Kenny Haslam

Started by Chaos, 05-04-2010

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Age: 18 by the end of the story
Gender: Male

Homeplanet: Space Station T-13
Faction: Inclassified.

Position: Citizen

         Kenny Haslam was born in a medium-sized space station, T-13. He was a test-tube baby, he had no real father or mother and his serial number was 21713. They imprinted the numbers on his forearm, forever scarring him with his past. All of the scientists called him by his number, never his name. His birth certificate even showed the numbers as his name.
     Most of Kenny's life was spent with the Scientists. The person that paid for the baby never came back, so he had nowhere to go. It was free money for the Scientists but they didn't want the baby, it was more burden than anything. Kenny went where all the unwanted went. Desertia was to be his new home.
     By the age of 16, Kenny was ready to be sent to Desertia. He was completely unaware of the whole thing, the Scientists told him he was going to Glavik. They threw him in the escape pod and launched it out. Destination: Desertia. Kenny Haslam was about to realise that he wasn't going to Glavik at all, he was going to a much worse place.
     When Kenny arrived everyone just stared at him. People rushed to the escape pod that landed on the planet, and just surrounded Kenny. When he got out, a skinny old man slowly walked up and told him to come with him. The man told him everything he knew about the planet, the factions, what to stay away from, and how to survive in the desert wasteland.
     After 2 years had gone by, Kenny was well-educated the ways of Desertia. He could survive in a barren desert, avoid a tangle with Bandits, and make a quick Mesi. The old man also taught him to never trust anyone. Your best friend is likely to become your enemy at some point in Desertia. Kenny became very fond of CE for their heroic acts, when he observed a small rebel force be obliterated by CE. A 4-man squad took out 20 rebels. He decided to Apply for CE, and become a proud soldier in the great Close Endeavors. Kenny is currently wandering around the dessert, in search of shelter.
Categorization: Chaotic Good

Favored Enemy: Rebles and backstabbers. Robbers and Deserters.

Favored Weapon: Any medium to long range weapon, with good accuracy. I'd like a gun similar to M4's and M16's

Current Task: Trying to find a Home, possibly a faction.