Adrian Marr

Started by adrian_marr, 07-04-2010

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Age: 21
Gender: Male
Homeplanet: Eart
City: Los Angeles
Faction: In-Classified
Position: None

January 17th, 2365 A.D.
So I was born in Los Angeles, California on March 9th, 2344. When I was 15 years old, my life started dramatically changing as I got fed up with school and dropped out when I learned what I knew I needed. My friends were always stoned, my dad was never around, my mom moved to Portland to sell crack out of a trailer, and myself... I wasn't the best kid around. When my friend told me that I was a skilled shooter... I knew my life might change.
My friend showed me something he found behind an old apartment in Compton, California one day. I don't know what he showed me, but it's the reason I'm on Dessertia.

Categorization: Neutral
Favoured enemy: The ones who make me their enemies
Favoured weapon: Beretta M9, Colt MEU
Rivaling: None

1.) Black button up shirt
2.) Blue Jeans
3.) Small glass pipe
4.) Thought of survival


You better not be smokin that pipe without me!


Noodle ain't from japan, XD


Homeplanet:Eart? i didn't heard about that planet O.o
Hawke (The main character of Dragon Age 2) named after me :D