John Miller

Started by OjManchow, 09-04-2010

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Age: 21
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Earth
Faction: Independant Miner
Position: Demolitionist and part time Gear Head

Biography: John Was your average Jack of the lad type of bloke, Born in Britain, He never was a remarkable sort and only left school with average grades and qualifications in which he found it hard to beat his competition on the job market.
at the age of 17 John joined the British army to broaden his horizons, not to actually fight, and entered as a Combat Engineer and during training he learnt how to arm and disarm various explosives, though disarming was never his strong point as the adrenaline of trying to disarm something that could go off and kill / maim him in the next second was sometimes too much but usually he would pull through.
After serving the minimum amount of years, Seeing no Combat, and getting some new experiences and qualifications under his belt.
Eventually he made the big decision of leaving Earth after hearing of the " Endless High Paying Jobs " that are availible on a planet called Desertia, He packed his stuff and took the next shuttle . . .
Categorization: Neutral / Rogue Initiative
Favored Enemy: Bandits, Wannabe Hard Arses
Favored Weapon: Anything Explosive to lighten up the day, literally
Current Task: Keep the bloody Mine electrics working - In Progress