so they had a baby and left it on a farmer's doorstep with a golden cross necklace. The parents were caught only two days after leaving 'Faith'. They were then executed for being rogue mages.

   The parents did not know of Faith's power and raised her as their own. Faith tended to be a quiet baby, rarely crying. She was loved dearly by both of her parents. When Faith was a toddler, her step-father was stabbed by a cut-throat escaping the local guard. The man was taking shortcut by Faith's family homestead and her step-father tried to stop the man, the man stabbed him in the chest with his dagger and ran away. The guards kept chasing him. She hastily ran to her father and looks at her father's face, he was dying slowly as he was stabbed in the lower abdomen. She put her hand to his father's wound with tears in her eyes while her mother was in the market. Within ten minutes, the wound clotted, and only scar tissue remained.

   His father now knew she was a blessing from Palethon. He kept this secret from everyone, even his wife. When Faith began to start learning English, her parents put almost all the Dragoons they had into getting her a education, teaching her to read and write. This also made the family suffer, they could barely feed themselves. All the food they had, needed to be sold for education. Eventually they purchased a book of Palethon. She was told to read it every night before bed. She learned about morals and the rights and wrong while learning legends and myths.

   When she was thirteen, she started to realize that she had very little resemblance to her parents. She started questioning her parents why her eyes were blue when both of her parent's eyes were brown. Eventually, her parents told her that she was not their own. She got confused, and frustrated, she never looked at her parents the same way.

   A few years later, when she was sixteen, her parent's decided to force a marriage between the neighbor's son, William and Faith. When it came time for her wedding, she packed up her book of Palethon and a took her mother's brown robes and fled her family's homestead. She ran through the woods and ran as far as she could. She was deep in the woods and she sat down; leaning on a stump. She rested, closing her eyes. While she was asleep, a lone bandit found her, asleep. The bandit put his blade to below her chin sideways; he nudged it trying to wake her up. She woke up seeing the blade. She gasped looking up at the man. "Wh-what do you want?" she shuttered in a frail voice. "All yer' silva' lassy." the man barked in a deep crackly voice. She replies with a tear coming from her eye. "I don't have any, silver." "Ey', then it be in tha' ground ye' rot 'den!" the bandit says bitterly. He lifts his dagger into the air, chortling, getting ready to slice her throat. Faith closes her eyes, waiting for her death. All of a sudden, an arrow whistled by, hitting the bandit's right forearm; forcing him to drop his blade. Faith's eye's burst open hearing the sound of the bandit's screams. She screams as well scrambling to find and pick up the blade. She manages to grab it, but gets jabbed in the face by the bandit's left hand. She gets knocked over. She quickly holds her knife in her right and her head in her left, she looks up where the bandit was, and sees him running. An arrow whistles by the man as he is running; she blindly throws her dagger at the man's back. The terrible throw misses his back but severs his Achilles tendon. The bandit screams, and the archer runs over to Faith; he helps her up and walks over to the bandit. "So, how ya' doing there, Big Nose?" asks the mysterious archer. "Fuck off ye' twat!" replies the bandit, in pain. "Well, guess who's gettin' the bounty on yer' head? Me. Hey, girl, give me his dagga'." Faith nods tossing the archer his dagger. The archer starts to saw the man's head off, while he's alive. The bandit screams at the top of his lungs and then gurgles, blood spewing out of his mouth. Faith gasps, eyes bulging, she had never seen this kind of violence before. The archer finishes severing the bandit's head. "So, what's a girl like you, doing in the forests?" The man asks, slowly getting up; holding the head. "I-I-I am trying to get to Ravendale." She says while trying to calm down. "Well, I could split th'bounty with ya'. He woulda' gotten away if you hadn't'a got 'im." She nods her head with a smile. They started walking to town.

    After about an hour they arrived in Ravendale where he brought the head to the town guard. He was paid eighty silver coins, and have thirty-five to Faith, "Thank you so much." Said Faith. "T'was nothin'. I gotta' head out, I may see you 'round."  Faith nods and watches as he walks away. She turns and walks her own way. She realizes she never got his name and turns back, but he is nowhere to be found. She also decides to go out to the nearest tailor to purchase some new clothes. She talks to the tailor. "Have any white linen robes?" she asks. "Actually, yeah, some low-life ordered one and never showed. You can have it, two silver coins" Faith hands over two silver coins in exchange for a beautiful white linen robe. "Thank you." She walks out in the middle of town holding her new robe. It starts to get dark at 8:00PM. She goes to the local tavern and rents a room. She finds a book about magic and the citadel. She realizes she cannot perform magic in public or she'll be killed. She locks her door and lays down for a rest.

  Three years pass and she is twenty-one. Faith walks down a street, she walks down a back alley where she sees a poor man being beaten to a pulp. She draws her



You sir Turkey, can read minds.

Anyways, good story but may I remind you that magic is not on the server. It's not even to be rp'd. It's something you might have heard of just like Orcs and goblins and elfs. But nobody in Ravendale seen them yet what so ever. This counts for magic, so you may never even rp your magical abilities.

But I suppose you knew that so ehm, keep up the good work with these chars just like ThY.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Quote from: Recreas on 18-07-2011
You sir Turkey, can read minds.

Anyways, good story but may I remind you that magic is not on the server. It's not even to be rp'd. It's something you might have heard of just like Orcs and goblins and elfs. But nobody in Ravendale seen them yet what so ever. This counts for magic, so you may never even rp your magical abilities.

But I suppose you knew that so ehm, keep up the good work with these chars just like ThY.

Will it eventually be able to be roleplayed? She ain't got no super powers. Just regenerative stuff.


Ýes it will be eventually integrated into the lore, but I'm not sure if you have to apply for even minor abilities.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves


Very well made, I underestimated you Poop.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Quote from: GeneralGold on 18-07-2011
Very well made, I underestimated you Poop.

Nowhere near done.

Also Recreas, note I may train and get stronger powers, but the speed in which I gain powers is extremely low because of the constant strain caused by the Rogue mage hunters. This is all a "dream" however.


Bump I have achieved writers block, please help me, give suggestions and perhaps ideas to add to the character.


So she is a healer? That'tall?


Quote from: KingArthur on 20-07-2011
So she is a healer? That'tall?

Mhm. Hopefully I get something like holy fire so I get atleast one holy spell, it's mainly so I can mend broken bones and seal realistic cuts, not like, throat slits, or 2 feet cuts.


I like what we talked about on SF about that char as well Poopship.


I will leave this as is for about a week, I will try and reboot it up, but I sort of raged a bit hard after I lost 3 paragraphs.